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Everything posted by zigzag

  1. My brother has had lots of rescue greyhounds and they would be the perfect dog to be left alone for longer hours. As Sunnyday said they are so lazy and just love to sleep the day away.
  2. Our second rescue was used as a breeding dog and her and her partner were kept in a cage ll the time and only let out in the garden for toilet. When we got her she literally did not know how to walk on a lead and would not wee or poo on a walk and would wait until she was back in the garden. This did not take long to sort as soon as she got a taste of a normal life. She is however, very very needy and insecure, despite years of unconditional love and attention. The start they have in life still stays with them in some way.
  3. Yes totally agree with that. Even though we had our first dog from the small rescue centre when we had our second dog from them they were still as thorough with the visits and checks. Also be prepared for what you may be taking on, a lot of rescue dogs come with issues and needs. That being said it’s incredibly rewarding if you have the time and patience to give them.
  4. Firstly I’m a dog lover, I talk to my dog like she is human and my life quite literally revolves around her and now my grand dog! They are my everything. We have had two rescued cocker spaniels and personally I wouldn’t have any other breed, I love them. I’m also a great advocate for having rescue dogs. I’m in the incredibly fortunate position that I only work short/part time hours. I am a firm believer that you shouldn’t have a dog if you are away from home all day but that is just my personal preference. I know there are some excellent doggy day care places around though. As has already been said they are expensive! And definitely get a really good insurance policy. If you can make it work around your working hours you will never regret having a dog.
  5. Mum and I went to the theatre on Thursday and saw 2:22 a ghost story, has anyone seen it? It was very different!
  6. Ahh thanks guys. Birthday is next Tuesday. We are off to stay in Wells tomorrow. So hoping to walk up Glastonbury tor tomorrow and have a wander around Glastonbury town. Then we are planning to visit Cheddar gorge, Wells, Bath and maybe Wookey hole. If anyone knows this area would appreciate any advice of places to visit, things to do etc. Have a lovely weekend all and I hope the sun stays shining for all.
  7. Hope you had a lovely birthday and I totally agree! I’m turning 50 next week which seems ridiculous, just where have the years gone?
  8. It was so nice to see the sun yesterday. Everyone just feels a million times better for it. It’s going to take so long to dry up though! The mud on one of my favourite walks is now three quarters of the way up my welly boots. Even the dogs are fed up of mud now! Today will consist of hopefully getting the masses of laundry from my changeover dried on the line, I’d forgotten just how much there is! I do also have the rest of my Dahlias to get planted today, love being able to potter about in the greenhouse again. Have a lovely weekend all.
  9. 🤣🤣 This made me laugh Finleysmaid!! This is my Grandog who I have everyday and she very happily climbed into the washing basket and snuggled up! I highly recommend a mud buddy for anyone that has a dog, they are brilliant.
  10. The rain is relentless, the ground cannot take anymore! I too have soggy muddy spaniel fever! Trying to walk the fields this week was almost impossible, almost came a cropper and landed in the mud, just managed to save myself, good job no one was around as it was not at all graceful!🤣🤣 Think storm Kathleen is beginning to make itself know outside at the moment! Oh joy, another wet and windy weekend. Roll on summer. Great news about Mr S. You must both be so pleased. Xx Gezabel, how is that gorgeous baby getting on? Have a good weekend all.
  11. Did a changeover at the holiday cottage today and hope to god it’s not an omen for the rest of the season! The place was absolutely disgusting, honestly you wonder what these people’s homes are like. We then have had half a day of no rain! So cleaned the greenhouse inside and out and got some seeds planted. Even just doing those small jobs feels like progress! Have a a lovely rest of the weekend. Xx
  12. Totally agree with this! I never did and I should have done. It’s only now that I am out of it that I can see that.
  13. He is absolutely beautiful. Oh my goodness he is going to be so loved. Xx
  14. The hairs on the back of my neck are sticking up! That is the best news, so very happy for you all. Enjoy your beautiful Grandson. Xxxx
  15. What fantastic news. What a journey you have all been on. Let us know when he is here! Xx
  16. Fingers crossed Louby. Xx
  17. My brothers Dad had it and sadly passed away in December so this made my brother request a test. Thank goodness he did. Cait I’m so sorry that your husband wasn’t able to catch it earlier. Xx
  18. Hope you feel better soon froglet, take it easy. So sick of rain and mud, there seems no end to it, the ground here literally cannot take anymore! Brighter days are coming (I hope) Found out today that my brother has been diagnosed with prostate cancer this week. Sounds like they have caught it early, he starts radiotherapy next month and seems very positive. So we will keep everything crossed for him. No major plans here this weekend, more mud wading and dog washing! Have a good weekend all.
  19. They are all fabulous but I particularly like Amelia Earhart and Emmaline Pankhurst.
  20. Just rain for us! I really don’t think the ground can take anymore! (Neither can I) We had a lovely Sunday roast at Roskillys farm on Sunday. Was a lovely treat and made a change from me cooking roast for everyone! I’m a very happy lady tonight as just heard back from the vets that my darling dogs lumps are just fatty lumps and nothing sinister. Very relieved and thankful. Did anyone happen to see the breakfast news yesterday? They were discussing the new funding and lack of early years workers. Then to my horror they were highlighting a three week boot camp to be able to work in early years settings!! Oh my goodness is this seriously what it has come to?
  21. Enjoy every minute of your holiday Froglet.
  22. Oh goodness, it sounds so confusing! Hope you both get it sorted with no huge problems. Makes me grateful that it is no longer my worry!
  23. Totally agree with you, it was something that I just couldn’t manage to do and I think that’s what broke me in the end.
  24. Mousie, what do you mean that you now have to give a week back?😮
  25. Thank goodness January is done and dusted, it honestly seemed never ending this year! Very quiet weekend for me now unexpectedly. My husbands been working on the Isles of Scilly this week and because of the bad weather all flights were grounded today and looks like they will be tomorrow as well! So looks like he won’t be home until Monday (weather permitting) to add to that my son is in London for the weekend so it’s just me and the dog and oh my goodness is the house quiet! (Beautifully tidy though) Have been hearing about this idea that the government have to try and entice early years workers back, would take a lot more than that to get me tempted to return! Why didn’t they listen to the sector years ago? It may not be in the dire straights that it is now if they had of done! Have a good weekend all. Xx
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