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  On 22/08/2022 at 16:50, sunnyday said:

Oh my actual goodness!

You know the water business that I bored on and on about...always knew that SEW would have to give some compensation...well they have...drumroll...£500.00 credit  whoop!


Oh my actual goodness! 😲😲 Well that’s good then!

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  On 22/08/2022 at 16:50, sunnyday said:

Oh my actual goodness!

You know the water business that I bored on and on about...always knew that SEW would have to give some compensation...well they have...drumroll...£500.00 credit  whoop!


Oh my!!!  That’s fantastic!   I think that’s more than our whole annual bil 🤣🤣🤣

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It is a day for procrastination... (and it really shouldn't be!)  I want to go to the yarn shop because I genuinely need some yarn for a new project I'm starting but I know that if I get it then I won't be able to resist starting it and the project itself is a several days one, not a quick crochet fix.  There are a lot of lemons in the fruit bowl and some chocolate chips in the baking cupboard both asking for me to do something delicious with them.  I have just finished a book so I ought to start another one so that I'm into it enough to be able to read it when I go to bed.  I could do with doing some clothes shopping (online but I'm no good at it so will inevitably involve a lot of faffing and very little decision making), I ought to try and find some paperwork to do with my gas fire which needs fixing.  Oh, and I perhaps should mention that there are approximately 50 different school jobs which I could do - several of them are in the should do category and some of which are in the must do group.  I have a horrible feeling that I am going to bit and bob around and not really achieve anything!  I think I maybe need a list or a plan...

  • Sad 1

If i was shouting from the rooftops recently then today i think i am sobbing quietly in a corner somewhere. Having shared our exciting news about my daughter-in-law's IVF pregnancy it is with a breaking heart i am updating you with the worst possible news. The pregnancy ended in a miscarriage a few days ago - we are distraught.

  • Sad 2
  On 23/08/2022 at 10:08, Gezabel said:

If i was shouting from the rooftops recently then today i think i am sobbing quietly in a corner somewhere. Having shared our exciting news about my daughter-in-law's IVF pregnancy it is with a breaking heart i am updating you with the worst possible news. The pregnancy ended in a miscarriage a few days ago - we are distraught.


Oh Gezabel - my heart is breaking for you all - that is so terribly unfair - I'm sending much love xxx

  • Like 1
  On 23/08/2022 at 10:08, Gezabel said:

If i was shouting from the rooftops recently then today i think i am sobbing quietly in a corner somewhere. Having shared our exciting news about my daughter-in-law's IVF pregnancy it is with a breaking heart i am updating you with the worst possible news. The pregnancy ended in a miscarriage a few days ago - we are distraught.


Oh Gezabel, so sad for you and everyone involved.  IVF is such a hard journey xxx

  On 23/08/2022 at 09:52, Froglet said:

It is a day for procrastination... (and it really shouldn't be!)  I want to go to the yarn shop because I genuinely need some yarn for a new project I'm starting but I know that if I get it then I won't be able to resist starting it and the project itself is a several days one, not a quick crochet fix.  There are a lot of lemons in the fruit bowl and some chocolate chips in the baking cupboard both asking for me to do something delicious with them.  I have just finished a book so I ought to start another one so that I'm into it enough to be able to read it when I go to bed.  I could do with doing some clothes shopping (online but I'm no good at it so will inevitably involve a lot of faffing and very little decision making), I ought to try and find some paperwork to do with my gas fire which needs fixing.  Oh, and I perhaps should mention that there are approximately 50 different school jobs which I could do - several of them are in the should do category and some of which are in the must do group.  I have a horrible feeling that I am going to bit and bob around and not really achieve anything!  I think I maybe need a list or a plan...


Oh young Froglet - you are meant to be on holiday - but I completely understand that 'I should' feeling

How did you spend the day in the end?

  On 23/08/2022 at 10:08, Gezabel said:

If i was shouting from the rooftops recently then today i think i am sobbing quietly in a corner somewhere. Having shared our exciting news about my daughter-in-law's IVF pregnancy it is with a breaking heart i am updating you with the worst possible news. The pregnancy ended in a miscarriage a few days ago - we are distraught.


I’m so very sad to hear this, I know only too well how heartbreaking miscarriage after natural conception is  let alone after IVF. My thought are with you all. Xx

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  On 23/08/2022 at 16:58, sunnyday said:

Oh young Froglet - you are meant to be on holiday - but I completely understand that 'I should' feeling

How did you spend the day in the end?


