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Key person lists

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Hi everyone just wanted a few ideas of how you display your names of your key children and their key person for example having flowers with the key persons photo in the middle and the petals around the edges are their key children's photos/names. Any ideas would be really helpful !

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It's on my to do list! we have a photo of the key person and then laminate little pictures with the children's name on round the picture. The key person can choose the picture so one person likes dragons so all the names are on dragons etc :)

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We have a list, I made collaged hot air balloons in the colours of each group with spaces for children's photos and the key person in the basket but I have never actually got around to using them!!! I might get them up this year :)




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Mine is also basic lists, name/key person,highlighted depending on school group...... Bug now I feel like I should make a more visual one...but time is running out oooohhhhhh

Yes have simple 'functional' lists A4 in various places, but then we get the children involved with making a big display one.

This year we're thinking of making a street with houses with key person in doorways and children looking out the windows :-)



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Same basic list displayed in a variety of places. We try to make the children aware of their "special person" at register time (not everyday but as often as we can) we ask them if their special person is in the room. It helps the staff to visualise who belongs to who.

I'm 'fraid to say I have tried pictures and displays in the past but find them time consuming to make and maintain. So am sticking with the boring.

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We have vehicles (bus, train, tractor etc) with a photo of the key person driving and the key children behind. In our Pre-school Room we have three year olds in one carriage/trailer etc then four year olds in another and the children move their photo when they turn four. Over the top we have a plane trailing a banner saying 'On our Learning Journeys'.

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We have a display board in the cloakroom that has each KP name in coloured big letters with a picture of them, then a picture of each child with their name in the corresponding colour.

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