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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. Have just wasted time trying to complete the EYA survey - site crashed
  2. Yes - I was just about to reply FSF - you beat me to it
  3. I didn't know about that - at this rate there will not be any EY settings for children to return to Wonder what (if anything) will come out of today's PMQs - I think Raab is in the hot seat Did anyone catch any of the live broadcast from Parliament yesterday - they have little stickers on the back of the benches to indicate where they can and cannot sit - they couldn't even manage to get that right - hardly fills one with confidence
  4. F E E (Free Early Education)
  5. Bumping this so it doesn't get lost amongst the leaves E T
  6. Is it Tom Hank's daughter - I think her name is Charlotte (Webb)?
  7. I am a huge Dylan fan - but he couldn't be classed as a 'pin up' really!
  8. Yay! Well done my little black and white furry friend
  9. Oh - you're good at this!
  10. My other clues were going to be: First album released in 1962 'Never Ending Tour' Born Robert Allen Zimmerman But Mundia was 'on the ball'!
  11. I will be extremely hacked off if we get two days notice like we did for closure I miss the children, I miss my little staff team, I am so sad that we won't get to do all of the transition 'stuff' that we usually do - even if we are back in June, I am fairly sure that we won't be welcome at our local Primary School for visits (I wouldn't be prepared to go even if we were welcome) Have we met Raab's '5 points' - I don't think so...... It's so stressful - just wish they would give some idea of their 'exit strategy' - not dates, just order would be helpful In conversation with my brother this morning I asked him what he thought would happen next - he said "oh schools opening for sure"
  12. 3. Awarded Nobel Prize in Literature
  13. 2. Prominent in the civil rights movement
  14. Not sure I will manage ten clues but here goes 1. American, born 1941
  15. I really, really hope not - how would that be safe for anyone Obviously all playing on my mind, I dreamt last night that someone from our village (primary school teacher) asked me if she could take over my pre-school, I answered "yes, as long as you keep my staff it's all yours" When is 'sooner than we think' next few weeks?
  16. Yep - Brian May - I'm sure young Froglet has got it
  17. Brian Cox Please ignore - that's not who I'm thinking of
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