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Ooo Bought Something New, Can We Play The Game Please?

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Sunnyday - surely you can come up with an appropriate way to show your appreciation for your gifted and talented groom of 40 years :rolleyes:


Never mind all that - when are you coming over to clean my oven?! :D

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It is indeed a steam cleaner. Kitchen floor is sparkling, together with the grouting in between the tiles. cooker hood was a bit of an eye opener! and shall be attempting a carpet later this eve.


Should I be embarrased to admit that I would really like one but am scared to even contemplate what layers of grime might be uncovered in my house. Am also embarrassed that I'm not entirely sure how to spell embarassed any longer - think I'll just put as many rs and ss in as possible so... I'm embarrrrrrassssed! :huh:


What sort did you buy?


It's the one on the t.v. advert which drives me potty, it's by Thane Direct, I also bought a package of extra cloths to use with it that's why it was more expensive. It has been good. Just tried the carpet out in the playroom - might just be a bit too much for it first time round :oxD :lol:


Should I be embarrased to admit that I would really like one but am scared to even contemplate what layers of grime might be uncovered in my house. Am also embarrassed that I'm not entirely sure how to spell embarassed any longer - think I'll just put as many rs and ss in as possible so... I'm embarrrrrrassssed! :huh:


Yes the cook hood was challenging on a few levels! But sooo worth it.


Never mind all that - when are you coming over to clean my oven?! :D


I shall be busy for quite some time Sunnyday I'm afraid - good job I don't have steam sensitive hair - it's a bit like being in a sauna on occasions.


I shall be busy for quite some time Sunnyday I'm afraid - good job I don't have steam sensitive hair - it's a bit like being in a sauna on occasions.


Now steam sensitive hair isn't something they mention in the adverts. Now, be honest - is wearing a bikini essential for steam cleaning? ;)


Not only essential Helen, would suggest a towelling turban and gold lame kaftan. This is, afterall, a premium cleaning tool we have here


Well phew, because if it had been the bikini alone I wouldn't have bought one - you don't want to even imagine me in a bikini :blink:


PS thanks for the ideas - our head wants more dressing up days - I'm thinking I've got the next theme to suggest to him!


What fun?! Just been having a search about them and I could do with some clarification please. The way it cleans carpets, is it different from the the 'rugdoctor; machines for hire? Do they 'suck' the water away, as well as 'blow' steam?



Posted (edited)

I can't get that classic Everly Brothers hit out of my head....you know the one.....



Steam, Steam, Steam

I can make you shine

I'll get through the grime

Any time night or day

Only trouble is, Gee Whizz

I'm steaming my life away.......



:blink: xD :lol: xD

Edited by sunnyday
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I brought one last half term, THERE GREAT!!! but know what you mean about the steam and a bikini!!! It was so hot I set of our smoke alarm that while doing the bathroom tiles. It is a worry that my house appeared so dirty when I don't think I am a dirty person :D


i really dont know why i said that when the item had been revealed, for some reason the pages did not show so i thought we were still playing !!!

i too was very tempted by Thane advert the other day cos i love a gadget - glad to know that it does what it says it does- but with my curly hair could spell disaster


i really dont know why i said that when the item had been revealed, for some reason the pages did not show so i thought we were still playing !!!

i too was very tempted by Thane advert the other day cos i love a gadget - glad to know that it does what it says it does- but with my curly hair could spell disaster


It must be our job my hubbie tells me off as 'I just love a gadget too'!!! Sad thing is I believe what they say in adverts!!


I need more clarification on the bought item too!!! It sounds like something I want need..........


So it does other things rather than just clean carpets?


..................I suppose I could just spend the day laying on the sofa hoping the ad comes on? (should add I do tend to watch BBC most of the time- buy hey, research is research????)




What fun?! Just been having a search about them and I could do with some clarification please. The way it cleans carpets, is it different from the the 'rugdoctor; machines for hire? Do they 'suck' the water away, as well as 'blow' steam?




No they don't suck any water out; the steam is supposed to just "sanitise" and perk up the fibres, it didn't manage to remove stains i used it no last night, but didn't really have the full expectation that it would, they had been there a long time!

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I need more clarification on the bought item too!!! It sounds like something I want need..........


So it does other things rather than just clean carpets?


..................I suppose I could just spend the day laying on the sofa hoping the ad comes on? (should add I do tend to watch BBC most of the time- buy hey, research is research????)




I wouldn't say its prime job is to clean carpets at all, although that is possible. this particular steam cleaner can do flooring, ceramic and wooden (but do have to take care with wooden), it can clean your oven and worktops, showers, toilets, grouting. This unit comes apart, so there is a hand held only part or put together it takes the form of a mop for the floors. It all hinges on the temperature of the steam and the microfibre cloths used with it to clean the surfaces. On the advert they do show it being used in a pre-school to clean the lego etc.


It is the advert for Thane direct and it appears mainly on teleshopping channels.


Two things my little black and white furry friend......

Are you ignoring my lovely song :unsure: and.......what have you steam cleaned today - I need details! xD


Two things my little black and white furry friend......

Are you ignoring my lovely song :unsure: and.......what have you steam cleaned today - I need details! xD


Much as I love the Everley Bros (saw them at the Albert Hall zillions of years ago!) I think you are positively d-r-e-a-ming that they would have chosen such lyrics for their song! You are too creative by half when it comes to poetry.


Only just got back from Essex so steaming has not begun today! Did try the playroom carpet last night - hmmmm. Will try it again today, that 's all I'm saying about that :(

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They are not really designed for cleaning carpet, but good for sanitising and removing the smells in them..only use it for carpets to refresh them not clean. Would be ok on hard floors though.


I have had one for a long time now, husband with asthma reacts to any cleaning products, so keep them to a minimum and steam instead.. Mine is different to the one described as it is a tank with a hose and more like the cylinder version of steamer, it cleans and sanitises anything that takes wet cleaning.. cooker hob ,fridge, tiles, painted surfaces, walls so long as there is no wallpaper, ( does do a good job of removing wall paper if needed though), sinks, toilet, mine has a window attachment and cleans them well too.. steam whatever it is and wipe with a clean cloth, just need lots of clean cloths!


steam and refresh curtains , and can also steam creases out of materials when it is hanging up..

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