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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oh zigzag that is very sad, sending a huge virtual hug to you x
  2. Oh no I'm so sorry to read that you have been feeling unwell hope that you are really 'back to normal' - don't overdo things today How lovely that your post-lady liked your pumpkin so much I was going to give the sock knitting a go but then got involved in knitting poppies for the church, I still need to add the wires and florist tape to those, but then I had an email from Age UK with news that they have extended the deadline for their campaign with Innocent smoothies, they want lots of little hats knitted, they get 25p for each one sold atop a smoothie bottle, so that's what I have moved onto now
  3. I think a 'NTDL' is a fabulous idea - as you say 'nothing really matters in the end' - same applies really to your planned cleaning/decluttering - far better to spend your time with your daughter and granddaughter in my humble...
  4. Good morning Happy Friday! Hope the weekend is kind to all x
  5. My littlest grandson asked his mummy if he could have cheese, cucumber and 'cold toast with no skins' for his lunch today cold toast with no skins = a slice of bread with the crusts cut off - obvs 🤣
  6. Have a lovely day young Froglet!
  7. Yes of course Cait I do understand, it has been a very frustrating time for all
  8. Ooh lots of cake and biscuits chat - two of my favourite subjects😂 Sunday lunch at youngest sons was lovely, it was so good to see our eldest granddaughter and incredibly chuffed that this lunch was her choice of activity for today (I didn't know that and was a bit worried that we might be keeping her from seeing friends) Apparently she was quite poorly last week with a water infection, one of the boys that lives in the same Uni house looked after and collected her anti-biotics for her etc. so her dad/my son sent a bottle of JD to him...her younger sister (15) said "he is a bit of a 'mafia dad', you look after my daughter and I'll look after you" 🤣🤣🤣 Really good to hear that she is getting face to face lectures this year - she didn't even get onto campus last year, I have a bit of an issue with her having to pay 9k for online lectures, but hey ho it is what it is
  9. Oh it will be lovely with custard
  10. Have a good break zigzag x
  11. Another Friday has landed - start of half-term for some - yay! Hope everyone is okay Nothing much to report from here - apart from we are going for Sunday lunch at youngest son's house on Sunday - whoop - eldest granddaughter is home from Uni for the weekend so it will be really lovely to see her
  12. The Kent Test is the new name for the 11 plus - we still have that in our neck of the woods
  13. Whoop! Whoop! That's brilliant news
  14. I wonder if it was because it was a 'selective school' 🤷‍♀️
  15. This morning I have come across my old school reports😂 Primary all good and I remember all of those teachers with great fondness... Secondary school, 1st year report, I can't believe the gradings - not mine I got mainly B, 1 A for RE 🤷‍♀️ and a C for speech - I had a stammer which only developed when I moved schools overcame that a couple of years later, although even now I find that I sometimes have to change a word that I had intended to use because I fear I won't be able to 'get it out' Anyway the point I was going to make is that the gradings are: A - very good B - good C - average D - weak E - disgraceful Wow - disgraceful - a bit harsh there 🤣
  16. I am completely, absolutely sure that Mr Darcy has hidden depths... No wildlife startled (just Mr S) 😂
  17. Hmmm I would choose Mr Darcey - like the idea of 'cosy knitting with Mr Darcey' Oh I don't think I have ever seen that film might have to have a look at that The weather has prompted much swearing here - put out two loads of washing as it was bright and blowy, when up to the polytunnel to harvest tomatoes and peppers, thought i would have walk round the field whilst I was up there, reached the top of the field when it started lashing down grrr, by the time I got back down to the washing line it was just too late to bring it back in
  18. Is it still my birthday? No, I suppose two days is enough! 🤣 Thanks very much for all of your good wishes, I had a lovely day including dinner at eldest son's house, all family there (apart from the Uni goers) it was all very special
  19. Yes I think I may adopt the two birthday approach 🤣
  20. Thank you very much my little black and white furry friend
  21. It is - but I'm very happy to have received your lovely good wishes a day early! 🤣
  22. Oooh 4 1/2 weeks is very tight
  23. I'm so pleased for you, I really think this is such a good idea
  24. Amazing Cait
  25. I like this! I think that I have 'talk to me' tattooed on my forehead - Mr S laughs at me and says things like "so you've got his life story then" 🤣 or "do you know her then" invariably the answer is 'no never seen her before in my life' Youngest son, if we are going anywhere together, has been known to say "you are not going to talk to everyone are you mum" - i would like to point out that it is always (well mostly) people talking to me not the other way round! Anyway it's good to chat...
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