Of course we need to open schools again.
Children miss their friends, they miss learning. And education
staff miss them too, we miss watching them discover new ideas, helping them
grow and develop and we worry about the impact of this crisis on their
That’s why we know a plan is absolutely essential. Children need
stability now, not chaos.
Whether it’s a reception child who’s worried about that difficult
transition to year 1, the year 6 kids pondering what big-school has in store,
or the year 10s and 11s wondering if the future holds any hope for them.
We need a viable, practical, workable plan from the Government
that we can implement school-by-school.
Share the petition now and let’s grow this groundswell of
public support.
We’re hard at work with heads and teachers in different settings
all over the country trying to work out what a viable plan looks like.
A plan that keeps our families safe and that helps children with
what will be a difficult transition back to schools that will look and feel
very different.
Stay safe,
Kevin Courtney
Joint General Secretary
National Education Union
PS You can forward this email or share the direct link to the petition: bit.ly/openwhensafe