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  On 19/12/2020 at 17:19, zigzag said:

Sending all my thoughts to anyone who’s planned Christmas May now have to be different. Xx


That's so kind of you, thank you xxx

We had hoped to see our two littlest grandchildren on Christmas Eve...….but you know, it is what it is


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  On 18/12/2020 at 21:09, Panders said:

I think for those that watch Strictly, it may be time to make your choices for winner public 💪

1  Bill

2 Jamie


4 Maisie

that's my heart, but my head doesn't agree!

I would like HRVY to win, but for Jeanette.


Yay!! Bill won 😁

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Well, our Christmas is well and truly scuppered now. We were going to my eldest daughter for dinner - now cant go. Had a row (well more of a disagreement) with eldest g/daughter who at 21, thinks its ridiculous and we should still be going-she's blaming her Mum & stepdad- huge row with my son who at 31- thinks it's ridiculous and that we should ignore it and still be going- he's blaming us. In reality- its a joint decision between my husband, myself, my daughter and SIL. 

However- I am so angry- I could scream- I get why it's being done but am still absolutely furious with the government for changing things so late in the day. Stopped reading FB posts as am sick of people saying- I'd rather my family were safe than see them. I see my family all the time- so what difference does it make now. - I'm not seeing my Mum for that reason or my MIL or my husbands sister who is having chemo. Doesnt mean I have to be happy about it and no there may well not be other Christmas'  for people like my mum, who is  in hospital seriously ill , my MIL - at 91- may well not be here next year. or my sister in law who has cancer. 

Sorry- I know I'm not the only one and at least financially this hasn't affected our family- I feel so desperately sorry for those whose businesses have gone down the pan. Just had a text conversation with my hairdresser (she was cancelling appointments) and she's just said depending on how long she is shut for will make the difference between her going bust or not. There must be so many like that.


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  On 19/12/2020 at 19:47, sunnyday said:

On our local BBC news prog last night they said that our hospitals (Kent) are full, patients being moved out of the County - that's sobering stuff.....


Yes it really is.  Scary times.  Sending all you south-easters a socially distanced elbow bump !   Xxx

There’ll be no skiing party off my roof this year, I’m having to cancel it, but Sunnyday, I’ve made an attachment for your balaclava so it will double as a mask.  It’s waterproof, so you’ll be fine.  

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  On 20/12/2020 at 13:23, lynned55 said:

Well, our Christmas is well and truly scuppered now. We were going to my eldest daughter for dinner - now cant go. Had a row (well more of a disagreement) with eldest g/daughter who at 21, thinks its ridiculous and we should still be going-she's blaming her Mum & stepdad- huge row with my son who at 31- thinks it's ridiculous and that we should ignore it and still be going- he's blaming us. In reality- its a joint decision between my husband, myself, my daughter and SIL. 

However- I am so angry- I could scream- I get why it's being done but am still absolutely furious with the government for changing things so late in the day. Stopped reading FB posts as am sick of people saying- I'd rather my family were safe than see them. I see my family all the time- so what difference does it make now. - I'm not seeing my Mum for that reason or my MIL or my husbands sister who is having chemo. Doesnt mean I have to be happy about it and no there may well not be other Christmas'  for people like my mum, who is  in hospital seriously ill , my MIL - at 91- may well not be here next year. or my sister in law who has cancer. 

Sorry- I know I'm not the only one and at least financially this hasn't affected our family- I feel so desperately sorry for those whose businesses have gone down the pan. Just had a text conversation with my hairdresser (she was cancelling appointments) and she's just said depending on how long she is shut for will make the difference between her going bust or not. There must be so many like that.



I think every one is so tetchy at the moment.  Take care of your own mental health, and do what is right for you.   At times like this I go with the 'least said, soonest mended' mantra and tend to shut down.

I told my daughter I was on the verge of lobbing the Christmas tree- complete with lights and decorations out into the garden.  :( 

Were I live T4 - I am 12 miles from a T2 area almost totally  surrounded by T4 ........... call my a cynic but I think having an airport has something to do with it! 

