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I am hoping to adopt this gorgeous girl this weekend, providing the RSPCA approve us tomorrow. She is a beautiful crossbreed who is so affectionate and we have fallen in love with her. Keep your fingers crossed for us.



She does have the most enormous ears doesn't she? She is thought to have Lancashire Heeler in her, crossed with goodness knows what. But she is the most affectionate dog I have come across. She is about 14 months old and needs lots of training but as I have six weeks holiday I think we should have a good length of time to settle her and hopefully start to have some manners at least. She already knows wait and sit, but she chooses to ignore the latter unless there is a treat to be had.

I just love her to bits!!!


Posted (edited)

She is gorgeous!!


Good luck with the RSPCA!!


I don't find their rehoming ideas very good!

Way too picky.

Too mnay animals get left unadopted because of their criteria!!


4 years ago I cost my cat Arthur to old age.

He was 18.


Three years before that I had lost Anna my 15 year old cat to cancer.


After 3 days without Arthur my husband and I could not stand the empty house so we and the children started a search for kittens/ young cats to rehome!




It was a nightmare!


The RSPCA said we lived too near a main road.......... even when I explained how old my cats had been when I lost them they would not hear of us having any cats from them!!!!!!!!!!


I am a big cat lover.

We have had cats all my married life.

I visit the vets regularly, they are fed properly looked after, LOVED to bits and the RSPCA would not listen to us.


So instead of helping rehome some furry babies we bought 2 kittens.

Then we bought another kitten!

We have Lilli, Meggie & Rose (who is the kitten on my avatar!)


At various fund raisers I have been startled by this push to rehome animals when in truth I am not the only person I know who the RSPCA didn't think was right for the job because of where we lived.



4 years on still it makes me cross and little less enthusiastic about the RSPCA than I used to be!!






Fingers crossed for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Edited by Scarlettangel
Posted (edited)

Wow....you lucky thing......when I lost my dog I made the decision not to have another until I retire......finding that very hard to stick too!


Hope the RSPCA are amenable.


Everything crossed!


Edited by sunnyday

Woohoo she's ours!!!! :oxD:(:( We are going to pick her up on Saturday at about 11 o'clock. Can't wait-I have missed having a dog to walk so much.


Woohoo she's ours!!!! :oxD:(:( We are going to pick her up on Saturday at about 11 o'clock. Can't wait-I have missed having a dog to walk so much.



How exciting! :(


Awwww she is a beauty, she looks like she has a touch of Rottie in her aswell, I love Rotties (shame they get such a bad press!!)


Enjoy your walks together and all your new doggie friends you are bound to meet.


Lovely news.....you just can't beat owning a dog....I don't think our family would be complete without a dog, we have two and when you are so tired and so fed up with life you have to push yourself to take them out for a walk it is amazing how the world seems a better place when you get home after, you seem more able to cope with stuff when you have taken stock and enjoyed time away with the dogs, taken in the fresh air and enjoyed our countryside! :oxD:(:(


Great news Linda, she looks lovely!!


Did I miss a bit or did you tell us her name?? :(


I would love to have a dog, but our house is very small and there is hardly enought room for us never mind a dog. Come September providing I eventually get a job that works normal hours, the house could be empty all day as well and I dont think that would be fair either!! Hubby did suggest putting a doghouse in the back yard, but I think that it wouldnt be fair on the dog (or possibly the neighbours)!!


Enjoy, I have to wait until I visit my in-laws to get anywhere near their dog, which just happens to be one of the nicest dogs I have ever come across, its just unfortunate that I have to visit the in-laws to see him! :oxD:(


At the moment she is called Yogi-which I don't think is very dog like and certainly not for a young lady!! So we are going to call her Cody, which is very similar but a bit nicer!!


PS I don't mean to offend anybody who has a dog called Yogi-just thought she didn't look like one. :o:(xD


She looks great Linda. Be warned though - we adopted our second dog from the RSPCA and she was with us for almost eighteen years, so you may be in for the long haul! :o


The long haul is fine by me!! We picked her up yesterday and she has been absolutely delightful. She has been in kennels for about 3 months so when we got her home we let her out in the garden and she just ran around like mad-it was so lovely to watch but sad at the same time. It just shows how confined she has been. She was living in a one bedroomed flat with three other dogs before being taken to the RSPCA. She is just a gem of a dog. She knows some commands and I know she will be responsive and easy to train. But the main thing is that she needs some attention and love.

Although I am still in work until Friday my daughter is on holiday this week and will be at home to look after her. I am so glad we have got her. She is very affectionate and loves people and other dogs. I will post some photos of her soon.

Thank you all for your best wishes. Cody has found her forever home.


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