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Everything posted by blondie

  1. could you try on ofsted site?
  2. and also stop looking at empty containers wondering what you can use them for.
  3. That is absolutely beautiful and well deserved. xx
  4. Girl says "Did you hear the thunder last night?" "I did." "It was even louder than your voice." (please note I don't shout)
  5. Little boy tells me "I got a bite on me." "Oh dear, what happened?" "A Dorito bit me." "Dorito? Oh you mean a mosquito." 🤣🤣
  6. thank you - it is so very hard to choose only ten. As a Pre-school how do you work this into your story telling and song time please?
  7. Looking into having ten core books and rhymes that the children will know inside out and back to front by time they leave us. Does anyone else do this, if so what are your top ten books and rhymes? How do you work this into your story telling etc.,
  8. bless you both - it has been a very hard year and I think it is all starting to catch up on all of us !! Hopefully the weekend has given you a bit of you time, take care. xx
  9. Thank you, We usually order through Hampshire County Supplies but they are no longer selling any powder or liquid paints. I have looked on this site and they only have leaf green. I wonder if it is something that all County Supplies will do in the future?
  10. why is there such a shortage of powder paints? Cannot get any anywhere - unless you want black or purple!!
  11. thank you - just looked and seems they only have black and one other colour.
  12. TTS all sold out.
  13. These are all sold out x
  14. We are needing to buy some powder paints but are unable to get any anywhere. Does anyone have a supplier we could use please?
  15. sounds ideal!! We had rain all day and quite chilly too. Coat's soaked through and just realised my wellies leak too. 😫
  16. Only just started here so not done any of this - at the moment they do one obs per week per child (each keyperson has 6-8 key children) but there is sooooo much in it. To me there is too much, I think if you are looking at a next step of something like turn taking / sharing then that should be the focus of the obs but they then add other things like recognising numbers, shapes, saying number names etc., as they say that is next step for that area so obs gets longer and longer. I really think they are making the work for themselves the way they work. They have one step for each area as I said eg PSE - MR, SC, MFB and CL - LA, U, S and PH - MH, HSC so you can imagine what it's like and they try to cover all these over the half term !! How would you change this? x
  17. Thank you Cait - I have just started at this setting as a deputy and am finding that staff seem to be constantly snapping photos and writing notes on children. I think they are doing too much but don't want to rock the boat as they say but at the same time they are also complaining about how much time it is taking them to do obs (get time to do these at home which obviously isn't enough) They are putting lots of next steps (one for each area eg PSE - one for MR, SC and MFB ) so are putting the pressure on themselves, the manager isn't very hands on so I would like to relieve the pressure and the constant snapping of photos etc., so they spend quality time with the children rather than always thinking about getting a next step done - hope that makes sense?
  18. How many obs do you do / expect for each child over a six week term? We have been having lots of discussions over the last few weeks and want to sort before new preschool year. And how do you decide what they will be etc., ? Any support on this would be appreciated as new setting seem to be going mad on obs.
  19. so very true.
  20. some of ours that have just returned seem to have lost all their language skills and still in nappies even though parents have had ages to sort this out.
  21. I was offered one on Isle of Wight which is a ferry ride away for me ⛴️ - so that was a no! I guess when they look it isn't far from Southampton as the crow flies 😆 Then offered one local to me - only 5 miles away which I had Saturday.
  22. Oh sorry Cait, I didn't realise that and I bet there are lots of others in the same situation who can't get there. 😞 Surely this is what community nurses could be used for? I hope you get it sorted soon. xx
  23. there was a report on TV to say any over 70 that hadn't been vaccinated should contact and book an appointment with the NHS if that's any help? Until now the NHS has asked people to wait until they are contacted to help ensure that those who are most vulnerable are protected first – and that remains the case for most people. However, to ensure absolutely everyone is offered the vaccine, people aged 70 and over can now contact the NHS so they can be vaccinated by the middle of this month. The easiest way to arrange a vaccination is through the national booking service which can be accessed at www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccination. The system allows patients to choose a time slot and location that suits them. Anyone unable to book online can call 119 free of charge, anytime between 7am and 11pm seven days a week.
  24. are you early years finleysmaid? How are you working from home ? x
  25. this is what I asked him - I think people are finding it so confusing. Told him he needs to isolate for 14 days from when he last saw his brother and unless he gets symptoms to not go for a test. He found out through his brother texting him and has yet to hear from Track and Trace. Thank you everyone.
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