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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Only three replies so far - but all supportive - I do know of at least one who will be very, very cross with me she is of the belief that C-19 is nothing to worry about, she has generously shared her thoughts with me before - but hey she is, of course entitled to her opinion........ I have to let LA know - don't suppose it will go down well with them - actually past caring about such things I would like nothing more than to be heading back to work on Monday, but not as things stand right now, if it is considered so unsafe that our primary school has to close, I cannot for the life of me understand how it can be safe for us to open, the absolute least the Government should do is provide us with some scientific basis for their decision
  2. I have written my letter for parents, I am going to reopen in line with our primary school and not before (so there!)
  3. That's such great news zigzag - hope you feel much better soon x
  4. Just wanted to say: Happy New Year!
  5. Oh Louby, I'm so sorry - what a horrible situation for you
  6. Yep, what Louby said
  7. I thought I might write to my MP - but honestly, what good would that do.....
  8. It's just not on louby, I agree with you, fuming is the right word If it is not safe to open Primary schools then it is not safe for us either I'm sick to death of Early years being treated like some sort of 'afterthought' - well actually we are not even that
  9. My thoughts this morning........'sod this for a game of soldiers' I am considering pushing my start date to 18th January in line with the Primary school However, I may change my mind later 🤷‍♀️ headcount week here is from 18th.....
  10. Doh! Of course, think we should have known that between us! 🤦‍♀️
  11. Very good point - doesn't apply to my setting (we are 'mature' to say the least) but, yes it will impact some settings I'm sure
  12. No we didn't either, we followed the rules to the letter - bet there were plenty who didn't though
  13. So what are you thinking louby? Are you due to open on Monday?
  14. I bought myself some time before Christmas I told my parents that we would not be returning until 11th January (this was before we went into Tier 4, I wanted to put some space between Christmas relaxation of rules and first day back)
  15. Not compulsory for children to attend - but compulsory for me to open...... I just cannot believe that the Government thinks this is okay/desirable
  16. Early Years Early years settings (including nurseries and childminders) should continue to allow all children/pupils to attend as normal. School-based nurseries in primary schools have discretion to follow arrangements for the primary school. Attendance expectations: Early years Attendance at early years and childcare settings is not compulsory. Copy and paste job - my little black and white furry friend
  17. Exactly
  18. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/948580/Contingency_framework_implementation_guidance.pdf What the actual heck - our Primary school will be closed but I will be expected to open - why would they do that to us
  19. Still tier 4 - can't see that changing for the foreseeable
  20. His whole delivery makes me angry and I really don't do angry
  21. Oh my actual goodness Watching Gavin (Frank Spencer) Williamson - still have no idea - nothing on Gov.uk yet......
  22. Oh not good - think I would rather be 'stuck in the bathroom'
  23. Phew! When you hadn't reappeared I was worried that you were stuck in your bathroom! 🤣
  24. I have this film recorded - must make time (in my busy schedule - not!) to watch it
  25. That's really good, except...….you do know that liquorice has a laxative effect 🤣
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