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Everything posted by finleysmaid

  1. If the Lea is retaining funding but you are open are they prepared to pay your litigation costs when a member of staff or a member of one of your families contract covid on the premises and passes away? may be this is a question that you could ask them?!?!
  2. We have taken the decision to close. My staff are not happy and are feeling compromised...they would do it for me but i don't want them to do that. Things are worse now than in March. I cannot ask them to risk their lives for the sake of a low paid job!😪
  3. our chair came in today to make sure we were alright...we were just talking about health and safety when her 3 year old licked the coat stand ! 😂
  4. could we send a section 44 to our LEA's as they pay us to provide a service?
  5. OOH get you...had to look that one up.... All employees have a term implied into their contract of employment that they can refuse to attend their workplace if it unsafe for them to do so. Under Section 44 of the Employment Rights Act 1996, an individual is protected from suffering a detriment (i.e. disciplinary action or a deduction from pay) if they exercise their legal right to refuse to attend a workplace that is not safe. This is individual right that all members should invoke using our model letter. so therefore doesn't appear to be union related!
  6. its only because we aren't unionised !
  7. just read this.. As part of their contingency planning, nurseries, childminders, schools and FE providers should consider how they would operate in the event that these restrictions become necessary in their local area, including how they would ensure that every child, pupil or student receives the quantity and quality of education and care to which they are normally entitled, whether onsite or remotely. so how do we all plan on toilet training children remotely😂
  8. we had been told only one....but don't know where i got this information from.
  9. I have had lots of #im a keyworker ' messages today....so looks like im bu**ered! 🙄
  10. does anyone know what the childminders have been told either? we have several children who attend us and childminders. (who have older children in the house)
  11. this just published makes it clear(ish!) Subject to any local tiers of restriction, out-of-school settings and wraparound childcare should continue to operate for face-to-face provision between 4 and 18 January 2021 for children who eligible to attend school for full-time on-site provision. This includes children who are:3 in early years settings in primary school (however, if the primary school is one of the small number that has been asked to restrict access to children of critical workers and vulnerable children at the start of this term, then only those cohorts should attend out-of-school settings and wraparound childcare) in the secondary school-age cohorts eligible for full-time on-site provision - vulnerable children, and children of critical workers in exam year groups (primarily pupils in year 11 and 13) (from week commencing 11 January) Children who are home educated can also continue to attend wraparound childcare and out-of-school settings. Pupils who are not eligible for on-site education provision in January 2021 should not attend: out-of-school settings (such as extracurricular clubs or supplementary schools) wraparound childcare (before and after-school clubs) Providers of out-of-school activities that continue to operate for face-to-face provision during this period should ensure that they make parents aware that their setting should only be accessed if their child is in one of the eligible groups outlined.
  12. Hi Guys...sorry needed a break over Christmas! I would definitely close if i were you. If the school is closed. All our schools are open but we are in a really high rate area, i don't get it. If it wasn't safe in March why is it safe now! ??? On another c-19 note does anyone know what we are doing about after school clubs? the guidance is not really clear and the EYA are saying no but the guidance appears to say yes. I'm confused! we take EY and school aged children for it up to the age of 9 and they are in a mixed age group. Any help gratefully received
  13. we had this a couple of years ago and the answer then was no...she needed another email account for tapestry. Not difficult to do of course especially if you are only using it for that
  14. Good luck ..of course this upside of this is that you need less children to fill your days and your keyworkers therefore have less paperwork ! Your administrator will however hate chasing up the codes!🙄
  15. 😘 thanks Emily XXXX
  16. Sorry quick question....is there a tutorial i can send to a parent to get her on to set up the system on her phone.? really don't have the time to go through it and if there is something visual that i can send to her tham would be amazing 🤪
  17. yes grandparents can be on the relatives list. I would suggest you check with his Mum and Dad and then ask the setting. They will probably have an agreement for you to sign. (if we find out unauthorised people have access we remove access to the whole account!) I've had grandparents and childminders on the system before
  18. can you send them to me please?!?!?!? this does not describe my current cohort! although i hate the strapline government try and "keep safe" everyone ❤️😘
  19. good idea. Well done you. enjoy a little rest if you can and stock up on vitamins for next term!😘
  20. thanks guys. We are allowed to charge for extras i guess it is the terminology that is used that the council would object too and we HAVE to make it clear it is voluntary. We do ask for a hire fee for waterproofs (don't give them much choice but SSSHHHHH!) The answer to what would they do, is that they reserve the right to remove funding i think if i remember the blurb! 😬 we were due an audit this year but they have no staff left so doubt if this will happen!
  21. Amazing . How much are paypal fees as a matter of interest? are you spending on anything in particular? Ive organised a couple of experiences for next term as children haven't been able to visit farms etc Lotterylicence £25 so i have to take that off ...everything else donated. I really think people wanted a bit of normality. Selling tickets in advance (printed) works SO much better if anyone is thinking about doing it. I'm really interested in this fairer funding charge...Our borough will not entertain it, i'm just wondering how it's ok in other boroughs ? anyone any help or advice on this ?? (please read this as intended that it is asking for info NOT having a go🙄)
  22. just a slight word of warning...make sure whichever system you use you can get a list immediately for fire drills/evacuation purposes
  23. I told all the children about my 'friend' with snow today😊 they were very excited It was certainly cold here today. Been a really busy week and frustrating. We seem to be having issues with parents incapable of reading simple instructions🙄 it takes SOOOO long to sort the simplest of things out. On the plus side we have taken over £700 on the raffle so far❤️ I have of course spent it already!😂
  24. my apologies as i fear i may have misunderstood as well. I thought the original post menat there would be 3 people but now reading it i assume only 2 in which case you are absolutely correct (IMO!)
  25. so for three staff at least one at level 3 one at level 2/3 and one unqualified or above.
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