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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oh zigzag - sending all good wishes to your husband and I have everything crossed that he is ok, has he been jabbed? I have been watching the situation in your county and thinking of you...
  2. Wow that's poxy 🤣
  3. We have a family with cp but it hasn't reached the youngest who is with us...yet😝
  4. That is such good news fm
  5. That seems like an excellent idea
  6. Flippin' washout here today - it has rained all morning - also pretty chilly - hmm so much for summer solstice
  7. It is indeed another Friday and yes louby, I agree it is all flying by! Your plans sound very good We are hoping for our usual end of term picnic with parents included which may or may not be okay as we finish on 20th (the day after 'terminus day') we will see how that is looking closer to the time... Had been a good week up until today 🤦‍♀️ if anyone finds lots of ears anywhere, they belong to the children in my setting and I would really appreciate safe return!!! They do not seem to be able to listen unless and until I raise my voice - can't be doing with that - I like quiet and calm... Plans this weekend include an outdoor gathering tomorrow for middle granddaughter's birthday - but, of course, this is weather dependent so we will be praying for it to be dry... Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  8. Will keep everything crossed for you for Sunday Still very humid and overcast here - but on the bright side - no watering required this evening!
  9. Hi Well I am extremely lucky, my families are going to Wales, Norfolk and the New Forest, so no need for quarantine! I wonder how they would 'prove' that they had completed 'hotel quarantine'...hmm, I suppose if you know their dates of travel you would just not accept children back for ten days after their return? Right, I am just rambling and being of no help at all, hopefully someone else will be able to answer <walks off muttering 'why the heck are they travelling to red list countries anyway> 🤦‍♀️
  10. We had the full monty - thunder, lightening and torrential rain...still raining Plants are happy
  11. I'd eat it (but then I would eat any sort of cake🤷‍♀️🤣)
  12. Go zigzag!
  13. Just had text from youngest son 'we are doing food and football on Sunday' - yay sounds like fun to me! 😃
  14. Tis indeed another Friday! Very good week for us - phew! Another 'last' for me today when we took our little group round to visit Primary school, all went very well which was lovely, reception class teacher confirmed that she doesn't want/need any written transition docs - whoop, whoop! She said that info gleaned verbally from me + upcoming meetings with parents and children + transition sessions (they all get 4 of these) are more than enough Looking forward to the weekend, lots on my TDL but will try really hard to get most of it completed this afternoon Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  15. Phew! I thought about this, this morning - we have a huge (and I really mean huge) collection of dinosaurs, we took them outside with us this morning, my warning was "there are lots and lots of dinosaurs to play with, if there is any arguing I will just take them all back inside" - I would have too, but no need, absolutely no arguing at all...
  16. Oh zigzag that's not good - I have been known to put things away - "if you can't play nicely with x, y, z then we can't have them anymore" <best sad face>
  17. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ oh my actual goodness there could be worse to come then...
  18. Can I have a little moan please? Have had a letter from Ofsted re the 'sale' (I'm not selling, I'm giving) of my pre-school - it is all to do with the timings for when I need to resign my registration in order for the new owner to register in her name... Last paragraph asks me to contact them, quoting ref at top of letter and assures me that one of their advisers will be happy to assist me Can you tell where I'm going with this? I rang, pushed all of the numbers as and when prompted, on phone for ages, then they said "this call will end now" 🤷‍♀️ Guess I will have to email then!
  19. 🤣🤣🤣 it happens to the best of us
  20. Doh! 🤦‍♀️🤣
  21. Have you read the book?
  22. 'The Light between Oceans' or something like that louby?
  23. Well I am jiggered - such a busy day in the garden, some planting but mostly weeding - Mr S is being sent out for fish and chips later! Young Froglet - I was hoping that our little black and white furry friend would come up with a film recommendation for you - hmmm have you seen '3 billboards' that was on last week I wonder if you could get it on catch up...
  24. Hold on - why am I 'furry'? Legs were shaved last night I'll have you know! 🤣
  25. Oooh good luck with the sleepover - I'm sure it will be just lovely - don't expect to actually sleep though, I am always on some sort of 'alert' when any of ours stay over So pleased to hear that your little cat is fully recovered
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