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Everything posted by anju

  1. anju

    September opening

    I saw that on the news - crazy isn’t it?! 🙄
  2. anju

    September opening

    Dressing up stuff we wash in the washing machine - I realised I made it sound like we soak it in steriliser 😬
  3. anju

    September opening

    We have also covered up (with fabric) lots of our storage units which we used to let the children pull out and choose whenever
  4. anju

    September opening

    Hi, we have sets of things eg several boxes of smaller amounts of duplo, mobilo etc and then at the end of the day soak that day’s collection in dilute steriliser and leave it to dry on a towel. Dressing up stuff we have a few sets of a few items and will do the same. Surfaces like door handles, tables, toilets, sinks are cleaned several times during the day with anti bac wipes - we do it every time the children are sitting down so it’s easier to remember. The adult toilet we each wipe the sink and loo after we use it. At the end of the day we were cleaning surfaces again and also mopping the floor. It’s time consuming and expensive in terms of cleaning products and staff hours unfortunately. We aren’t having as much stuff out as usual. We only have one bubble and aren’t cleaning outdoor equipment.
  5. anju

    September opening

    Looks fab! Well done 🙂
  6. anju

    September opening

    Hi, we had water with some sort of detergent in it before the summer holiday. When we restart we will do the same for water and we might have sand too and clean it with diluted steriliser sprayed on it at the end of each day; we haven’t made a final decision about the sand yet.
  7. anju


    This is the one I’ve used for years as well 👍🏼
  8. anju

    September opening

    Yep, ludicrous
  9. anju

    September opening

    That’s so typical about your numbers this year 🙄
  10. anju

    September opening

    It’s a big worry isn’t it and worse for you as you are a bigger setting. I don’t have any answers I’m afraid but I do feel for you. I find that either I get no feedback or too much, like why we don’t need to follow the guidance because ‘someone I know on Facebook says they have soft toys out’ etc 🙄 - does my head in
  11. anju

    September opening

    Yep 😕 there will be around 24 children plus 6 adults altogether across the week. Quite a lot eek!
  12. anju

    September opening

    You definitely do
  13. anju

    September opening

    I’m still waiting for more guidance before deciding Definitely about settling the new ones 😬 I’m letting them visit in a group of all the new ones before term starts and planning they all hang around the garden and parents have been told to distance from each other. The children can mix as they will all be together with returners in one bubble come September. Then I’m planning to let one parent and child come inside at a time to look at the premises etc. Once term starts I’m planning to have as few new parents (and no returning parents) in the building as possible. Some will be fine I think. It’s the ones whose parents want to come in which will be difficult and I don’t want to stagger starts due to Getting all their hours in and finances etc. Am thinking maybe if they have to come in then they stay away from other adults as far as possible and we tell them 10 mins max?? I don’t know really.
  14. anju

    September opening

    It’s all such a worry so stressful and I agree about staff then expecting you to be the police ☹️
  15. anju

    September opening

    Same with us - one of my colleagues works in the school as well. I think school guidance says specialist teachers can do actual visits to different schools too but ours says no to speech therapists etc visiting unless unavoidable (I think) - surely the guidance should be consistent 🤷🏻‍♀️
  16. anju

    September opening

    Absolutely - we need to know now! Haven’t seen anything saying a date for new guidance though 😕
  17. anju

    September opening

    OMG!!! 😱😱
  18. anju

    September opening

    Completely agree - hive of heat and germs I reckon!
  19. anju

    September opening

    This all sounds good - thank you for sharing what you’re doing. It’s given me some ideas for how to arrange things in September 😊
  20. anju

    September opening

    Yes exactly. It’s all such a pain.
  21. anju

    September opening

    Wow! Very thorough. We don’t have enough resources for that and I’ve no idea what a fogging machine even is 😂 It sounds costly too, in terms of paying someone to do all that.
  22. anju

    September opening

    It does indeed!
  23. anju

    September opening

    We’ve been doing both up til now and it would be more difficult in September with larger numbers of children as we would need more of certain resources in order to make smaller ‘packs’ to rotate. I don’t know really.
  24. anju

    September opening

    We have been open less hours up til now too, to allow for cleaning, but you’re right; there will still be lots of cleaning in September 😬 We have got more efficient at doing it but there’s still a cost involved and no reimbursement for that of course.
  25. anju

    September opening

    We have lost so much money, I’m planning to extend the hours to try and get some more funds in. Will have to see how it goes.
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