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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Soooo - I think we are still looking for 1. P 5. R.S. 8. E.C. 10. C.L.
  2. 1. No not my mate Placido and not Prince 4. Yes John Legend 5. No not Rod 6. Yes Ed Sheeran 7. Yes Kris Kristofferson
  3. 1. No 2. Yes Adele 3. Yes Bob Dylan 4. No 8. No 9. Yes Amy Winehouse
  4. New game? These are all singers - mostly very easy (I think/hope), but will be super-impressed if anyone gets 1. and 5. 1. P 2. A 3. B. D. 4. J.L. 5. R.S. 6. E.S. 7. K.K. 8. E.C. 9. A.W. 10. C.L.
  5. I agree - I think Early Years peeps are natural planners - it is so hard not knowing what will be expected of us
  6. Yes - details on Sunday I think I'm thinking that if we are told to re-open in June that I will need some sort of 'contract' to be signed by parents - as an owner/manager I do not want to be 'sued' if something goes drastically wrong
  7. Boris has promised 'three weeks notice' for school return (I know - promises, promises....)
  8. I have given this a lot of thought (too much thought) - I would not even attempt social distancing with children in my care - to do so, in my humble opinion, would be detrimental to their emotional well being. I would however want adults to 'social distance' - my ideas so far: Children to be kept at home if they have any signs of illness (no exceptions - I don't want to hear "oh but he/she wanted to come") Parents to wait outside building, social distancing here please, door will be opened at 9am and children to be 'sent to' staff member manning the door (parents will not be permitted to enter building under any circumstances) Children to independently change their outdoor shoes to slippers (they can all manage this) Children will then wash their hands (under adult supervision) before beginning the pre-school session No changing bags, show and tell items to be brought in to pre-school (I'm thinking the less 'baggage' they bring with them lessens the risk of infection) End of session - parents to wait outside building (again, observing social distancing) and children will be 'released' individually and safely to their waiting parents No transition visits to Primary School No visits from Reception teacher/headteacher No visits from new starters (September) No visits from any adults at all That all sounds pretty 'miserable' really, but my aim is to make this as safe an experience as possible. I don't want any of this to happen, I don't want us to re-open in June My first move if we are told to re-open would be to canvass opinion of parents i.e. will they want children to return I have read that the 'R value' is rising again in Denmark where they have re-opened schools in a very controlled manner
  9. I think that is just lovely louby - hope that you get some good results I am now putting my planting out plans on hold - it is forecast to be very cold on Sunday - I don't want to lose my precious plants to frost
  10. Well, yes, me too, I just thought saying that I had been busy in the garden (true) was a good excuse Mr S has grown loads of lovely petunias from seed - it's great having my own personal nursery here
  11. My excuse for not getting any is that I have been busy planting out petunias
  12. Aha - you clever old thing! (promise I am thinking here Mousie - but it's all a mystery to me!)
  13. Love a bit of Elton John but no 2. Female
  14. Oh I love James Blunt - but no
  15. New game? 1. British singer/songwriter
  16. Above is a copy and paste job - have you signed this petition?
  17. Of course we need to open schools again. Children miss their friends, they miss learning. And education staff miss them too, we miss watching them discover new ideas, helping them grow and develop and we worry about the impact of this crisis on their wellbeing. That’s why we know a plan is absolutely essential. Children need stability now, not chaos. Whether it’s a reception child who’s worried about that difficult transition to year 1, the year 6 kids pondering what big-school has in store, or the year 10s and 11s wondering if the future holds any hope for them. We need a viable, practical, workable plan from the Government that we can implement school-by-school. Share the petition now and let’s grow this groundswell of public support. We’re hard at work with heads and teachers in different settings all over the country trying to work out what a viable plan looks like. A plan that keeps our families safe and that helps children with what will be a difficult transition back to schools that will look and feel very different. Stay safe, Kevin Courtney Joint General Secretary National Education Union PS You can forward this email or share the direct link to the petition: bit.ly/openwhensafe
  18. I watched this - all good stuff - the Nursery looked just lovely - hats off to the staff working there with the children of Key Workers
  19. I will second that - thanks all at FSFHQ
  20. That sounds like a lovely idea I don't have any children with EYPP
  21. I am expecting you young Froglet
  22. Pop round - I've got some - I'll get the kettle on
  23. Brilliant fm
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