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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. I am going to add new chn to an existing bubble because my first bubble will be too small if it stays as is, making it impossible moving forward with enough staff or places to put the bubbles.
  2. I just can’t see people will do it if it means losing pay 🤷‍♀️ and we also now need to think about the implications regards gdpr if we (or a staff member) are contacted by a tracer and asked to give details of our families and other staff ...another agreement to prepare 🤦‍♀️
  3. Interesting question, I hadn’t thought about it, but I guess I’d follow the same guidance that we would if a child or staff had to leave the setting with symptoms, which only says anyone else would have to isolate if a test was positive. I’d ask the family to let me know if they developed symptoms themselves and for test results. I think RP asked a question tonight on the same thing, he asked if he was contacted and told to self-isolate could he go home or have to stay away from the family, I’m sure the answer was he could go home to S-I and his family wouldn’t have to S-I unless he developed symptoms, so on that one parent might be told they have to S-I but the other could still bring a child to the setting....It’s all getting very confusing and something else that will need adding to the plan 🤦‍♀️ Edit - found this on the BBC news site, but it also raises another question ....if a member of staff is contacted and told to S-I for 14 days who’s paying them?
  4. I’ll see you in jail 😝 I only have to 1st June, I’ll get on an HMRC chat tomorrow and plead to their better nature ...or not
  5. It still says you have to file the return even if doing a nil to pay.
  6. I’ll try harder then 🤦‍♀️ I can see a link on the letter saying ‘if you calculate no payment is due’ ...well I haven’t calculated anything I just think we won’t have to pay anything as a charity?
  7. I’m going to do that too, when I phoned HMRC to ask why’d I’d had the letter and we are a charity was told I still had to submit the self assessment and why I was being sent an access code, but nothing would be due to pay 🤷‍♀️ edit: on the letter there is a ‘check-if-you-tax-return’ link but it starts off with we’re you self- employed, did you use that? Do they realize I don’t have time for this with everything there is to do right now without them threatening penalty fines 😡
  8. I’m thinking maybe just adding a photo of form to an ob so parent can comment that they’ve seen it, not ideal as I don’t really want them in journals but I’ve never really used ‘reports’ to be confident with that (I might have a play if I have time).
  9. You’re soon going to find out ...don’t forget to record your findings 😝
  10. Oops it’s quoted twice and no idea how to delete one. How did you do that Louby? I logged in but it said I needed an access code to use the scheme (I’d had one sent for the account no one could sort out for furlough so now need another as it expired). when I logged in it said I had an over due amount of £39 to pay 😟 no idea why as I’ve paid what payroll told me to pay so it has to be this Sodding furlough nonsense, I’m presuming it’s to do with NI/pension on top up payments,, I’m sure I wasn’t asked that on the first claim but is in this one I’ve just done ....but who knows or cares, I’ve sent the question to my very helpful payroll team 🤷‍♀️
  11. Individual pots? Set of own resources, washed after use, would have to be adult led though to ensure no mixing or eating, couldn’t really share resources in a bubble as they could contaminate a rolling pin them the next child use it ... it is totally going against the grain of “share the playdough” or I would think play as bubble for a short period sharing playdough and resources then ditch?
  12. Is anyone else planning on applying for the ‘Local Authority Discretionary Grant’? I’m going to try on point 24. Charity rates relief not being entitled to claim the SBRG, it will be unfair if they means test as businesses entitled to SBRG weren’t so we’ll see, but might be worth a shot if anyone fell through the ‘small business grant rates relief’ net. I have to do my next furlough claim today, also have a ‘corporation tax reminder’, I was supposed to reapply for an access code for that but it got totally overlooked in the trying to sort out a way to access the furlough scheme through the PAYE account, does anyone realize this is supposed to be half term as in no pay half term for lots of us 🤦‍♀️
  13. Haha the rough edges aren’t the problem it’s the smooth shiny bits 😝
  14. It was the letters/paper thing that struck me as totally at odds to what we are told by government about our post. We’ve now stripped everything back to what we think is easily cleanable and it didn’t leave a lot (after the plastic fantastic revolution) but it looks very tidy, it will be interesting to see if chn miss anything (other than dressing up rack) ask for things not out or just accept it isn’t there.
  15. Gravel pits? Is that a no too?
  16. It might be a go back to the old way before continuous provision where you knew exactly what was coming out each day, we have units that we can change what’s on them and then turn the other units inwards so what’s on them can’t be accessed.
  17. Me too, if child A is sent home with symptoms no one else needs to stay home unless child A is tested positive or anyone else in child A’s bubble shows symptoms ....or that’s my understanding of the EY guidance, even if they can get tested I guess any result won’t be instant .
  18. My thoughts too Panders, I’m thinking open one day, close for 3 or rotation basis ....after all it is only guidance 😉
  19. It sounds like you have it all under control, I’m thinking a lot more rotation than trying to keep cleaning resources, we have loads so it may be a good thing for us to scale back :-)
  20. How many staff do you have Blondie? I have 4 to start and am planning on having the same 2 with children so I have staff to be the next bubble, I have 4 already who missed the deadline after umpteen reminders so they will have to wait 2 weeks now ...that probably sounds harsh but I just want to get back in for a couple of weeks and find our way before the challenge of running 2 bubbles (or 3 starts).
  21. Yes 1 group, opening for 3 days a week and they will all come a combination of those 3 days with the same 2 full time staff (all being well) for first 2 weeks, then find out if any others want to start from wk 3 and create a 2nd bubble, I’m a little unsure how things will work out when I bring part time staff back in though unless those staff are prepared to work their hours in a different pattern to the norm if possible :-/
  22. We were on about 7/8 (total of 12) now looks like 4/5 due to the school plan to take different years back on different weeks so parents are now wanting to wait until the school sibling can start too 🤦‍♀️
  23. You’re not wrong there...you guys are my team 😊 I just choked on a strawberry FM with the t**ts up, but I’m still considering using ours spread out e.g Monday 1 week for one group, close again, Tues next week for diff group or even Mon/Fri ? I read somewhere it was more because it’s an area too many gravitate to but if managed it could work. maybe they can get a rent-a-loo, there’ll be thousands going begging with no festivals happening ....now there’s a thought 🤔
  24. It’s what we’ve all discussed on here already, so I’m sure you’ll be fine ...though it does say all chn can be tested once back with a link to testing....which says not under 5’s 😝 if they can’t sort it out between them we have no hope! and it clears up the sand debate or their take on it 🧐 it does talk about preparing a plan with your team....yeah right what team will that be then? Man UTD football team? Maclaren F1 team?
  25. it’s landed! https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/preparing-for-the-wider-opening-of-early-years-and-childcare-settings-from-1-june?utm_source=ec0b2dee-f4bc-4252-9f73-79625e1e4b19&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=immediate
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