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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Oh no - I am genuinely sorry to read this
  2. I thought you had been on the gin - was quite happy to let you just carry on
  3. Keep going - this is fun!
  4. Yay - I am on 19 points Venice = 10 Being awake = 1 War horse = 8
  5. I am soooo confused - why exactly is mousie showing us her vest?
  6. Cats - but I'm not sure where the puppets fit into this
  7. Oh that looks yummy - Happy Birthday Mr Panders and many happy returns
  8. Only if Tom Hanks is also known as Venice
  9. Can we have another clue please young froglet?
  10. 20 - 25% is high and it will be worthwhile pursuing this scheme for you I would have thought
  11. Young froglet wouldn't know anything about 'Heffalump traps' - she told us way back in this thread that she hasn't read any Winnie the Pooh
  12. Shock, horror - I'm sure he wasn't a spy!
  13. I was awake at 4am this morning with all of this running through my mind - think that I have formulated a 'plan' - need to discuss with my staff team but I propose some radical changes! I made the mistake of watching the 'press preview' last night and was stunned to hear news of 11th May return - this has been denied by Michael Gove this morning
  14. That sounds so simple, but......wouldn't the argument be that you choose to 'work one over ratio'? I have no idea really. I was quite prepared to pay my staff 100% of their wages from funding before all of this furlough stuff came into being, I would have had just one child paying fees in February and she has moved over to funding for the summer terms I will email my accountant tomorrow and see what she has to say The idea of grappling with a new Gov. portal for a very small sum of money (as it would be in my case) just fills me with dread
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