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Living wage ? Optional or Compulsory ?

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I am living in denial and hoping if I don't think about it, the law will disappear :-P


I am living in denial and hoping if I don't think about it, the law will disappear :-P

Me too, along with pensions, tax credits, 30 hours funding and all the other economic stuff that threatens our existence. :angry: :(

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Well a little good news for some settings wanting to implement the 30 hour funding.. the rate should be increasing.



The Government has committed to increase the rate paid to providers for the delivery of the entitlement. We are undertaking a review of the cost of providing childcare which will report in the autumn. The purpose is to determine an increase to the rate that is fair to providers and value for money to the tax payer.

The findings from the review will feed directly into the Spending Review, which will report on 25 November. This is where decisions about future funding rates will be made. Funding will be allocated on a ‘participation’ basis, i.e. funding will be allocated for every eligible child who accesses additional funded hours.


Well a little good news for some settings wanting to implement the 30 hour funding.. the rate should be increasing.


Oh dear, just as I thought - only increase in rates then for 15 - 30 hours. Leaves us smaller settings with no hope of extending hours, still facing increasing costs and very vunerable : (. How on earth, if any if us left, would be able to pay £9.00 min wage in 2020 is beyond me.

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Plus if extra funding is allocated in such a way, settings trying to extend will have to do a very intense risk assessment, as obviously not really knowing if you may have 5 of 15 or NONE taking up the offer could end up completely bankrupting you!! Its bad enough now juggling staff ratio, rent and 'whose turning up?!

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But surely it's costs us the same to provide a child's 9th hour of the week as it does their 29th hour of the week!!!! How on earth would they manage different rates especially if you have a child with shared care at different settings? Think I am getting confused????

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I'm not sure that it is saying that an increase will only be paid to those offering 30 hours - is it?


I really hope not - if there is no 'decent' increase for the rest of us I think i will be 'closing the doors' - I really, really don't want to do that :(


The Government has committed to increase the rate paid to providers for the delivery of the entitlement. We are undertaking a review of the cost of providing childcare which will report in the autumn. The purpose is to determine an increase to the rate that is fair to providers and value for money to the tax payer.

The findings from the review will feed directly into the Spending Review, which will report on 25 November. This is where decisions about future funding rates will be made. Funding will be allocated on a ‘participation’ basis, i.e. funding will be allocated for every eligible child who accesses additional funded hours.




​Such an ambiguous statement.. if could actually be interpreted that the additional hours over the current 15 will be at a different rate.. not all hours provided..

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I'm not sure that it is saying that an increase will only be paid to those offering 30 hours - is it?


I really hope not - if there is no 'decent' increase for the rest of us I think i will be 'closing the doors' - I really, really don't want to do that :(

Not read the whole article Broadoaks quoted but thats exactly what is 'sounds' like Sunnyday. The words "allocated on a 'participation' basis and "additional extra hours" really worries me.


As lsp says, it costs the same whatever 'hour' a child is in the setting. If Mr C & Co are deciding this is the 'cheaper' option to funding their hairbrained policy then I hope to goodness the Lords chuck this one out too!!

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Yes it is very hard to make out exactly what they intend to do :( and it would be very sneaky of them to only pay more for the extra 15 hours a setting can provide. It would be a way for them to not spend as much but still promote they are paying extra!


Another worry is that settings are going to have to provide 30 hours per eligible child or not get the child :( or worst still lose your existing eligible children next term if you can't provide the hours.

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