Guest Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 Hi all, As Chair I've got to run our AGM in a couple of weeks time. It's not something that I've done before in my professional life, and I was just after some advice about how to run it and what to include. We need to adopt the new PSLA constitution so will do that, then 2 people are stepping down and I needed to be officially voted onto the committee. I'd like to do a vote of thanks to the staff, but beyond that I can't think what else I should be covering. (Apart from doing a bit of begging for new committee members, but that's a separate issue.) We have an hour and there are quite a few parents planning to attend, so I'd be grateful for any input. Apparently in the past it has turned into a bit of a moaning shop for some members of staff to raise issues, but I'm setting up a staff meeting beforehand to pre-empt that as I think it would be really unprofessional with parents present. Sue.
sunnyday Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 Hi Sue Don't know if this will help........ I am secretary for our Village Hall Committee - so I am used to A.G.M.s but for a different purpose........ I would agree the Agenda with committee 'officers' - mine for a 'Hall A.G.M.' would look something like this..... 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes last A.G.M. 3. Matters arising 4. Chairman's report 5. Treasurers report 6. Election of new committee 7. A.O.B. (notified to the secretary at least 7 days prior to the date of the meeting) 8. Date and time of next meeting Obviously the Chair needs to 'drive' the meeting forward! Item 7 gives a little 'protection'!!! I would then display this agenda in 3 'public' places Hope it all goes well! Sunnyday
HappyMaz Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 Just a technicality but I would put Any Other Business before the election of the new committee. That way all the business under the auspices of the old committee would be out of the way and the first part of the meeting concluded before the business of voting in the new committee can begin. You might also consider inviting your PLA development officer along and ask her/him to chair this part of the meeting. They can be pretty effective in leaning on people to get them to volunteer and it is good to have someone impartial to handle what can be a tricky time when people begin to look intently at their shoes or start coughing and spluttering! Maz
sunnyday Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 Good point there Maz - re. the position of A.O.B.
Guest Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 Hi, We just had one and we followed what it said in the constitution. (PSLA ) You have to give notice of the meeting out to all parents 2 weeks before the meeting. According to the above you also ask in that letter for names to be put forward in writing before the meeting of all those that would like to form the committee, including people who are currently on committee. At end of meeting old committee stand down then all those who have given written notice are invited to form new committee. We follow the AGM with the first committee meeting . If there are more than 12 people interested then you have a ballot there and then and all parents present who currently have a child at the school can vote. Then, the committee stay and have a meeting on their own and elect people into the roles. I think this is to prevent you getting stuck with ineffective people at the helm and gives the parents a way of creating change if needed. Hope that helps. Check your constitution.
Guest Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 Eek! glad I asked, didn't realise it was this complicated!!! Thanks for all that really helpful advice. Not sure I even know who the old chair was, I think they were without one for quite a long time before I stepped in. Not sure where minutes of last AGM will be but can probably get those from secretary. We have advertised date to parents, I will do posters to go up on Monday. Anyone know if I can run meeting because I'm as yet technically unelected? Not sure there's anyone else who would do it, although I could ask our leader.
sunnyday Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 (edited) Anyone know if I can run meeting because I'm as yet technically unelected? Not sure there's anyone else who would do it, although I could ask our leader. I would say yes! But it would need to be recorded in the minutes i.e. meeting chaired by xxxx in the capacity of.......... This second part is not to do with you chairing - but a general point...... Just popped back to will need to get a 'proposer' and a 'seconder' for any decisions made and record their names and also record - unanimous agreement or majority agreement.........does that make sense? Edited October 3, 2009 by sunnyday
JacquieL Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 All you need to do Suzie is ask at the beginning of the meeting if they are happy for you to act as Chair for the meeting, then make sure that this is recorded in the minutes.
Guest Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 Thanks sunny, will remember that. Gosh it is complicated all this, I wonder why so many settings struggle to get committee members?
Sue R Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 Hi there! When I ran a pre-school, the AGM always included a 'Supervisor's report' - I would give a run down of the year, mentioning important/successful events, numbers of children currently, acknowledgement of the support given by old Committee, any qualifications begun/achieved by staff members (or parent/Committee - we used to have some real eager beavers at times! ), a brief outline of what was coming up etc etc. There was always a Treasurer's Report as well. Hope that helps, Sue
Guest Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 In the past I attended the AGM in my capacity as Manager of the group - I had no voting rights as I was a paid employee and although I attended very meeting my role would only be to give an update of what was happening and what we needed - what is your position at thr group, parent or a paid member of staff? I think you will find that this will make a difference as to whether you chair the meeting and whether you have any voting rights. Nikki
hali Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 we too had supervisors and treasurers report in ours
Guest Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 So sorry to hi-jack your post but while we're on the subject of COMMITTEE! Our pre-school chair persn is leaving us next July after 2.5yrs service. The committee at present consists of the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and two other very 'inactive' members. We are struggling to get anyone on board, let alone find a new chair! Has anyone been in the same situation or can give some advise as to what happens if the committee runs dry and there is no one to take their place. Things are looking very grim dottyp
hali Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 we used to threaten to close - usually does the trick!!!!!!
Smiles Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 (edited) Us too. Are you aware that new committee members have to have a CRB prior to being elected committee members! How we're supposed to do this Im not sure. We have our AGM in a few weeks time as well and always have the same problem, recruting members. I usually do a Supervisors report and as Supervisor can now be on the committee but have no voting rights . Also all parents are able to attend as members. If you dont have enough parents you have several weeks to notify parents that you will have to close if you dont get enough commttee members and then have to hold another meeting. smiles Edited October 3, 2009 by Smiles
JacquieL Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 Smiles I think you need to tell us where this is from as this seems very strange? Everyone who submits themselves for election knows they will be CRB checked, but is not checked before hand. CRBs are done once people are elected.
