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Everything posted by anju

  1. Thanks Cait, it’s May furlough I need to sort out and we are definitely closed for May. And then I’ll leave June’s for a while yet and see what happens!
  2. Blimey that’s tricky. Even if you only need four staff, would you get the wages back for the others from the furlough scheme? Also, if you’ve got low numbers of children returning, meaning on the plus side you may only need four staff but on the other hand does that mean your private income is seriously depleted? And you can’t adjust that aspect of the percentage calculation for the furlough; it has to be February’s Private income still as far as I know. dont know if the above makes sense sorry!
  3. I’m going to tell mine they have to say a definite yes (to my message asking whether they want to send them back on 1st June) by the weekend and if not, I won’t be including them in our numbers (as I need to plan staffing, possibly splitting the week into two groups etc) and can’t keep changing that. I’m going to say (unless I’m not allowed) that if they miss the deadline they may be able to send them in when the next phase starts (4th July) but not before
  4. Oh my days I have no idea 😬 Need to sort my next furlough claim out too but up to eyeballs in various options of attendance for possibly reopening 😩
  5. God, that's so awful
  6. I’m not sure yet. Trying to gauge numbers so that I can deal with that if it arises. What will you do in terms of wages etc if they don’t feel happy to work?
  7. Well, I’ve messaged all my families saying would you want to send your child if there’s the possibility of coming back, and I explained we’ll need to restrict numbers and follow government guidance which may mean only taking the oldest children etc. So far I’ve had 8 replies and they all want their children back in on 1st june!! Feeling more stressed now 😩 Maybe the yesses are bound to answer quickly and the rest will mostly say no....
  8. Hadn’t even thought of that 😬
  9. Yes I read that too and that they would maybe send the children to another setting
  10. I thought the groupings were meant to be only up to the EYFS ratios in which case groups of 8 for 3/4 yr olds and 4 for 2 yr olds. But I may be wrong. And we would have more than 8 who are due to go to school (I’m thinking of limiting to those anyway) and only one room. Don’t feel it’s an option to stay closed til September but having a virtual meeting with staff later to discuss. Not a good situation to be in for any of us in early years really. Difficult choices.
  11. Yes that’s true enough.
  12. Agreed - I can’t see that working at all! I wondered about half weeks or something but then some could get all their hours, some (full timers) would only get half their hours and they are the ones with working parents on the whole so that wouldn’t be popular. It really is a minefield
  13. So much to think about! I haven’t asked parents yet whether they are planning to send them back in but I think a lot of them will want to. Or say ‘no’ now but change minds later like you say @Mouseketeer . As things stand I can’t see how we can operate in smaller groups as we are an open plan one-room setting. So I may need to go down the route of prioritising the children due to start school. Although I’m also hoping some will defer entry and stay on in September which would help financially and also potentially benefit the summer borns.
  14. I started wading through both those, then had an hour long chat (moan) to another preschool manager and now can’t face reading any more 😬
  15. Here’s the detailed guidelines https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/actions-for-educational-and-childcare-settings-to-prepare-for-wider-opening-from-1-june-2020/actions-for-education-and-childcare-settings-to-prepare-for-wider-opening-from-1-june-2020
  16. I’ve got that on my list about taking their temperature on arrival but I know some of my parents would dose them with calpol before coming in (we can sometimes smell it on their breath ). I don’t think masks are an option because of the difficulties in communicating, reassuring etc. But then people are vulnerable without them. And unless I can get enough disposable gloves for changing and dealing with accidents then I don’t see how we can open anyway . It’s all quite difficult.
  17. This seems to be all it says on early years A phased return for early years settings and schools. Schools should prepare to begin to open for more children from 1 June. The Government expects children to be able to return to early years settings, and for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to be back in school in smaller sizes, from this point. This aims to ensure that the youngest children, and those preparing for the transition to secondary school, have maximum time with their teachers. Secondary schools and further education colleges should also prepare to begin some face to face contact with Year 10 and 12 pupils who have key exams next year, in support of their continued remote, home learning. The Government’s ambition is for all primary school children to return to school before the summer for a month if feasible, though this will be kept under review. The Department of Education will engage closely with schools and early years providers to develop further detail and guidance on how schools should facilitate this.
  18. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/staying-alert-and-safe-social-distancing/staying-alert-and-safe-social-distancing maybe this will work... actually this is probably not even the right doc!!
  19. I can't get that link to work I'm afraid....
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