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Everything posted by anju

  1. 😂😂😂😂 It’s hardly going to make up the amount lost though is it. *bangs head against wall*
  2. The trouble is we weren’t told this when we (in my case anyway) commited to paying all staff 100% of wages, gave everyone pay rises etc. If I’d know what I know now I would not have done that but I won’t go back on my word. Unlike the government 🙁
  3. Because we’ve all got sh*t loads of money to be paying back loans 😡
  4. And they would be taking the funding away from the child’s original setting then?
  5. Just had an email from our LA saying basically ‘we await further guidance on this’. NOT reassuring at all 🙄
  6. Ours had said originally that they wouldn’t take any money off if we were closed but obviously that was before this latest guidance. Hoping to get some reassurance later.
  7. Hmm that’s an interesting question 🤔
  8. It really is ridiculous. I despair.
  9. Seems to be yet more guidance casting doubt on the Early Years Funding being paid in full if you are closed, and hence more complication in working out what can be claimed Local Authorities will need to ensure there are sufficient childcare places at this time, and to redistribute funding across settings accordingly. This ability to redistribute will enable local authorities to ensure that critical workers, including NHS staff, are able to access childcare where they need it. Any setting which sees their early entitlement funding reduced in order to fund childcare places elsewhere will be able to increase the proportion of their salary bill eligible for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme in line with the Department’s guidance on access to the scheme.” https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures#funding
  10. What?!! Somewhat pointless then!
  11. I think this is the generic one for most businesses to use but not out sector?? Not sure though
  12. Yes!! 😍
  13. Yep that’s what I reckon and my accountant agreed with this method of working it out too
  14. Yes it’s not very clear
  15. In the example in the guidance it says something like ‘if your funded income is 40% and private is 60% then you can claim support under the CJRS for 60% of your payroll.’ So I thought by ‘support under the CJRS’ it referred to the original support of 80% and you’d claim 60% of 80%. Also, if you take it to its logical conclusion, if the private income was 90% of the income and you didn’t apply 80% then you’d claim 90% of your wage bill which is even higher than the original?? I don’t know to be honest!’
  16. Oh that’s what I thought you meant to start with, then I wasn’t sure! Will look at the guidance again...
  17. Literally lolled at that 😂 unusually, my fees were pretty much paid on time that month within the due month so it’s irrelevant to me but I can see how it wouldn’t be for others
  18. It’s not to do with the actual private income, it’s the proportion of private income to funded income - I think that’s where some of the confusion is. That’s what I think anyway...
  19. I did the funding income for February (which related to 3 weeks worth as we were closed for half term) and then the 3 weeks private income from Feb as well
  20. Blimey I’m now not sure if it’s 80% of the 13% 😂 My accountant is submitting the claim so I assume she will sort that bit. I’ll have to process the second bit - I used the income we actually received in Feb which is on the bank statement as I thought that’s what they require and might check? But I’m not sure and in your case if it makes a lot of difference then it may be better to do it as an average? will look again about the 80% - I may be being overly pessimistic and maybe it’s 100% of the 13% 🤞🏽
  21. Oh goodness, how difficult! Mine only half listens and tends to zone out after a while which is probably a good thing to be honest! I’m unfurloighing all but one of mine straight away. Not sure if that’s allowed but they have agreed to it so I figure it’s ok. Then I’m claiming against the one who is staying furloughed. My figures ended up with the private income being only 13% and funded was 87%. So I’ve claimed 80% of the 13% of the wage bill. Hopefully it’ll be the princely sum of £600 for 6 weeks up until the end of April 😬 But I’d rather have that than nothing 🙄
  22. @Mouseketeer here is my spreadsheet I used to calculate the figures if it's of any help to you. My accountant submitted my claim last night but I couldn't access the portal myself
  23. I’m going ahead with furloughing one member of staff and unfurloughing the rest. My accountant put a claim in against the one furloughed person for hopefully (!) £600 for a six week period to the end of April. We’ll have lost £2000 of private fee income over that period
  24. So sorry Lynne it’s a nightmare isn’t it. I think you’d have to work out what the 20% of the total wage bill is and furlough someone or two people whose wages come to that £1800. I’ve just spoken to my accountant and that’s what’s she’s planning to do on my behalf (different numbers obviously but the same principle).
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