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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Hey Mousie - it's Friday!!! How is everyone? I'm still closed and the fight goes on with my LA - however, I am feeling far more chilled about things - I am adopting a 'what will be, will be 'attitude Also feeling better and much more positive about the whole retirement thing - I was feeling sad and cross as I had really wanted to do one more year and felt that my hand had been forced - but hey there are many good sides to this - no summer TDL for one! Best news ever today - Mr S has his first jab Saturday 6th February - whoop, whoop!
  2. Oh my actual goodness that press briefing was 'scary'
  3. So kind - thank you xxx
  4. Oh crikey Greenfinch - how awful for you, I'm so sorry
  5. Thanks fm I don't want any funding now - I am closed - I have no expectation of funding while I am closed It is the threat of no further funding that I object to I think I'm 'done' - my poor old mind hasn't switched off from all of this since March last year I will be interested to see what our glorious leader has to say at today's press briefing - could he have come to his senses with regard to EY - I won't be holding my breath...... My intention now, unless I change my mind overnight - is to write to parents outlining the issues with KCC, explain that we won't be back now until after Easter at the earliest and give them the option of moving to another setting. I would love to return for the summer terms but that will be dependent on several factors - where we are in terms of infection, funding and of course I might not have any customers left! This is not the way that I wanted to announce my retirement - but without wishing to be too dramatic - I really don't think I can take anymore of this, I have never felt so undervalued in my life
  6. Thank you so much for sharing this
  7. Thanks mousie x Where did you read that info?
  8. Thanks both xxx This is a truly wonderful place - so lovely to be able to share with people who understand Have emailed staff and have had a phone conversation with one - she is always hugely supportive Have also had a long conversation with eldest son - poor devil only rang to ask me to add a box of satsumas to my online shop for him! His no nonsense approach actually made me laugh and eased the headache a bit.....his take on the matter is that they are utter ******** and that I should tell them where to shove their funding and their threats! I will 'sleep on it' - but really feel that I must be completely 'up front' with parents
  9. Thanks Cait, that is an idea worthy of consideration, but it would feel morally wrong to do that to parents and children......perhaps I worry too much about 'morals' All I know right now is that I have an awful headache that nothing will shift Really appreciate you taking the time to respond x
  10. Oh yes, no reply from my MP either, other than is auto response
  11. Thanks louby - it is a rubbish situation all round
  12. Thank you Panders I can't really believe they are taking this stance - I have no expectation of funding for this half-term, fully accept that this was my decision to close, I don't regret that decision I know it was the right thing to do. Every piece of info sent out so far had indicated that I would just need to enter all children as 'late joiners' and could gain their funding for Spring 4 To have that taken away and to threaten me with the notion that they might not fund from April has left me completely gobsmacked Seriously thinking do I need this cr*p in my life
  13. I have a real dilemma - Kent have dropped a bit of a bombshell today and I literally have no idea what to do Mr S said 'talk it over with your forum friends' so I will My position is that I am closed - I just cannot and will not put the children, parents and group's adults at risk of infection - I can't believe that we (EY) are so undervalued and that we have been put in this position. I know that if I opened I would get probably 3 children in, parents fully support my stance and most were keen to tell me that they wouldn't send their children in even if I was open LA have now said 'open now and claim usual funding, if you don't we won't fund for after half-term', further to that there is apparently no guarantee that they will fund after Easter because the 'census' will not provide for that My choices are: a. open now - hmm nope that is not happening b. pray that schools don't reopen after half-term (I have told my parents that I will open in line with schools) and keep quiet about all of this c. write to my parents and explain that I won't now be able to open after half-term and give them the option to 'go elsewhere' d. decide that it is now time to 'throw the towel in' and close completely
  14. We had a lovely surprise this morning, it was snowing and there was about an inch or so on the ground...…..just before 8am there was a knocking on one of our front windows, it was eldest grandson with the two little ones they had walked down from their house to ours (very short distance) lovely to see them even if it was through glass! DIL sent some great videos and photos too - they had even managed to build a snowman
  15. Oooh - tooth fairy visit tonight then!
  16. Happy Birthday Key Dude!
  17. Just dropping in to say - it's Friday! Hope everyone is coping as well as possible
  18. Oh no Gezabel, I am so sorry to read that - I sincerely hope that you stay well xxx
  19. You weren't quick enough Mousie - needed to be in the first five - lets hope it is soon checked and up and running again
  20. Pleased you checked in young Froglet - you know I worry if you don't That pressie sounds fabulous
  21. Signed
  22. I have emailed my MP - also got an 'automatic response' apparently he is receiving an unprecedented amount of emails (I bet he is!) but will aim to respond as soon as possible - I won't be holding my breath......
  23. Please do - not need for any giggling though! 🤣
  24. Sad to say that I can't take anything that Dr Jenny Harries says seriously, she was happy for The Cheltenham Festival (horse racing) and the big football match (can't remember the details) to go ahead in March of last year.... I would much rather listen to Professor Calum Semple: Earlier this week BBC Breakfast interviewed Professor Calum Semple, a virologist and member of SAGE. When asked he if he could give any idea why early years settings were remaining open when schools were not, he said “no, I can’t” he went on to say that the decision to do so may be political as it was not a scientific one, he added, the reality is that, under these circumstances every opportunity to remove social mixing is vitally important.
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