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Everything posted by blondie

  1. We already have a parachute but are looking to introduce a large piece of lycra/stretchy material for physical activities etc., Just need a bit of advice / help please - Does anyone use this already - if so where did you buy the material from and what type was it? how do you use it / where did you get your ideas from ? do you find the children enjoy using it? any other help / ideas would be great - thank you in advance.
  2. Hoping everything goes well for her Tuesday - fingers (and toes) crossed.
  3. one banana, two bananas etc., ants go marching one by one one potato, two potatoes etc
  4. beautiful x
  5. How does Good King Wenceslas like his pizzas?One that’s deep pan, crisp and even! What did the sea Say to Santa?Nothing! It just waved! Why can’t Christmas trees knit?Because they always drop their needles! What goes ha ha ha clonk?A man laughing his head off! Why are pirates great? They just aaaaaaarrrrr! What do you call a deer who can’t see? No eye-deer!
  6. what about Christmas stories - each group could read their story to the others or make puppets props to accompany the story? For the children what about Christmas puzzle to complete? Playdough - make something for others to guess? Charades? Or am I going in the wrong direction?
  7. I agree - practitioners know what they are doing but might not be able to put it into words when questioned. I think (like everyone else) that as long as you can all see that the children are happy, progressing etc., then whatever the outcome Ofsted wise you all know you are doing a great job. xx
  8. absolutely stunning!
  9. I agree - girls change their best friends like the weather (well ours do anyway) and according to who is in on that day too !!
  10. The children and staff picked the last of the apples from the tree in the garden today. Once washed they were made ready for snack. I said "Can you remember where we got the apples from today?" "Aldi???" replied a little girl 😂
  11. Had a notice about Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) which is quite Covid like but none of the main 4 symptoms. Runny nose. Decrease in appetite. Coughing. Sneezing. Fever. Wheezing which is likely to be common this winter.
  12. I am wanting to make / start up bags to borrow to support home learning etc., - does anyone have any samples / pictures / ideas / information they can show me as not quite sure where to start. As much help as anyone can give me please - what you put in the bag - book, game, toy etc.,, what you expect them to get from it etc., Many thanks. xx
  13. Is it possible to move him to the new company so he can continue to have the same carers (or mostly the same) ?
  14. glad it is going well for you sunnyday - will seem even nicer once the rain and cold weather appear 🤣.
  15. we have had three newbies so far (one set of twins) who have all settled really well although the twins have struggled staying all day and have to be checked that they haven't fallen asleep in the garden.
  16. I feel exactly the same - like I have never been away and can't believe it is seven weeks (less today) until half term !!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤣
  17. You had to make sure they all worked didn't you? Making the most of the last day at home before returning to work next week - cannot believe where those summer holidays have gone !!
  18. would you mind sending a copy of your form as sounds an ideal way to work rather than keep looking online etc., thank you x
  19. sure you could open your eyes, think about us all setting up then turn over and shut your eyes again.😊
  20. too late for me - it is amazing ! Just need some money now.
  21. wow how clever are you!!
  22. What a great idea that is , need to have more of these shops - sure the finished dress will be amazing. Hope the day goes well and they have a happy, healthy future together.
  23. she looks beautiful in both - good she had an idea of what she wanted before she went out.
  24. that is so true - change days, start earlier / later, new child to add to register / key person list / name label etc., x
  25. I have an iron but haven't used it for years. As long as washing is taken out of machine as it finishes and put on line / airer then da dah. My thoughts are once you have been wearing it for a minute it is a bit creased and bedding is the same - why waste time?? My sister now longer irons after listening to me and now my neighbour - hey maybe I will put sales of irons way down.🤣🤣
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