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I was looking at 'direct.gov' the governments web page at the early years section and found their definition of a pre school playgroup



Playgroups are often non-profit-making. They may be run by volunteers, often including parents, and provide play time and often early education to under fives.[


Is it me or do others feel let down and devalued by this statement, how are we ever to be respected, we deliver the same curriculum as nursery settings, children centers, childminders with the EYFS, we provide a service to meet governments requirements not just provide play time. we are professionals and often very experienced, we might be working in church halls with pack away equipment, but we do provide a service that parents want.

The government definition should reflect this!


Oh dear! I'm so glad I worked so hard to do my degree and gain EYPS so that I am qualified enough to provide play time and a bit of early education for my children. I feel an email coming on! :o


Thanks for pointing this out, teresa1957 - and welcome to the Forum!




They might as well descibe us a Creche or Babysitting Service :o - why do we do train and work and care so hard then?????


This type of quote underminds all our hard work over the years xD:(:(


Thanks (I think!) for flagging this up - why am I not surprised xD


A warm welcome from me too! :o


Maz - perhaps we should all send an email - that might 'wake them up'!

Posted (edited)

Thats just brilliant, and so typical, I wondered why i was cramming so much into my busy life studing for my FDEY, working etc,,, that just explains it all!! not. :o


But i not letting on at my setting working with two staff members who repeatdly say, 'I only came to work here to play with the kids'and havent fully grassped the EYFS or are willing to do any form of NVQ it will just give them a bit more ammunition to get out of it!

Edited by mk5698
Posted (edited)

It's so annyoying, but not really surprising that this is the view at the 'higher' level. When I went to a consultation meeting about the EYSFF one of our local education officers (ex-head teacher, now working as an advisor, who sits on the EY forum) didn't realise that we provide funded EY education for 3&4 year olds - she thought that we only took children until they are three and then they move into 'proper' (i.e. maintained) nurseries xD


I soon pointed out the error of her ways though :o

Edited by Guest

Well I shall be having a word with direct gov! Often early education to under fives???? Perhaps I shouldn't do 3 hours of planning and prep today as I did it last week and might do it again next month.



I dread to think what they say about childminders. Perhaps best not to look!

Actually I think you come out of it quite well... :o


Childminders usually look after children in their own home. Those offering free early learning places for three and four year olds should be registered by Ofsted and accredited as part of a local authority quality assurance network.


All childminders who care for children under eight agree to meet certain quality standards and must be registered, checked and inspected regularly to make sure they are suitable to look after children.




Do you think the reason we loose so many good practitioners over the years is because we keep getting put down, undervalued and have to put up with goalposts being moved constantly in early years education .......I, like countless others on this forum am enthusiastic and work so hard......4 hours today, a Sunday, no pay, to tidy up a cupbard at work and make sure we all ready for next week, what other profession would do this? That doesn't include staying awake until about 2.30 am last night reading up on more documentation......I hasten to add, because I wanted to and believe it to be necessary to be conscientious .......when I read this sort of thing it's another little chip away, chip, chip, chip...... :o


:oxD:(:(:( :wacko:


Blood boiling nicely now as I continue to struggle through yet another FdA Early Years assignment so that I can lead practice in my "little preschool playgroup". Perhaps instead of wasting next year doing the Hons top up with EYPS I should become an "uncivil" servant.


xD :rolleyes: :unsure:

Maz - perhaps we should all send an email - that might 'wake them up'!

Well I always do as I'm told, sunnyday. :o At the bottom of the Directgov page is a 'contact us' button. Here's the link if you'd like to use it and voice your opinion!


Here's what I said (somewhat stilted due to restrictions on the number of characters allowable in the form):-


I wonder if you are aware how offensive the information about playgroups is to many of us who work hard to deliver the EYFS to improve outcomes for the children in our care? That our profession is little regarded in society is perhaps forgiveable given the lack of public understanding of the complexity and importance of our work caring for and educating our youngest children. That a Government webside should perpetuate the myth that children just play rather than learn at preschool is inexcusable. When can we look forward to an entry that more accurately reflects the importance of our work?


Perhaps those of you who feel strongly about what is said on the website could go and send them an email, and copy the text of your complaint into this thread?




I've complained too. Five working days to respond the site says. I'll be interested to hear what they have to say!


thank you for all your replies, hope I havn't ruined your sunday bringing this post to light,

I just wish someone from above would come and work at a "Playschool" for a week! It might be the only way we would be valued and paid for what we do.


added my voice to the complaints...


that description was of preschools when they were run by mothers, with no qualifications needed, no curriculum, etc and this changed 20+years ago now






I sent them a little comment....


"I wonder if you realise how insulting your description of a playgroup is to those professionals who run and work in them? They (and childminders) work to the EYFS - the same standards as nursery, pre-school, and reception classes in primary schools BUT without the pay, conditions and recognition of parents and , it would appear, those who regulate Early Years! We are asked to work towards professional qualifications yet this is not reflected on your site. I hope this will be amended as soon as possible."




sent my complaint too, but forgot to keep a copy. mine was from the angle of being a chair and understanding how hard the staff work.


Have just added my complaint too:


"It was most disappointing to read your description of Preschool Playgroups. Childcare and education in the private, voluntary and independent sector is already undervalued in terms of funding, pay and professional standing, without this vastly outdated image of preschool provision being perpetuated by a Government website. Your description shows complete disregard to the professionalism of the practitioners 'employed' to deliver the same EYFS framework as delivered in maintained nurseries and reception classes.

I look forward to this erroneous entry being amended asap."


Hopefully if enough of us complain they'll take some notice.



Perhaps those of you who feel strongly about what is said on the website could go and send them an email, and copy the text of your complaint into this thread?




Oh will do!


But not with my Sunday night head on - will do tomorrow when perhaps I will have a few more brain cells in place! xD:o


why do we bother ?


"As a Pre-School manager I find the information regarding pre-school playgroups on your site demoralising, we offer the same high quality childcare and early years education as all other childcare settings, all our staff work hard to gain the necessary qualifications (and are still poorly paid) keep up to date with 'good practice' training, keep assessments records up together and plan for individual key childrens progress through the EYFS.......in fact its a wonder they actually find time to 'play' !"


Now then what should i do first..........get my funding application in the post, contact training provider to book staff on various courses, prepare an income/expenditure forcast for next term to give my committee, write a risk assessment before opening a window !, prepare the wage sheet for the treasurer, check that all my sharing info with other settings has been replied to and chase up the 'recieved nothing from yets'.............................or shall i just go and 'play' ?


Have had a reply from directgov which said



"I have forwarded your email to the Department for Children, Schools and Families, who are responsible for the content you have commented on."


Its much worse than we ever thought if the DCSF think thats what we do ...............................!!!!!! :o

Have had a reply from directgov which said

Me too!


And further down the message, he added:-


Please see the link below, giving contact details for the DCSF, as you may wish to contact the department yourself. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Dl1/Directories/DG_069029


Perhaps we should do this next - hopefully they'll really get the message!




Will give it a couple of days to see if anything changes - it will also give me time to finish my assignment - which obviously I am completely wasting my time on as I really don't need much grey matter to work with young children - just a degree in hanging around drinking coffee I suppose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :oxD:(


My reply said...


"Thank you for your email.


I have passed on your comments to my colleagues in the relevant department who will look into this."


Perhaps DCSF aren't "relevant" :o



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