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It really is a truly awful time for so many people.  I know the government are only doing what they feel is right and safest, but I do think  they could have made this decision about Christmas a while ago before people started making plans. To all of you who now have strict restrictions placed upon you, I really do wish you all the very best.  Despite being very lucky to be in tier 1 in Cornwall, (not sure how long for judging by the amount of holiday makers now down here) personally our Christmas is going to be very different this year. As you know it’s been a truly awful six months, with my Dad on an end of life plan and being desperately ill since June.  Due to brilliant care and his true stubbornness and determination he is still with us but is now bed bound, so a quite different Christmas for us this year as well.  Personally I couldn’t give two hoots about Christmas, I am just so grateful that my Dad is still with us.  As hard and as sad as this Christmas will be for many, we have to look at the bigger picture and find things to be grateful for now, otherwise everyone is going to go mad.  

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Lynne the disappointment in your message is very clear, I'm sure any of us here will be suffering the same to some extent, be it a baby's first Christmas or possibly a loved one's last.   I hope you and your husband can make the day special for yourselves if that is important to you.   We will go for a walk locally I'm sure there will be many out, especially if weather is mild, I will put on my brave face and wish all we meet a better time next year.

my hairdresser is a mobile hairdresser and so business has been  difficult for her this year as she works with many vulnerable clients, then her husband was made redundant,. A usually income rich pair will be struggling in the future.  

I send every good wish Lynne and hope things won't be as bleak as you might think.

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  On 20/12/2020 at 14:38, sunnyday said:

Just sending you a huge hug Lynne x


Aww- thank you!!  And the rest of yu for such supportive messages- I was feeling so down when I wrote that, still am, but it is what it is- so big girl pants on now and off to tackle the hospital's phone to try and find out how my Mum is. I know they are so busy and I would never dream off complaining or moaning at them- but goodness it is so frustrating when you are trying to find out WHY she is even there to be constantly told  Dr/Nurse- doing rounds/meds/on lunch break or they dont answer. Took us a day and a half to find out why she had been moved from the acute assessment to the ward she is in now.  I keep thinking she must be so confused as well

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  On 21/12/2020 at 10:45, lynned55 said:

Aww- thank you!!  And the rest of yu for such supportive messages- I was feeling so down when I wrote that, still am, but it is what it is- so big girl pants on now and off to tackle the hospital's phone to try and find out how my Mum is. 


That's exactly it, sometimes we need a short while to be sad and angry (I know I do) and then we can move on with the sadness still there but knowing that we can manage it.  Take care of yourself, I hope you are able to find out about your mum.

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  On 21/12/2020 at 10:45, lynned55 said:

Aww- thank you!!  And the rest of yu for such supportive messages- I was feeling so down when I wrote that, still am, but it is what it is- so big girl pants on now and off to tackle the hospital's phone to try and find out how my Mum is. I know they are so busy and I would never dream off complaining or moaning at them- but goodness it is so frustrating when you are trying to find out WHY she is even there to be constantly told  Dr/Nurse- doing rounds/meds/on lunch break or they dont answer. Took us a day and a half to find out why she had been moved from the acute assessment to the ward she is in now.  I keep thinking she must be so confused as well


Spend time thinking  about the questions you want to ask, (and what outcomes you want etc)  while your waiting and write them down.  You know what it's like- you'll be so relieved that you've actually got through you'll forget the reasons why you rang.  I hope you manage to get it sorted today.  xxx

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My sister rang earlier and told me that she had taken my dear BIL for his first Covid jab on Saturday, he is eighty (something) and has Parkinsons, she is considerably younger at 74, his appointment was at 6:30 so fairly late in the day - imagine her surprise when they offered her a jab too - we think they must have had some going spare!

I am so delighted for her - they have carers (wonderful ladies) in and out of their house, I have been really worried that they might bring the virus with them

No real side effects - sore arm and felt a bit shivery at bedtime

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  On 21/12/2020 at 14:34, sunnyday said:

My sister rang earlier and told me that she had taken my dear BIL for his first Covid jab on Saturday, he is eighty (something) and has Parkinsons, she is considerably younger at 74, his appointment was at 6:30 so fairly late in the day - imagine her surprise when they offered her a jab too - we think they must have had some going spare!

