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OFSTED fees?

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Can anyone tell me how much the annual fee is for a pre-school registered llat year, open 4 hrs , term time only? When I do a search it just takes me to the gov gateway to pay.


  On 10/03/2015 at 17:16, Rea said:

We pay £50 too :( Sessional, church hall, term time only. I shall look into this :ph34r:

I'm the same setting as you Rea - how can that be fair?!

Could you let me know what you find please? I shredded the information sheet it came with!


I emailed Ofsted asking to know the different charges for different providers, I'm sure I saw a list years a go. All I can find online is fees for nannys


Why is it so much more for all year....or anymore really, it's the same inspection and they should be more grateful as it gives them something to do when the rest of us are closed for the holidays ;-P


£220 here as well. :( Add that to the £250 our parish council charges us to play on the grass in front of our building, plus our insurance, rent etc.........................all adds up, doesn't it?

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I've found it, ripped so apologies but hopefully you'll get the gist that the difference in charges is to do with when you were registered as a setting!

But what's that got to do with the price of chocolate? I don't get why!!



Sounds like discrimination to me. Don't understand what difference there is between registering before or after 2008 means? Certainly doesn't seem like equality here! We pay £50.


reading that it says

Childcare providers on domestic or non-domestic premises pay a reduced fee of £35 for the Early Years Register if they work for less than 3 hours a day, or less than 5 days a week, or less than 45 weeks a year.

note the OR bit.. surely worded like that you only have to have one of those criteria to comply with the lower fee..so being open less than 45 weeks a year would be the lower fee...( I must admit to arguing our case with this one years ago now and they eventually saw my issue and charged me the lower fee as we were only open 38 weeks, but it was all day from 9-3. )

plus no where on that does it give a £50.00 fee... but then that page only really refers to fees when registering.. not for those already registered..

The letter provided above.. does give different criteria for time open before and after sept 08.


I think those of us paying £50 should ask for written details as to why and print off the letter and the piece Ofsted linked me to.

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We are full day care and pay £220 a year; we were registered before Ofsted was even a twinkle in the governments eye!! *Sigh* Just another lot of money that is taken from us in exchange for a knock on the door and a whole load of pressure!! ;-)

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