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Bad News. . . .

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Sue that's the first big real smile I seem to have smiled for a few days!!!


Thank you very much x


Well I am both honoured and delighted to have achieved this small act for you :D


Keeping everything crossed for tomorrow for you,

Sue x x x


and in honour of that smile and the squirrels themselves a change of avatar picture!!


Roll on tomorrow though!


Reckon those squirrels are 'rooting' for you - just like all of your forum friends! :1b


Will be thinking of you tomorrow and along with everyone else sending some good positive vibes


Up and awake but only because the cat was using the tv as a springboard to get onto the wardrobe at 5am!!!


I feel sick and totally scared but ready to hear what's going on rather than keep imagining the things I am.


Thanks for the positive thoughts all.


Catch you later x


I have just been lay in the bath thinking that I feel like a condemned man (or woman in this analogy!)


The jury is out.

The defence have let her down (the GPs)

The prosecution have a fabulous case (because things have been left for so long)

It's hard to guess which way this will go.


Condemned woman is innocent.


Jury taking a long time to decide on a verdict!



Yes there's always hope of a reprieve or even an appeal I suppose!!!!




All is clear.


Body scan clear.


Low grade was stage one.


Further consultation has meant that they now know there was no cancer on the nerves and the whole thing was removed.


No further treatment just monthly follow ups for 6 months or so. Then 6 monthly checks.


Unlikely to reoccur or turn up elsewhere at later stage.


I am smiling broadly as I have done all the way home.




I am really grateful.


Thank you x


Wow! Never underestimate the power of squirrells!


I'm so pleased for you Scarlettangel, and the relief floods out of your post and I'm sure will reach every one of us who has been following your thread these past few days.


Oh the relief!


Sending love and hugs. xx


Wonderful, wonderful news :D ::1a

I wish doctors would understand peoples fears though. A few years ago my hubby had a piece of his tongue removed for analysis. At the consultation which was some weeks afterwards, the doctor flicked through the report making umm and ahh noises then said 'looks like it's an ulcer'. Hubby burst out crying and it was only then that the doctor seemed to appreciate the fear we'd been experiencing.


So very glad you have good news :D ::1a


Oh wow, what a difficult time it is for you and your family. I am not a religious person, but immediate reaction was to say god bless and to say a little prayer for you that all goes well and the outcome is positive for you. Best of luck and keep us posted.


Fantastic news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




...............and now you can concerntrate on the new EYFS.. xD :lol: xD :lol: xD :lol: xD :lol: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: , or maybe just a glass of something to celebrate :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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