Guest Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 can i just ask talking about committees, what forms do they fill in now for the crb is it still the dc2 from the ofsted i know the new forms for the ISA come out in july...
Inge Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 dc2 was changed last year with eyfs .. just had a different code and was updated... you still download it from the website to get new committee to complete .. or did last year anyway.. all committee had to do one and Ofsted requested the crbs which is why I cannot work out how they can say it has to be done before election to committee, becomes a chicken and egg situation.. we too had playleaders report and also had to have our financial summary available for all to read for 2 weeks prior to the meeting.. along with the agenda... there are lots of points to be covered, last meetings minuites should be agreed and signed as correct by the chair ... we had to send this with our accounts when checked.. and we always had our first committee meeting after the agm.. got the forms filled for ofsted, bank mandates for change of signature on acount, committee deatils for records and charity commission , and we also had them all sign a confidentaility agreement at this time and lastly arranged a date for the next meeting... sure there is more.. and they expect parents to just know these things... Inge
Rea Posted October 3, 2009 Posted October 3, 2009 I've phoned Ofsted this week for forms for new committee members, they also said I need to get CRBs sorted beforehand. The forms needed are EY2. If you've got one you can photocopy it rather than wait fo new ones to come through.
Guest Posted October 4, 2009 Posted October 4, 2009 Us too. Are you aware that new committee members have to have a CRB prior to being elected committee members! How we're supposed to do this Im not sure. We have our AGM in a few weeks time as well and always have the same problem, recruting members. I usually do a Supervisors report and as Supervisor can now be on the committee but have no voting rights . Also all parents are able to attend as members. If you dont have enough parents you have several weeks to notify parents that you will have to close if you dont get enough commttee members and then have to hold another meeting. smiles Can you advise me I am a new play leader I have been there for 6mths and have really put in a lot of changes but now we have our AGM coming up and I have to do a speak what do I say, how long should it be ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Guest Posted October 4, 2009 Posted October 4, 2009 While I'm technically going to be 'newly elected' to the role of chair, I've been doing it since last March and was CRB checked right away (despite having one already for somewhere else, but that's a different gripe!) You're right about threatening to close to get new committee - that's how they persuaded me into the role in the first place (although I'm glad now that I did agree). Thanks for the idea about including good stuff that's happened during the year, and a supervisor's report. Quite a lot to get through in an hour!
Guest Posted October 4, 2009 Posted October 4, 2009 Now I'm confused! Isn't it sending off the EY2 form to Ofsted that then triggers them to send you the CRB form for that person? That is what we have done in the past. What we have done before the AGM is to ask anyone who wants to be part of the committee to sign a form that says they aren't bankrupt, subject to a criminal offence etc. (all the things it lists in the constitution as reasons why you can't be on a committee)
lynned55 Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 Well I'm even more confused as it is the EY2 (used to be DC2form) that you send to Ofsted and then THEY decide if nec to do a CRB. We cannot request a CRB ourselves. On the form you have to put what role you will be serving in as in Comittee chair/sec etc. How can you do this if you not only have you not been nominated and seconded but not been voted in either??? Our constitution actually states that the Chair will be elected at an AGM so not sure how we could do a CRB on them beforehand, bit of a conflict here. So perhaps they could tell us where it says you have to do CRB's on unelected non committee members, as this is what they are.
JacquieL Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 It does seems strange especially as some committee members will only decide on the day to put themselves forward, when someone press-gangs them into it!
Guest Posted October 6, 2009 Posted October 6, 2009 From what I can remember, I just filled in a form immediately requesting a CRB check, I just did what the secretary asked me, I didn't notice what the form was called, sorry. It came back quickly, maybe a week or 10 days. To be honest I'm not sure anyone is going to quibble so long as all committee members with proper roles (i.e. chair, secretary and treasurer) are CRB checked as soon as feasible after joining the committee. We're all parents anyway and have far more contact with children in that respect than in our committee roles.
Guest Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 This all seems rather odd. When I was on the commitee (now staff), and for this year's commitee we filled in the appropriate forms (DC2/EY2) stating what position we were going to be on the commitee. These forms were all sent off and then a week or so later we received our CRB certificate back. The certificate states that you have been cleared and what position (i.e. Secretary) you are on the commitee. This cannot be done if we have to have a crb check done before applying to be on commitee - unless you go through an independant CRB checking company who charge you for the privellage. Good luck with the AGM, we are having ours after half term.
Smiles Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 I am off work sick at the moment but I read it in something the PLA sent too me , I will see if I can find it. I did think it was ludicrous at the time as like many of you alot of committee members dont put themselves forward until the AGM. smiles
Rea Posted October 7, 2009 Posted October 7, 2009 It was an ex PLA employee who told me to get the checks done before the AGM. I was going to phone and check but the ISA goes live on Monday 12th and so I thought I'd wait and do it all at once rather than do a CRB now and then have to register them.
Smiles Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I read it in a termly newslettter from the PLA advisors but cant find the one at the moment. smiles
Guest Posted October 13, 2009 Posted October 13, 2009 This was the Agenda for our last AGM held in July. We used to hold it in the Autumn but found a summer meeting gave better handover/continuity 1. Welcome & Apologies 2. Minutes from AGM 2008 3. Chair’s Report 4. Treasurer’s Report 5. Supervisor’s Report 6. Election of Officers & Committee 7. AOB AOB was at the end because it was any other business that a new committee member or parent had to mention. (Comments or actions on the AOB from last AGM should have been dealt with at least a year ago after the last AGM) Rachel
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