I am so delighted for her - they have carers (wonderful ladies) in and out of their house, I have been really worried that they might bring the virus with them

No real side effects - sore arm and felt a bit shivery at bedtime


What fantastic news! Maybe it's because the vaccine is time sensitive? It only last 3.5 day once the batch is opened- so maybe having a later appointment helped.

I put my details into a 'date generator' and it said to expect it around 24th April- 5th May 😳

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  On 21/12/2020 at 14:41, louby loo said:

What fantastic news! Maybe it's because the vaccine is time sensitive? It only last 3.5 day once the batch is opened- so maybe having a later appointment helped.

I put my details into a 'date generator' and it said to expect it around 24th April- 5th May 😳


My favourite scientist/medical adviser Jonathan Van Tam did say in one of the briefings "it's not like a yogurt you can't keep taking it in and out of the fridge" 😂

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  On 21/12/2020 at 14:55, Panders said:

Froglet, has this changed your latest plans?  Are you still able to see your mum and dad?


Thank you for thinking of me. I don’t think it has changed things. I am currently planning to go to mum and dad’s on Christmas Day and stay overnight coming home later on Boxing Day (they’re my bubble hence the overnight unless things have changed?) I won’t be able to see my sister or her family but we will zoom lots.

My advent present to them yesterday ( a snowball fight - lots of cotton wool balls) has resulted in lots of hilarious videos being shared so I’m making the most of them


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So quiet on here HALOOOOOOO anyone out there???     How are you all doing?     Sunnyday, are there so many lorry drivers parked outside your house you can't move yet?

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Posted (edited)

Well I'm about - but I'm keeping quiet as otherwise it looks like I have nothing better to do..... 🤣

Oh, hang on............. I actually have nothing better to do.😳

I'm actually contemplating whether or not to actually bother with a Christmas dinner or not?  Might just have lasagne instead, same with making shortbread and mince pies.... do I bother?  If I make them I will eat them- and I seriously need to cut down on calorie intake,  plus id rather just have wine and chocolate.(and a lot less hassle) 🤔

Edited by louby loo
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  On 23/12/2020 at 14:30, louby loo said:

Well I'm about - but I'm keeping quiet as otherwise it looks like I have nothing better to do..... 🤣

Oh, hang on............. I actually have nothing better to do.😳

I'm actually contemplating whether or not to actually bother with a Christmas dinner or not?  Might just have lasagne instead, same with making shortbread and mince pies.... do I bother?  If I make them I will eat them- and I seriously need to cut down on calorie intake,  plus id rather just have wine and chocolate.(and a lot less hassle) 🤔


I have to cook for MIL, she is not coming here, Mr S will take it to her, so no getting out of the doing the whole shebang - but I can tell you I wouldn't bother otherwise 😂

  On 23/12/2020 at 14:14, Panders said:

So quiet on here HALOOOOOOO anyone out there???     How are you all doing?     Sunnyday, are there so many lorry drivers parked outside your house you can't move yet?


Nope, no lorries here yet, thank heavens, would have little affect on us anyway, the only place we need to drive to is MIL's house, apart from that we are confined to barracks.

The lorry drivers had all my sympathy up to this morning when they started pushing our police officers about, oh and hooting like mad the poor residents of Dover it must be unbearable for them

Posted (edited)
  On 23/12/2020 at 16:59, sunnyday said:

I have to cook for MIL, she is not coming here, Mr S will take it to her, so no getting out of the doing the whole shebang - but I can tell you I wouldn't bother otherwise 😂



think I'm going to put the ball in my next door neighbours court - I'm going ask if she'd like a dinner (delivered ) :)  If she says yes- dinners on!

Just had some major excitement here.... I thought someone had stolen our outside lights 🙀 turns out they're not working 😂 I was just about to put a post on our village Facebook  page !!!!

Edited by louby loo
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Neighbour is sorted - her brother is bring dinner. So I think it's lasagne for us then - my favourite ! :) 


A question for those of you in Kent.  When they do 'stack-up' on the M20 - do they completely close both sides and all traffic has to find alternative routes?  


No, there are 3 lanes in a lot of places so they could use up to 2 - that's how I understand it - we now have 'brock' as well but don't know what the difference is 😂😂

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