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Happy Birthday!


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A very happy birthday to Mr sienna too then! xD I bet he's not as old as Steve. :o

Shh! Did you hear that scratching noise Beau? I think that's the sound of your name being hastily removed from Steve's Christmas card list...


Happy birthday ACB (and Mr Sienna). Steve: I hope Jim fixed it for you and you've had a great birthday so far. Online party sounds good - have some mixed nuts left over from Christmas which seems very apt for some reason!



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Thanks very much everyone. I've been very spoilt since about 6.40am this morning...


I don't mind being 50 today. It's being 50 tomorrow and that age or older for the rest of my life I've got a problem with.


Anyway, 50 is the new 21 I've heard. :o

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I have some champers in my cupboard which I was saving for a special occasion, so what could be more special than Steve's birthday. He's still got 10 years to his travel pass and his winter fuel payment, so at 50 there is still something to look forward to Steve! For those, like Beau, who are not partaking of intoxicating liquor I have some sparkling grape juice. :o

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lol - I'll leave a tab behind the bar. I'm afraid I'm off out for a meal to the Lewes Spice Merchants with Helen, Jamie and Annie, but I KNOW you know how to have a good time without me. xD

How many miles did you say hali and I were away from you Steve? I'm sure we could make it in time! :o

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