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Everything posted by Mouseketeer

  1. We could be closed again pretty soon with the way it’s going zigzag 🥺
  2. We talked about that this week too, I don’t think a plain biscuit will harm them 🙂 Isn’t it ....I’ve had random things left on my doorstep whilst closed which has really brightened my day ...a rainbow windmill, a handmade card, a picture and biscuits and some lovely messages from parents just to say they hope the team are keeping well ❤️ First week went fantastically, children clearly happy to be back, staff have been brilliant, my worry was for my bubble leads being with the same set of children with no escape route but they have 2 staff so can shoulder the more challenging between them, the extra cleaning hasn’t been such a chore as expected either (sure the novelty will wear off though), all of this has only been with 1 bubble though so not too much of a challenge space/resource wise, now for planning on bringing in the 2nd bubble and how to manage and staff that and I really think how well you promote free flow will now be our nemesis as they won’t be able to be where they want to be, when they want to be there 🙈
  3. Mouseketeer


    Yep along with furlough! ....will never be able to eat bubble & squeak again without thinking coronavirus 🥺
  4. So difficult when it’s about someone’s own agenda 🤦‍♀️
  5. I have another child called ‘policies’, added that child to all parents and add them there, as one is updated I remove the old.
  6. All went well, only 7 as well but they aced it, no hesitation straight in with no looking back, very chilled day, I know it’s going to get trickier with 2 bubbles but was food to be back 🙂
  7. It’s all very confusing isn’t it? My thinking (and not saying I have this right) is yes carry on until either a child or staff member is tested positive then all in that bubble need to self Isolate for 14 days, if you are traced you stay off for 14 day, I then think anyone you’ve been in less than 2mt contact for more than 15 mins with will also need to isolate (?) but if Mr FM was traced you would only isolate if he actually showed symptoms ....I think you best get on with it, I don’t think they’re changing their minds 😢
  8. Mouseketeer

    Good luck

    Everything is packed up and ready to go, I have a dining table back, I actually think I’ve put in more hours at home than when going to work so am looking forward to a rest 😝
  9. We only have 3 of 17 coming back and a couple more for wk 3 when siblings go to school, I think they feel they’re done now 😢
  10. Maybe that’s what they’re hoping for, I saw photos of our local school reception class, very sad with all their separate little tables :’(
  11. Thanks Lynned, I really wish I’d left it till the 8th now as it’s meant working solidly through half term to prep everything and I still have parents humming and hahhing 🤯
  12. Thanks enuffsenuf, and to you 👍 Hats off to those of you open all the way through you’re all amazing, Best Wishes to those of you (like me) starting back tomorrow and still wondering if we’ve made the right call, and to those ‘not yets’ huge respect for standing your ground and saying ‘sod that’! ❤️
  13. I tried to google check the temp before adding to something I was doing and it seems to have vanished of everything and just says high temperature.
  14. Now something else has cropped up, do you think we are still ok to use feb fee loss to come up with our furlough % when we might now have some fee payers returning ?
  15. I heard a dr talking who had had it for weeks and said every day seemed to be a different symptom and the list of symptoms people are recording was at around 14, I found this..
  16. Hi, I sent out a ‘parent/carer agreement’ electronically, with agree/disagree to a list of things that they would be responsible for to make this work, things like not bringing their child if the child or family members had symptoms of covid-19 (or anyone in the household on ‘extremely clinically’ list), clean clothes each day attending, antibacterial cleaned lunch box (have set up resources to use if they did forget), only one person to bring, follow social distance plan for drop off/collection type questions along with understanding their child won’t be able to physical distance and that they’ll be in a bubble they’ll remain in, that they’ll be contacted to collect immediately if their child becomes ill, in which circumstances staff will wear PPE...
  17. Thanks Rebecca, The aim is to not have close contact for more than 15 mins, I can only see that being necessary if a child becomes upset or ill, if Ill PPE is available.
  18. Nope and I’d take GDPR any day :’(
  19. I’m not so worried about it all works if someone has symptoms (well I obviously am worried) but more unsure where this ‘track & trace’ is gong to leave us, staff wise and finance wise. Rebecca - can I ask if you’re doing staff/parent agreements due to GDPR if a member of staff is asked to give their details or Are you using agreements we already have in place to get around this? I guess we could say it’s Legal Obligation/safeguarding? Crumbs that was 2 yrs ago we were all working our way through that minefield ....no wonder I’ve forgotten it all 🙈
  20. Mouseketeer


    I think I’d go with the 2nd option to start with then you have an option if you need to start a 2nd bubble, we’re one room and haven’t split for 1st bubble, not sure I’m going to split for the 2nd bubble either, just 1 in, 1 out, clean and rotate resources. I wish I’d left till the following week as have now spent the whole half term preparing 😠
  21. But as you were going around Tesco (other supermarkets are available) did you give everyone your data protection policy and ask them to sign an agreement that you could give out their details 🤦‍♀️ I’m not seeing anyone is going to be happy with either sick pay or paid holiday https://www.gov.uk/guidance/nhs-test-and-trace-how-it-works
  22. I’ve decided to provide a tub of sand from the sand pit they can’t get in 😢 for the mud (sand) kitchen and ditch between groups.
  23. I’m still furloughing a couple of staff, we are still working on feb ‘private income’ to work out the % and still have a little in the furlough pot even though funding increased for summer term.....or have I missed something?
  24. Ohhh I love hunted but do get a bit annoyed that they have no hope when the hunters can go in to homes and demand to check friends and families phones 😡 Now BJ is saying can furlough staff who have to isolate for 2 weeks .....doesn’t he know it has to be a min 3 weeks ?
  25. I actually am, but only as they meet the ‘vulnerable’ list, and following discussions it’s felt it will be a good thing for the child, if it was just general circumstances I’d say no, especially as a term time only setting anyway.
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