I agree anju - we have received the first half of our funding but I have little faith that we will receive the full amount of our 'second half' having heard that Wiltshire is paying 80% to providers who are not open for Key Worker children etc
I have spoken to my accountant this morning, she wasn't really 'up to speed' with the proposed changes for EY (I'm not surprised, how could she be when this was dropped on us late on Friday) - I talked through my 'figures/working out' with her - I am feeling 'this is just not worth the hassle' for me (I only had one child paying fees in February)
She did not like my idea of paying 100% wages - she said that I can 'furlough' but not attempt a claim.....as I said above I am not at all confident that we will receive full funding for second half of term - who knows......
Not sure that any of this post is helpful to anyone - sorry