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Flippin' eck it's only Monday


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Ahhh - I call this 'silly season' - happens every year - our oldest group are being pumped full of 'big school' (gosh I can't stand that expression) - why can't parents (well everyone) refer to primary school.........they are now starting 'tasters' - we took them for a group one last Thursday - they have not been the same since......dread tomorrow when several will have been in again :ph34r: it's all very confusing for them......

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No, not just you - Monday mornings have always been a bit of a challenge but since half-term they have been SO loud and it lasts all day. I get MDS 'needing a word' because of the behaviour of my children at lunch. We are having to repeat the register, the walking in to class etc etc etc. By the end of the day I'm exhausted and am sat thinking '4 more days of this!!' They do get better as the week goes on until Friday afternoon when I might as well give up!

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My lot are also very loud too - thank goodness the weather means we can be out more than in.


At least we know what we've set out to do and our oldies are ready to move on to the next phase now that they are all big fish in our little ponds (it's when we have quieter ones that are leaving us at this time of year that I worry!)

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At least we know what we've set out to do and our oldies are ready to move on to the next phase now that they are all big fish in our little ponds (it's when we have quieter ones that are leaving us at this time of year that I worry!)

I like that - a very positive comment :1b

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on-going pandemonium with us too - we have a theory it's all part of the moving on process - if they were wonderful it would be much much harder to let them go, and I'm turning into a nag, so they won't be sorry to say cheerio to me either!

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very loud

prospective parents visits

serious social services case to deal with

deputy unable to come to work because of the Magna carts celebrations.....so 2 members of staff down

one of my little chaps with asd stressing because he's staying for lunch....in 2 days time!!!!

Forest school on Friday....haven't done my planning.

17 learning stories to update


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