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Everything posted by blondie

  1. I think that is the best way as it is taking way too long to contact people which is a huge problem (and worry) it is easier if the person contacts you directly if they can and so much quicker too.
  2. a member of staff has met with a family member (brother ) over half term who has now been diagnosed with covid. Member of staff hasn't returned to work and and he says he has no symptoms but is waiting for covid test. If this is negative is he ok to return to work? confusion is because it says this and worry that he might not have yet developed symptoms but still has time to (if that makes sense) as not 14 days yet. Stay at home for 14 days and follow the self-isolation guidance below. Do not go to work, school, or public areas, and do not use public transport or taxis. You are at risk of developing COVID-19 for the next 14 days. Since we now know that people can become infectious up to 2 days before symptoms begin, you could spread the disease to others if you do not go into self-isolation. Even if you never develop symptoms, you can still be infected and pass the virus on without knowing it. You should not arrange for testing unless you develop symptoms of COVID-19. The most important symptoms are: a new continuous cough, a high temperature, a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia). If you do not have symptoms of COVID-19, other people in your household do not need to self-isolate at home with you.
  3. 6- all in one piece (another favourite) x
  4. 7. -whatever next? One of my favourites.
  5. what a beautiful village you live in where everybody has time for everyone it seems. A recipe would be great to see as I usually buy mine (I know) but would love to make my own. xx
  6. absolutely, although I would prefer a saliva test 😆
  7. I did the covid test couple of weeks ago - my son also did it about six weeks ago. Did you find it hard - I found it hard to do the throat swab as gag very easily lol!
  8. Lovely news. 😀
  9. Great news Sunnyday - it's a bit like being on a rollercoaster for you at the moment. Fingers crossed he is home soon. xx
  10. Back to the dreams - I had one last night about returning to work. I arrived and found owner already there, she said to me "Look at this - it looks amazing doesn't it?" I looked and the whole room was filled with fluffiness - cushions, chairs, seats everywhere was covered with fluff and fur !! NIghtmare !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤣
  11. They were almost giving it away 😄
  12. Well done you - I think once you actually do it the fear goes. I was really worried before returning in June but once I had done it I felt much better and actually realised that I could do it (if that makes sense). I do think it's all about looking after yourself , being prepared with mask, gel and gloves (if needed) and being aware of others when you are out and about as some people aren't quite so prepared. It is going to be with us for a long time yet so we have to adapt but always keep ourselves safe. xx
  13. Oh bless you - you and your family have been having a tough time. Hope that you are making a slow but good recovery - take care of yourself xx
  14. absolutely hate the word "kid."
  15. well - we finally have the rain they have told us we would have on Tuesday. It has been raining for ten minutes now so the garden will be very happy.
  16. Not sure if it's me but they always smell and the floor always seems damp/wet - how do they check whether children are having toileting accidents etc.,
  17. gosh you are all so very busy - me I cannot be bothered to do anything. The clouds are here today and we had two minutes of rain about 20 minutes ago and that was it. Not sure if we are due thunderstorms but would be lovely to clear the air as they say.
  18. Did it seem strange? Not sure what it is like where you are but here it is way too hot to go anywhere - washing already dry and it has been on the line for less than an hour but I don't want to go out and get it in as way too hot lol
  19. Could you place all phones in a box which is accessible in an emergency? We do this and the Manager / Lead counts to ensure all phones are in the box which is then placed out of sight / reach of the children but where any phone ringing would be heard? The manage returns all phones at end of day. All staff are asked to give the P/S number for people to contact in an emergency but this helps as in an emergency people would automatically call family member / carers phone. It's just remembering to pick your phone up as you leave if you are on half day that is the problem.
  20. i am not so sure - I have trouble as left handed so things always seem to go to pot.
  21. very true - but I would love to be able to use four needles, even to do cables on jumpers but I am a plain, purl type of knitter although can do a bit of psso, sl st etc., but only with a pattern telling me lol.
  22. well I would wait a while - here I feel like I am melting it is so very hot.
  23. I have so much admiration (and envy) for people who can crochet something (other than a square) and can knit something (other than a matinee jacket or small girls cardigan) - it is just beyond me and as for using more than two needles ! I do however make a very good chocolate chip and cherry cake.
  24. It is very hot here too and has been since 8 am when I put some washing on the line to "fry" (literally) in the sunshine. Curtains drawn, fan going and like you it is OK atm - but will get hotter - we are never happy with the weather - it is always "too hot / cold /wet etc.," . Have a lovely weekend and take care in this sunshine.
  25. We do too - children are watched / supported as they wash their hands and we also have a simple poster showing them too - my phrase when watching is "Don't forget your thumbs." In fact I said it so many times the children would say it before I could lol !!
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