Interesting question, I hadn’t thought about it, but I guess I’d follow the same guidance that we would if a child or staff had to leave the setting with symptoms, which only says anyone else would have to isolate if a test was positive. I’d ask the family to let me know if they developed symptoms themselves and for test results.
I think RP asked a question tonight on the same thing, he asked if he was contacted and told to self-isolate could he go home or have to stay away from the family, I’m sure the answer was he could go home to S-I and his family wouldn’t have to S-I unless he developed symptoms, so on that one parent might be told they have to S-I but the other could still bring a child to the setting....It’s all getting very confusing and something else that will need adding to the plan 🤦♀️
Edit - found this on the BBC news site, but it also raises another question ....if a member of staff is contacted and told to S-I for 14 days who’s paying them?