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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. That is enormously helpful thank you Stargrower
  2. sunnyday


    Which playdough recipe are you using fm?
  3. Just popped back to report - those longed for grandchildren cuddles were well worth the wait! Granddaughter sleepover is booked for Wednesday, she was just so happy yesterday - "nana you can push me on my swing now", "grandad you can come and play in my bedroom now" and so on 🥰
  4. sunnyday


    Good morning Deb I will be following your thread with interest Zigzag said on another thread 'September opening' that she had seen lots of beautifully set up rooms complete with soft furnishings and resources displayed as usual and had posed the question similar to yours For my part, I am planning for resources that are either 'throw away', easily cleaned or able to be quarantined for 72 hours, I can't see how we can introduce all of the lovely things that you have listed above, really wish we could
  5. Sure they would be just fine - they can all work from home 😂
  6. As you were ladies, Robert Jenrick says that it just 'speculation' Hmm - kite flying more like
  7. I might need to just stop making plans - has anyone seen today's 'leak' about 'enhanced shielding'? It talks about shielding everyone over 50 - ridiculous idea - what percentage of the working population would that be? Anyway, if that happened we would be (insert your own choice of expletive here!) as we are all 50+ (for me personally I am 50+++) It has always been, in my humble, such an advantage to have a 'mature' team - hmm maybe that is not the case anymore.....
  8. The cake is wonderful fm - you very talented lady
  9. Soft furnishing - nope won't be happening in my setting. I am working on 'resources must be 'throw away', easily cleaned or quarantined for 72 hours'.
  10. Morning all - it's Friday! Exciting weekend for us as Mr S has his shielding 'paused' tomorrow - we are invited to a BBQ at eldest's sons house on Sunday - yay - I will be giving my two youngest grandchildren the biggest hugs in living history! (Have been seeing them in our gardens but no cuddling) Youngest granddaughter (5) has said "then I can have a sleepover at your house" - yes she can - whoop, whoop! Not sure what else will change, very much aware that he/we will still need to be cautious, but, at last we feel 'in step' with everyone else Have a lovely weekend y'all
  11. Definitely counts - well done fm!
  12. Oh that is such a lovely thing to do, I'm sure your friends will love them
  13. Excellent! In other news - my DIL sent a recording to me - my super talented middle granddaughter (14) playing piano, at the beginning you hear footsteps - I had said to Mr S, she has added those on purpose, she also added a 'crackling' effect. Anyway I have just seen her and asked about it and yes she added the footsteps - I said "what song starts like that is it Thriller", she said "no" Hmmm - I now need to work my way through Michael Jackson's songs to find the answer! Not that I will tell her, I think she thinks that was her own idea!
  14. She is lovely! How did she get her name?
  15. Right - I have had to re-think this young Froglet, I can't leave Mr S so it would be better if you moved in with us really, lots of garden delights here for you to cook, yes that would definitely be the best idea! 🤣
  16. Second breakfasts are absolutely fine - these are difficult times we are living through 🤣 Roasted strawberries - I need to know more please Further to that can I just move in with you? Your breakfasts sound lovely!
  17. Absolutely
  18. Loads - as many as you want a. because you deserve to spoil yourself b. stock up and the you don't need to venture out too many times Hope that helps 😃
  19. Thank you We have so many (probably too many) 'outfits - what I had in mind was offer a few and then they get quarantined for 72 hours - on the next day offer different ones and so on - think I will probably just forget this to be honest 🤣
  20. Hmmm...…..dressing up clothes - a complete no no or could they be offered and then quarantined for 72 hours?
  21. Thanks for this mundia I have a little boy starting end of September - he will have been on holiday 11th-25th and then starts with me 28th - I have decided that I am not even going to ask where they will be
  22. Do you know what you are going to buy Young Froglet? I really, really need a new one too
  23. I brought all of our 'spare clothes' home from my setting one day last week, they have been in the boot of my car ever since, this morning I have sorted through (discarded a lot) and washed the rest, they are now all out on the line. For some strange reason completing a job like that gives me fresh enthusiasm for September......
  24. I read that too - but I think that I am a bit 'hard of understanding' at the mo, I really was quite sure what it meant, however, if you are telling me that it is good news I will go with that! 😃
  25. Yes Mousie - size of a shoebox is about right 🤣 I'm sure that ours are trying their absolute best with their one way system - but honestly when your destination is two steps away I'm not sure that they couldn't just bend the rules a little.....
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