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Everything posted by sunnyday

  1. We haven't been anywhere for five weeks and use debit card for online shopping
  2. Looking for a film 1. Released in 1977
  3. Just opened our Credit Card bill - nil to pay well that's a first
  4. I have long felt that the best bit about 'Gardener's World' is Monty's gorgeous dogs
  5. Maybe there is hope for me yet then on the sewing front - was definitely school that made me believe I 'can't do it' - spent one entire school year working on the same padded coat hanger Seriously now can it really be 5 weeks since we closed our doors...…. This week started 'badly' for me - I had managed to get myself so 'wound up' by this blessed furloughing business - I have decided to not even go down that route - only one funded child in February - felt like far too much hassle for very little result Since then I have given myself a really good talking to Worried about funding - meh nothing I can do about it Worried about having to return in June - as above Worried about whether not we will have any of our proposed new starters in September - as above I have so much to be grateful for - a comfortable home with a large garden and small field beyond, we are well (touch wood) our family are well (touch wood), the sun is shining. Life has settled into a strange new routine, not getting a lot done but hey 'there's always tomorrow'! Walking round the little field everyday (PB today, 10 laps which, I think equates to roughly two miles and approx. 5000 steps), potter about in the house and garden (being careful not to break into a sweat), lunch, catch the news, bit more pottering, some reading....you get the idea Think I will just leave this here: 'Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference'
  6. Percy Thrower wow there's a blast from the past
  7. That's so funny - Mr S really dislikes Alan Titchmarsh for some unknown reason
  8. Watching last night's 'Sewing Bee' - love this programme even though I can't sew for toffee
  9. Nope - he is 'up the garden' somewhere
  10. You're right I love music - however, tis is not connected to music at all
  11. Good one louby - except that clue no. 2 said 'he'
  12. I am just ignoring my little black and white furry friend - think she might have been on the Gin again 2. He said - "I run on the road, long before I dance under the lights"
  13. Good evening quizzers - I think this should be easy - but who knows 1. American, born 1942
  14. There's always tomorrow - at least that's what I tell myself when failing to get on with the million and one things that I could be doing!
  15. Many happy returns zigzag
  16. That's great news zigzag - was that via email? You can see where I'm going with this I'm sure
  17. Bet you're glad you are finished with all of this!
  18. So - above is a copy and paste job Looks to me as though they might very well 'stop' or reduce our funding if we are not open for KW children
  19. Funding What will happen to funding for free childcare places during this period of disruption? On 17 March 2020, the Chancellor confirmed the government would continue to pay local authorities for free early years entitlement places for 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds. We will be updating this guidance to set out how local authorities can use their free entitlement funding differently, redistributing it – in exceptional cases and in a clearly focussed and targeted way – in order to secure childcare for the children of critical workers and for vulnerable children, where their usual arrangements are no longer possible. Local Authorities will need to ensure there are sufficient childcare places at this time, and to redistribute funding across settings accordingly. This ability to redistribute will enable local authorities to ensure that critical workers, including NHS staff, are able to access childcare where they need it. Any setting which sees their early entitlement funding reduced in order to fund childcare places elsewhere will be able to increase the proportion of their salary bill eligible for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme in line with the Department’s guidance on access to the scheme.”
  20. I think we just use this thread to say anything that's on our minds - no problem with that
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