Maybe there is hope for me yet then on the sewing front - was definitely school that made me believe I 'can't do it' - spent one entire school year working on the same padded coat hanger
Seriously now can it really be 5 weeks since we closed our doors...….
This week started 'badly' for me - I had managed to get myself so 'wound up' by this blessed furloughing business - I have decided to not even go down that route - only one funded child in February - felt like far too much hassle for very little result
Since then I have given myself a really good talking to
Worried about funding - meh nothing I can do about it
Worried about having to return in June - as above
Worried about whether not we will have any of our proposed new starters in September - as above
I have so much to be grateful for - a comfortable home with a large garden and small field beyond, we are well (touch wood) our family are well (touch wood), the sun is shining. Life has settled into a strange new routine, not getting a lot done but hey 'there's always tomorrow'! Walking round the little field everyday (PB today, 10 laps which, I think equates to roughly two miles and approx. 5000 steps), potter about in the house and garden (being careful not to break into a sweat), lunch, catch the news, bit more pottering, some get the idea
Think I will just leave this here:
'Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference'