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Everything posted by anju

  1. I know! I don't feel it's possible to wear masks in nursery
  2. official guidance is now to wear face masks in enclosed spaces apparently...
  3. Ooh that's an interesting idea! I wonder how much you should put. I will have a google...
  4. I was thinking we could/should only have out what can be cleaned easily but that would be hard plastic toys I guess. Plus water with detergent of some sort in it.
  5. From the DFE although he definitely did not ‘confirm’ this as he didn’t mention childcare or early years ‘As confirmed by the Prime Minister this evening, we are asking education and childcare settings to prepare to open for more children from 1 June. We will publish further guidance setting out more information for early years, schools and colleges tomorrow.’
  6. Same here but the ‘work from home if you can’ message seems to have been diluted. Or blurred. Grim but true about insurance and also potential for being sued or being prosecuted due to Health and Safety at work breaches.
  7. Good points. Maybe they will publish an expanded ‘key worker plus extras’ list of who is now allowed and encouraged to work and then we will be expected to provide childcare for those children. Dare I mention PPE?? I haven’t looked in to getting any as I feel uncomfortable potentially taking supplies from front line health and care staff. Maybe I wouldn’t be able to get any anyway
  8. Maybe we would technically have the choice whether to open after 1st June but would funding continue if we chose not to??
  9. From DFE Facebook page ‘As confirmed by the Prime Minister this evening, we are asking education and childcare settings to prepare to open for more children from 1 June. We will publish further guidance setting out more information for early years, schools and colleges tomorrow.’
  10. Yes that’s true. It would be strange if the school reopened to reception and not nursery I think. *this*
  11. Maybe more detail will come out tomorrow I’m not sure if it’s an oversight 😬 I thought a general message was ‘get back to work’ and parents will need childcare for the pre schoolers in order to do that? Don’t know though
  12. Should we assume a provisional June 1st date for nurseries then? Along with Reception, Year 1 and Year 6?? What do people think?
  13. Can’t get the link to work unfortunately - will look on iPlayer
  14. I have no idea if my claim meets the guidance or not having read all this. Once the next claim goes in for May (unless we are forced to return before then eek) I don’t know whether to calculate it differently or not 🤔 I know! 😬
  15. Don’t know if you all saw these FAQs https://www.ndna.org.uk/NDNA/Knowledge_Hub/Coronavirus/Your_Coronavirus_questions_answered_early_years.aspx
  16. Accountant put my claim in but I haven’t seen what she put so I’ve no idea if it fits with any of the interpretations 😂 Obviously I gave her my figures but I haven’t seen the questions on the portal so I don’t know what she may have entered where. Yes, losing the will to a large extent...
  17. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain all this.
  18. That’s great 😊 What percentage of your wage bill were you able to claim - was it roughly what you thought it would be?
  19. Exactly!
  20. I don’t care where the money comes from at all - I don’t pay for certain things from funding and others from private income; it’s all put together. I didn’t expect to make such a loss that’s all. I’m hoping to receive £600 in job retention scheme grant but will lose £2000 over the same time period in private fees. As I’m not charging parents while we are closed. And we can’t apply for the small business grant.
  21. Wow. Not good. But very difficult to know what to do for the best.
  22. It’s pretty dire isn’t it. I stupidly committed to 100% for April and May when I thought we’d be getting the full JRS and I also gave everyone pay rises rather than just the minimum wage people. Don’t feel I can go back on either but it won’t be possible to pay 100% for any longer than that. And the reserves I thought I’d have to plug the annual deficit in the Autumn Term will be gone.
  23. It’s crazy isn’t it The 80% is (I think) because that’s the maximum anyone in the country can claim - that’s the baseline kind of thing. And then we are only allowed to claim the relevant percentage of that. My staff have been fine about being unfurloughed - I told them to just disregard my furlough letter. But I’m paying them 100% whether furloughed (one person) or not (the others) so it doesn’t matter to them. Whether unfurloughing is ‘allowed’ I’ve no idea but I don’t think it will be a problem. Naive maybe!!
  24. That’s certainly what I’ve done - hope it’s right!
  25. Yes basically. Total wage bill - 80% of that then the relevant percentage from private to funded income applied to that amount. Then i picked someone whose wages were roughly that amount and chose them to furlough and claim the grant against their wages.
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