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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. I had to really think about that louby
  2. Oh poor you - itchy skin is miserable, lets hope that this is soon resolved for you x Also grey and horrible here ☹️ not my sort of weather at all 9 pairs of socks is amazing - go you!
  3. Yes, i remembered that we were first jab buddies!
  4. Another Friday! Funny old week here - have only been open for two days - obviously closed Monday, we don't operate on Wednesdays and we had to close yesterday as our building was being used for Polling I had my second jab on Wednesday (yay!) it's a great feeling to have received both doses! Unfortunately there was an 'anti-vaxxer' outside the vaccination site, he was making a real nuisance of himself, I was surprised that the 'steward' who was standing outside engaged in a 'row' with him, he should have just told him to 'go away', all quite unsettling I don't like any form of aggro... Have a lovely weekend all
  5. Crikey - Developments Matters was produced in 2012...
  6. I'm sure that we have always been sent at least one hard before (when big changes are coming) - in fact I still have hard copies of all sorts (but perhaps I purchased them, I really can't remember)
  7. 🤦‍♀️ that's exactly the sort of thing that would happen at my setting too <shudders>
  8. It is very unfair in my humble - there is always something to try to get your head around and it's usually timed so that you spend your entire summer holiday consumed by these problems (GDPR anyone) I will probably end up having a look at them but I honestly think my poor old brain is worn out so you really couldn't trust my judgement
  9. Crazy isn't it
  10. How much are hard copies? Also why are they not sending out at least ne hard copy to settings
  11. Good heavens - I am far too much of a control freak to ever allow that to happen!
  12. I am so keen to have a look at this documentation - why - I am never going to need to know what's in them 🤷‍♀️😂
  13. 🤣🤣🤣 I think it's a bit like when we are clearing our resources cupboards - sometimes we just have to be ruthless - it doesn't come naturally to us
  14. Rant away fm - you make a very good point
  15. Oh no - don't panic, probably won't even happen before end of summer terms and even if it does you will be fine x I'm thinking that surely they will have to do the 'requires improvement' settings first 🤷‍♀️
  16. tis a thing of beauty young Froglet
  17. I'm sure that 'Covid weary' and 'slipped into bad habits' applies to us all if we are being honest
  18. louby - your lunch sounds lovely, so good to have a bit of 'normality' When was your last inspection?
  19. Crikey zigzag 2014... Make sure that everyone is up to date with safeguarding - hmm there must be more, I will have a 'think'
  20. Well another Friday has come round so quickly Have had a difficult situation to deal with this week, long story short, two warring parents, who would like to drag me into their divorce and childcare arrangements, no chance of that happening, secretly I would love to bang their heads together but that would be considered unprofessional... So I am fairly pleased that not only is it Friday but we have three days off now Have a lovely long weekend all x
  21. I find myself wondering how I will feel in September when 'it's all going on without me' - sure I'll be fine... Have expected a couple of 'lasts' to make me feel a bit sad - but no nothing so far, so I reckon it's the right time for me - it's a 'done deal' now anyway so no going back
  22. Oh crikey louby 🤦‍♀️
  23. Not Friday - but I just have to share - I have just completed my last ever 'headcount' yay! No idea why I find that such a stressful task but I do, anyway that's it my last one submitted - as long as my balancing payment comes through as expected, I am done with that 😃
  24. So they should be I am very, very scary, especially when I draw myself up to my full height of 5 foot nothing!😂
  25. Happy birthday both! Fabulous cake and love your swing seat Good luck with your jab x
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