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The Biggest Fsf Quiz Ever..2

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o00o well once I get my FSF badge then maybe I should add it to my Winnie the Pooh teddy that wears me BLUE PETER badge!!

What did you do to get that, Nichola?


I wrote a letter to them telling them about the recycling project we were doing at school.

I wrote a letter to them telling them about the recycling project we were doing at school.

Well I'm sure it will complement your FSF badge perfectly, Nichola! :o


My badge arrived to day

Very proud to have one ! Thank You


Got home from work to find my mug and badge waiting for me, have already christened the mug and have pinned the badge on tomorrows work shirt. Thank you very much. :oxD:(



What a lovely suprise to get a mug.

Thank you... I really enjoyed the quiz... it was nice to do something fun on the internet rather than always work based stuff.




Oh typical Mancunian post, mine hasn't come yet! I'm sure it will come tomorrow though.


I had something much more exciting than a mug or a badge - it arrived this morning! Thank you all - if I had a wall to display it on I would do so with pride (or maybe blu tac) but until that day I shall keep it with my important certificates to show that at least someone (and even better a group of someones) appreciates me! xD


Maz x


PS Not that I don't love my FSF mug and badge also - wouldn't want anyone to think I'm ungrateful! :o

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