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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Well done my little black and white furry friend! Apologies - I disappeared there - a long phone call wit a friend
  2. BBC Drama series first aired in 2016
  3. Has the 'rest centre' plan not materialised? It felt so strange to be 'out', I purposely left it until it was raining as I didn't want to come into 'contact' with anyone - that plan worked well as I didn't see a soul.....
  4. I 'escaped' this morning! After 5 long weeks of venturing no further than the bottom of my drive, I have been up to my setting to collect the necessary files for my funding claim Such an odd experience, all quite emotional really...….
  5. Excellent - we will expect photos!
  6. What did everyone make of Boris' speech this morning? I'm hoping that he intends to keep measures as they are for longer - think that he will have lost his gung-ho approach now that he has had the virus himself......
  7. Oh, now I was super impressed with your culinary skills there fm
  8. Wow - looking good fm
  9. Well I might have just eaten a 4 finger KitKat
  10. Well how rude Mousie I am quite sure you don't need a 'senior version' Right - back to the cake - hmm - er - um - no idea
  11. I really hope that doesn't happen for you, I personally hope that Boris doesn't 'lift' anything in his review next week, but, unfortunately he doesn't take advice from me
  12. Is it a wedding cake? a Black Forest Gateaux?
  13. I think of you everyday when watching the daily briefings and note that your 'line' is thankfully quite 'low' on the graph
  14. Richard Dreyfuss - yes he was in both films
  15. My online shop arrived about an hour ago - it comes to something when you know that is likely to be the most exciting thing to happen today
  16. Good luck The one and only benefit of Mr S being on the shielded list is that we get priority for slots
  17. Yay! Well done louby Close Encounters of the Third Kind
  18. Sorry no- characters name was Roy - not the actors name This will do it! 4. Roy got creative with his mashed potato
  19. 3. Directed by Steven Spielberg
  20. No 2. main characters name was Roy
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