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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Thinking/hoping that this should be easy - lyrics from Beatles songs - just name the song: 1. You don't need me to show the way, love 2. I've got everything you want like a heart that's oh so true 3. Well, shake it up baby 4. Let me whisper in your ear 5. She asked me to stay and told me to sit anywhere
  2. Eh?
  3. Just reporting back on 'Normal People' as requested by young Froglet - I thoroughly enjoyed this book, just slightly disappointed by the ending
  4. Oh they look absolutely delicious
  5. You are all being so industrious - I'm not sure what I have achieved today, not a lot really Have such seen youngest son, his wife and our eldest granddaughter (from a safe distance) they were coming back from a long walk - just so lovely to see them
  6. Love, love, love that song
  7. 'brains trust' you must be joking - you are talking to the woman who spent 20 minutes looking for her watch today...…..it was on my wrist, no idea how it got there
  8. I love a musical too - can't believe that I haven't got any
  9. Just moving this on to this page
  10. Oooh - they really do look delicious! Have seen eldest son from a safe distance he had been to pick up prescriptions for Mr S - wonderful to be able to see him for a little while
  11. Yum
  12. So pretty - you are a clever, creative old thing
  13. Oh is it Players in a Netball team?
  14. Promise I'm thinking...….but nope, no idea
  15. It's Friday again - three weeks since closure...... Hope that everyone is well and can enjoy some sunshine over the weekend
  16. Oh my actual goodness! Have just received video of my 4 year old granddaughter joining in with the 'big clap' - I wish I could share it - she was in her nightie with a fleece over the top and her wellie boots, banging a saucepan with a spoon...….apparently she thought she was doing it for Dr Ranj (sp)…...
  17. Oh I'm late to this one - what are we still looking for/are we still looking for any?
  18. Have just received my daily videos and pics of my youngest two grandchildren - can't tell you how much I look forward to these
  19. I also know 5 and 10 but will let someone else have a turn - great idea young froglet
  20. 6. Where the Wild things are
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