I have been a bit ‘flat’ and a bit wheezy (asthma is playing up a little at the moment) so I bought the yarn, made chocolate chip cookies and have spent the rest of the day eating, crocheting and dozing on the sofa. I will shortly take the dog out for a walk - she’s showing all the signs that she needs to ‘go’ but she won’t in my garden so we’ll be off to the park. I think it will be a short walk tonight though.

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  On 23/08/2022 at 10:08, Gezabel said:

If i was shouting from the rooftops recently then today i think i am sobbing quietly in a corner somewhere. Having shared our exciting news about my daughter-in-law's IVF pregnancy it is with a breaking heart i am updating you with the worst possible news. The pregnancy ended in a miscarriage a few days ago - we are distraught.


Oh I’m so, so sad for you.  That’s truly heartbreaking.   There’s nothing I can say really, that will help in even the smallest way.  Suffice to say that you’re all in my thoughts and prayers.  Sending gentle hugs x

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🙁 Granddaughters nursery is stopping Tapestry, they are moving to a system called iconnect.  Suppose inevitable others in the sector would bring something out, but made me sad to read it today.

  • Sad 1
  On 25/08/2022 at 17:31, Panders said:

🙁 Granddaughters nursery is stopping Tapestry, they are moving to a system called iconnect.  Suppose inevitable others in the sector would bring something out, but made me sad to read it today.


That is sad...

  On 25/08/2022 at 17:31, Panders said:

🙁 Granddaughters nursery is stopping Tapestry, they are moving to a system called iconnect.  Suppose inevitable others in the sector would bring something out, but made me sad to read it today.


Oh that is sad!   It’ll give you the opportunity to see another system though, and you’ve the knowledge to critique.   


Morning all - tis Friday!

How is everyone?

Very proud nana here - middle granddaughter received her GCSE results yesterday, she did well...

Happy weekend x

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Late check in from me... this 'over 50's dance class wears me out!

Our 'step-grandson' also did well in his GCSE's and is over the moon! 😁 He has had a very hard year, his mother decided to move abroad last September - so a lot of personal stuff going on for him 😢.  Anyway he aced it and can do his 6th choices, I am just so pleased for him.

Just booked for Peppa Pig world in a couple of weeks... can my life get more exciting!!  😂😂


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  On 26/08/2022 at 17:38, louby loo said:

Just booked for Peppa Pig world in a couple of weeks... can my life get more exciting!!  😂😂



Well, quite frankly, no! Steady now!

Congratulations for those with GCSE results.

 I have been in to school today, got very little done in classroom terms but I did have lots of good ‘team building like conversations’ with people. Also went out for tea and cake with someone. I finished my second crochet classmate and am really pleased with them - will post a photo in the makes thread shortly.

In the last week a colleague has said a few things to me which have really boosted me and made such a difference. I kind of want to say thank you except that the things they did were just ordinary - just including me in a sentence etc. I kind of want to say thank you but don’t know whether that will seem over the top as they are more senior than me. As many of you lead/have led your settings what would you think?

I slept badly last night so think I will make it an early one tonight.

  • Like 1
  On 26/08/2022 at 19:25, Froglet said:

.In the last week a colleague has said a few things to me which have really boosted me and made such a difference. I kind of want to say thank you except that the things they did were just ordinary - just including me in a sentence etc. I kind of want to say thank you but don’t know whether that will seem over


For you especially- the answer is always cake! Maybe with a simple 'I really appreciate your views/comments/observations (or whatever suitable word)

  • Like 1
  On 26/08/2022 at 19:25, Froglet said:

Well, quite frankly, no! Steady now!

Congratulations for those with GCSE results.

 I have been in to school today, got very little done in classroom terms but I did have lots of good ‘team building like conversations’ with people. Also went out for tea and cake with someone. I finished my second crochet classmate and am really pleased with them - will post a photo in the makes thread shortly.

In the last week a colleague has said a few things to me which have really boosted me and made such a difference. I kind of want to say thank you except that the things they did were just ordinary - just including me in a sentence etc. I kind of want to say thank you but don’t know whether that will seem over the top as they are more senior than me. As many of you lead/have led your settings what would you think?

I slept badly last night so think I will make it an early one tonight.


Yes, yes and yes - I liked to hear that I had helped my 'staff' - inverted commas simply because I always thought of them as colleagues as opposed to staff

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