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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Thanks zigzag - I am totally dependent on my deputy agreeing to step into my shoes as I can't go back because of Mr S and shielding, she is reluctant and I completely understand why, I have asked for a definitive answer now as I can't begin to 'plan' for June if she is unwilling to work, but I really don't want to put pressure on her..... I think we may all be worrying about something that is not going to happen anyway.....who knows
  2. I agree, my leavers are 'ready for school' there would be no benefit to them to attempt to 'hold them back'
  3. Just a quick question please - are all of your staff members 'happy' to work from June 1st?
  4. This has come to mind for me today - one of my staff members is a childminder and she takes three of our children home with her - this has worked so well to date as working together we have been able to offer the 30 hours - what an absolute nightmare this situation is
  5. That sounds like a really good plan
  6. It does say in one of the 'guidance docs' that we are to contact our LAs if we are unable to open - at least I think it does - have read them several times......
  7. louby - I think that, in your shoes, that would be welcome news, something that you can 'use' for parents and your LA - i.e. we can't open because.....
  8. Such kind and supportive words (where is the blushing emoji) - thank you all x
  9. I think that I am probably a bit older than you louby I have just broken the news to my deputy that I will not be able to work from 1st June (as you know, Mr S is on the shielded list, I will not/cannot do anything to jeopardise his health/life) - the ball is in her court now, will wait to see what her reply is.... On that note - I think I should take my negativity away from this forum - I don't enjoy being such a 'mis' and certainly don't want to bring anyone else down
  10. I think the 'boat' has holes in it
  11. I identify with this zigzag, it all feels a bit too much this morning......
  12. I think that is exactly where I am at the moment. Spoke to my eldest son this morning his advice was "you have got to do what's right for you mum, not for staff, not for children, not for families, but for you personally"
  13. Poppy - it is all as clear as mud
  14. Have a nice day!
  15. Happy Friday! Can it really be seven weeks since we closed Enjoy the lovely weather and any (appropriately socially distanced) V E day celebrations that you have planned
  16. I agree with this - it's all too soon - children are at school for fourteen years - if the powers that be took the decision to stay closed until September we would be talking about children missing fourteen weeks (the fourteen years does not include their pre-school education)
  17. I've told you before about this cheating business
  18. Oh very sweet
  19. Whatevs
  20. Sorry Zebedee that's a no! He is young (ish), male and was Chancellor until very recently
  21. I stand corrected have mentioned before that I can't sew for toffee <wanders off muttering - they were still very sweet>
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