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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oh why do they do that? It is ages away, so confusing for the children...oh and I so wish that I could persuade parents to drop the 'big' school expression, call it primary school please
  2. Another Friday! Louby your gazebo plans sound lovely I cannot wait to be able to enjoy garden visits again We are at pre-school on Tuesday of next week, we will finish with our traditional Easter egg hunt and then we are off until Thursday 15th April, hopefully we can the return to our usual days/times (have had assurance from LA this morning that funding will be provided as normal) Have a lovely weekend everyone
  3. Ah poor little love - I do hope she is soon feeling much better Re the past year - I completely agree, I can't make my mind up either, I still find myself thinking is this really happening......
  4. Another Friday..... I am in a reflective mood - this time last year we were under starters orders for the first lockdown - we all closed our doors 20th March 2020 - what a year it has been, who would have guessed/known that we would be in lockdown again now, but on a brighter note who would have guessed/known that lots of us would have received our first vaccine Hope that everyone is okay? Have a lovely weekend
  5. Shhhhh louby - don't even think about a third wave - I did say somewhere upthread it really doesn't fill one with confidence..... Such disappointing news re vaccination roll out, I feel really sorry for those in the younger age groups
  6. I'm moaning again! Have received the box of face masks all 450 of them - what the actual goodness - I will offer to local childminders and then primary school - we are not using masks - our parents are not 'allowed in' at all.......will keep one box of 50, but to be honest I already have an untouched pack of 50 that I had purchased
  7. No booklets here Mousie
  8. Have a lovely day my little black and white furry friend x
  9. I've been having a little chuckle to myself about all of this - I have decided that we are never happy - we moan when we don't get sent anything and we moan when we do 🤣
  10. I'm not sure how I feel about all of this new 'support' it is not filling me with confidence
  11. Yep - you couldn't make it up could you 🤣
  12. No instructions We have the best ever postie - she delivered them to my house Lovely to be crafting with your granddaughter x
  13. One staff member is really keen to use them I wondered about the recording of results too - are we going to be expected to upload them somewhere - I started to work my way through some info videos earlier - but soon lost the will to live and gave up on that - why do they have to make a simple thing so flippin' complicated 🤦‍♀️
  14. Another Friday! It has been so good to be back into the swing of things this week - my sister said "it makes so you so happy, remind me why you want to retire" I explained that I love being with the children but I just don't want any of the cr*p that goes with it anymore - speaking of which has everyone been receiving Lateral Flow Test kits this week? We have, not sure that I understand why we are not allowed to start using them until 22nd March...... Have a lovely weekend
  15. It was really lovely - all children came in confidently and were clearly delighted to be back and I don't think that I have smiled so much in months
  16. Phew! My deputy has managed to book a jab slot for this Friday
  17. That will teach you for being soooo young zigzag!
  18. Well I never Mousie - good news though
  19. Yes to the trying at various times - if it were me, I would be on the site at 6am, all through the day and midnight! 🤣
  20. Is that because the GP is concentrating on the 16-64 with underlying health problems - this is where it has gone a bit pear shaped with our GP - their website says something like 'we have 3200 such patients in our PCN and we are only receiving 400 vaccines each week' - that was why I booked elsewhere, my maths is pretty rubbish but even I can work out it is going to take them 8 weeks to clear that group
  21. Really sad to find that my deputy has not been 'done' - she is 61, she reckons there are just not any appointments available at the MVS
  22. I had a trip to the seaside for mine - 17 miles - pleased that Mr S played chauffer for me! I was able to book both appointments at the same time, second jab is 5th May Mr S got his at our GP's surgery - 4 miles - no second jab booked for him
  23. Yay Mousie that's great news - good luck x
  24. Oh my actual goodness how awful
  25. Whoop! Whoop! Good luck Cait x
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