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Handwashing Training Soap


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As a birthday treat we went to our local pound shop (we know how to live life to the full here in Maidenhead!) xD


Anyway we came across 'squid soap' (there's a foamy/rubbery squid which fits over the soap dispenser) which claims to teach children how to wash their hands properly. In the lid of the pump there's a small circle of dye which when the child pushes it down, stains their palm. So you know whether children have washed their hands properly (takes about 15-20 seconds) because the little red dot will have disappeared.


I just went to throw the box away and noticed there was a website where you can sign up to be part of their testing panel and get free products. I had a quick look and found that this soap costs £3.99 usually. :o


You can click here to have a look at the soap, but I was wondering if anyone is using this in their settings and if so, how the children have responded?



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This sounds such a great idea Maz! Thanks for sharing, it seems very similar to what our school nurse does with our Foundation children underneath a UV light. Would be fab to use this soap in school to reinforce her session....


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Which pound shop was it? If its a chain one with branches around the country we all might be able to get it at that bargain price

Poundland - sorry. Should have said that! :o

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My neice lives with me, and this was the only way I could get her to wash her hands xD

I have to admit I use it too.. :o

But I'll have to get down to the 99p store instead of buying it for £4!!



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