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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. I am so, so sorry for making such a bad-tempered post Young Froglet - I have read Dear Mrs Bird and I loved it, haven't read 84 Charing Cross Road but think I have seen the film (Anthony Hopkins) not sure if I am thinking of the right book/film
  2. Wish it was cooler here young Froglet - we had rain all night, but still just horribly hot and humid this morning. Mr S left the car windows down - I had a complete sense of humour bypass about that 'Results' only not results day for eldest granddaughter today, just had message from her 'grades were not good, but neither were anyone else's, decided to apply for Leicester because that's where I looked round and I really liked it and I got in' (She had been offered Leeds too) I am pleased for her obviously, but at the same time I am so fed up with this Government and the whiny voiced Gavin Williamson, why downgrade their predicted grades, totally unfair, they did not ask to be in this situation 😡 Government should have 'cut them some slack' She hasn't told me what her grades were, I am not going to ask her, she was predicted ABB - clearly that's not what she was awarded Anyway, just need to concentrate on the great news that she is off to Leicester, same Uni town, but different Uni as eldest grandson which is great - not sure what the position is Lockdown wise for Leicester currently - dear goodness I had momentarily forgotten about that 🤦‍♀️
  3. Looking good louby!
  4. Yay! Well done young Froglet!
  5. Sending love and best wishes to you zigzag, such a difficult time for you xxx P.S. what are your Committee doing - can they take on some of preparation for you?
  6. Oh my life - don't they drive you completely nuts 🤦‍♀️ I have one 'messing about' a bit too - think that I should probably just warn her that I am fresh out of patience - come, don't come, come for two days, or don't, come for three days, or don't - it makes absolutely no difference to me, just make your b****y mind up 🤣
  7. I love that louby - that's the spirit!
  8. Thanks both xxx
  9. It is quite comforting to read that others are not really joining the madding crowds either! My sister has just 'upset me' - phone conversation - we were talking about my return to pre-school in September (amongst other things) - I told her about all of the 'new' requirements and all of the 'new' procedures that I have put in place, I went on to say "it is now a case of suck it and see if I can't make this work safely then I will have to close for good" - she said "oh, yes it's really not worth it" - oh really, just dismiss my 'life work' just like that 💔 I did point out that it would be an enormous wrench and a really big deal for me to close the pre-school.......anyway, I just needed to share that with people who would understand
  10. Yes, it felt really strange Very, very hot here too - will just hide indoors for the rest of the day now We are six miles from our town, the accountants is on 'our side' of town so no need to go right in, so we still haven't ventured that far yet
  11. This is exactly how it works in my setting Oh and welcome to the forum
  12. Oh my actual goodness - I have been 'out' in the big wide world this morning, only to the accountants and to my setting, as we were driving to the accountants Mr S said "you know we haven't been down this road since March" (road to our nearest town) - crazy business!
  13. Oh why do you need to put sugar in - do you need to put sugar in? I really don't like sweet drinks...
  14. Sorry to be so shocking! 🤣
  15. Do you know I have never had an iced coffee...
  16. Oh I love samosas! Have just been chatting on the phone with a friend for over an hour which was just lovely Think I am about to write today off as yet another day with nothing much achieved
  17. Well you have 'almost' inspired me to have a look at that young Froglet - 'almost' being the operative word 🤣 I really need to know - have you finished the other sock yet? Very little happening here (still hiding from this ridiculous heat) - have had a bit of a go at the old TDL - I keep 'tweaking' things - really need to stop doing that! Mr S is busy making a repair to our upstairs loo cistern - we had a leak 🤦‍♀️ new parts ordered sharpish, can't be doing with flushing with a bucket!
  18. I am super impressed young Froglet
  19. Well I never - gusset - it's a great word anyway! My sister drives a Polo and is really happy with it
  20. Nothing wrong with a matinee jacket or a small girls cardigan 🙂 I can knit but haven't made anything at all ambitious for years
  21. I am reading a 99p kindle book too - 'The secrets of strangers' Charity Norman it's actually really good
  22. 'Gusset' since when did socks have gussets? Have I missed something here are we still talking about socks? Oh yes, your new car what is it?
  23. I do love the complete randomness of this thread 😂 I like a bit of 'quiet' if I am being creative or working Mr S on the other hand always has 'something on' - at present he is in his workshop, no idea what he is up to but it involves power tools, radio is on but I'm sure he can't hear it 🤦‍♀️ Oh - I can darn panders - chuck the socks my way!
  24. My day so far A walk before the sun got up (oh and it rained here at 7am, had to dash out and get the garden furniture cushions in!) Two loads of washing through and on the line Potatoes dug, cucumber and toms harvested - the blessed polytunnel was a crazy temperature Chicken cooked - will have this cold with salad and our own spuds for dinner this evening A lovely visit from eldest son (we still sit outside appropriately distanced), we were talking about the rules (amongst other things) finding it hard to remember what we are/are not supposed to be doing now - bring back the daily briefings I say! Other than that I have been hard at work on the old TDL whilst hiding from the heat
  25. Oh yes please! 😃 Young Froglet - I am so impressed - how much muttering was involved?
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