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Red Herrings And Tangential Chatter...

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Hi all -

This is placed here consciously, as it's for the more regular posters and chatterers amongst us (and I include myself in all of this!).


As the forum is getting busier, and more people are joining (at the rate of around 200 per month, which is slightly scary...) it's becoming apparent that some serious conversations are fighting to stay visible amongst the noise of people (quite rightly) enjoying themselves. So we plan to do a couple of things which will make those discussions easier to follow, which I need to let you know about in case we inadvertently offend or upset anyone! :o


Occasionally I find discussions intercepted by posts which say something in response to a request for information such as: "I've got absolutely no idea, but good luck!', or "Good answer Aunty Mary, by the way are you going down the pub tonight?" followed by an exchange that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.


For me it's all been part and parcel of a lively and enthusiastic community, but in recent times I've been noticing that it has occasionally overwhelmed some potentially good conversations. It's quite noticeable to me particularly, as I put together the sample discussions for the newsletter each month, and quite frequently when I review them find, for example, a title on self evaluation which looks quite promising. And I see that it has 26 replies, which looks good. And then, on reading through it I find that 23 of the responses are a little sub-discussion on whether Barack Obama should be on the shortlist for the next Celebrity Big Brother. Which isn't so relevant...


So what the moderators and I are suggesting is that (out in the open forums which have particular goals and subject matter, not here in the lounge where I'm sure you can very well decide on what you want to read):


1 We may cut out individual posts or small exchanges which have no long term value to the purpose of the topic and do not change the flow of the discussion. In no way are we admonishing anyone for this, but for non-regular members and visitors to the FSF it makes a serious topic much easier to follow if these are cut out after a short while.


2 If these extra-curricular discussions seem to have a longer relevance and have taken on a life of their own, we'll move them into a topic of their own, either into a relevant forum area or into the lounge area. (We already split and move topics as Beau the FSF topic engineer is renowned for, but we'll be a bit more vigilant in the future.)


Hopefully everyone will see the purpose behind this. It's a continuation of the Forum Gardener philosophy we've always tried to adhere to - encourage lively, varied, abundant growth while making sure that tender plants with great potential don't get overwhelmed.


And the lounge/golden time area is, of course, our wildflower meadow! xD


Please don't take it as a scolding Sunnyday. We all do it from time to time and I wouldn't want to see the FSF any less chatty. If you look back at topics over a couple of weeks old, however, I'm sure you'll see all sorts of posts that, while keeping a topic going at the time, make it a little more difficult to wade through the whole discussion once it's taken shape. That's all we're talking about really. :o


Sounds good to me, Steve!


I know I've done it too, but it's often hard to follow the thread for all the "welcome" and "well done" posts - lovely but I often find myself skimming through them the next visit to find the fabulous advice at the end! :o





I think everyone's done this at some point when replying to something... :( I know I have!! xD


But I know how annoying it is when you wait for ages for a reply to your (or even somebody elses) post and it's something unrelated.. :o


So sounds like a good idea to me!


Mrs Weasley


Absolutely, it's partially a desire to let people know their question isn't being ignored. I think people should only start worrying that they are making too many content free posts when they see their post count going steadily downwards! :o


i would assume posts would go down when they


" cut out individual posts or small exchanges which have no long term value to the purpose of the topic and do not change the flow of the discussion."




Well i hope this isn't "one of those replies" but i just wanted to say that I have no objections to this idea,Steve. It will make following a thread a lot easier. By the way- expect a lot more people from Essex joining the forum as a flyer was given out on my training course this week advertising the fsf. If there are handing them out on all courses then you will be flooded with us Essex girls (and boys of course)


Well now I'm torn as to whether I should reply or not...


I'd like to tell everyone to ignore me.. because I was obviously having a bit of a moment...


But that's not very relevant to the thread is it!!! :o


Ah, but this is the lounge, Mrs Weasley, which is exempt! :o


That's good to hear Moomy - I look forward to greeting them. xD

Guest Wolfie

I think it's a great idea Steve - I often think that people who post for the first time on the forum with a particular question must get so excited when they see lots of replies, only to find that they say "Sorry, can't help but wanted to welcome you!" It's all about getting a balance, isn't it?


I agree with you Steve, sometimes it does halt the flow of the thread when there's lots of 'congratulations on your first post' messages, and I hold my hand up as I'm guilty of those too.


Are you going to be weeding as we are planting - or are you going to come along and mow later?

I agree with you Steve, sometimes it does halt the flow of the thread when there's lots of 'congratulations on your first post' messages, and I hold my hand up as I'm guilty of those too.


Are you going to be weeding as we are planting - or are you going to come along and mow later?


I think we'll be mowing later on. :( I'm sure Steve will be keeping an eye on me to make sure I don't get over zealous in my tidying. :o I'm one of those people who start to prune a plant and before I know where I am, I'm left with a stick. xD


Would it be a good idea if when somebody new posts for the first time somebody posts a welcome in the lounge area? That way we can all greet them and keep their post clutter free. It doesn't matter who starts it off as long as we look to ensure only one person does so.


Would it be a good idea if when somebody new posts for the first time somebody posts a welcome in the lounge area? That way we can all greet them and keep their post clutter free. It doesn't matter who starts it off as long as we look to ensure only one person does so.




I was going to suggest that - could Steve make a 'welcome to the forum' section to compliment the 'introduce yourself' one, as quite often someone's first post isn't in there. Or should we just do it ourselves, like the happy birthday threads?


Well so long as you don't introduce a wordcount limit, I'll be fine Steve!


And it might cut out some of the "I'm working towards my next milestone posts"... :o




Hmm. I'm not sure how that would work. Would you link back to the welcome topic from the member's initial post, so the new member could see that they had been noticed? In which case, I could just extend the title of the 'Introduce Yourself' forum area to include 'Welcome to the Forum'.


And Beau's definitely right. It would be impolite to go around after people deleting their posts, so we'll leave a little interval until the topic has been substantially added to.


I like to think of it more as an occasional strimming rather than a mow Cait. :o

I'm now very proud of my low post count vs years of membership - they must be so content rich!!!

I think it has always been something to be proud of in your case, catma. Whenever I see you've contributed to a thread I'm always interested to see what you say because you don't get involved in every discussion but save your musings for things you really know about! Whereas the likes of me just likes to waffle on about anything and everything! :o



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