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My Favourite Things!

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meeting new people on the foundation stage forum and face book ( both of which i have to check at least 20 times a day, or is that a bit ocd)

Only 20 times a day? You're a lightweight! xD


Which do you check first - FB or FSF?


Be careful how you answer, Karen! :o


Favourite colour Yellow, brightens my day :(

pastime: 'just being'

characteristic: sponteneity (spl :rolleyes: )

room: my office, walls covered in photographs of family, friends, pets, children (preschool & family), computor for access to FSF and card games. (don't have time for any other websites), my dogs chair where he lazes all day, stationary (a weird addiction of mine) :o

person: Hubby, the little things like he chose shampoo for layered hair when shopping, just bcause I've recently had my hair cut :unsure: )

excersise (spl): Trampoline, Wii Fit, walking my dog (in our lovely local orchards)

Pet: Benjie, my chocolate brown labrador

music: Al green, any soul / motown, funk- Wild Cherry, Earth wind and Fire, early Commodores.

track: My Perogative-Bobby Brown (because everything is)

country visited: Barbados

would like to visit: Australia

places to shop: Ebay, charity shops.

alcohol: Dark rum & diet coke ( wood's Rum), Hock-white wine (only from Sainsbury's)

day drink: Tea, no sugar (I'm sweet enough :( )

childrens story book: Owl Babies

party trick Touching my nose with my tongue :( (used to be whistling out of my ears until I realised my eardrums are perforated and not a sensible thing to do xDxD )

proud moment When our Foster children recently rated us 9/10 as Foster parents. (18 mths on they are settling in nicely :wacko: )

Favourite current photo: attached- foster daughter with Benjie





xD My first post!

Hi everyone, my favourite person:

My husband

Yas x



Welcome to the forum Yas, great to have your first post. :o




Favourite colour is Lapis Lazuli blue (the sort on Tutankhamuns mask!)

Favourite music: LOVE Marillion (as if you didn't know!), but also love the Levellers

Favourite song: Easter, by........well, find out!

Favourite adult book: Shawshank redemption, by Stephen king

I used to work for Peter Gabriel, as his cook (for 17 years)

I have a very feisty spirit!

I AM going to Porte Zeelande in Holland in March to see marillion at their convention

I have 6 children and 7 grandchildren........all fabulous!

I am a Sagittarian

I am 5ft 10 tall

I have no gallbladder!

I own my own tiny little nursery


....but enough about me!!


:o My favourite thing is listening to my two boys playing together nicely on a sunday afternoon, playing action men and rescue heroes and guess what they are 15 and 9. Just like they are today.


Mrs b


favourite time of the day- about 8 o'clock, having a bath & putting on my p.j's & dressing gown

favourite films-Dirty Dancing, White Christmas

Favourite theatre shows-West Side Story

Favourite people-my lovely husband & daughters


oh & I still haven't lost my baby fat & my daughters are 19 & 21 :o




My favourite item of clothing is my fabulous walking boots , closely followed by my Converse All Stars (Yes, Carol, I finally got some :o )


favourite film Trainspotting


My favourite colour is yellow because it's warm like sunshines!


My favourite things are rainbows, so pretty!


My favourite food (treat) is melted dairy milk, mmmmm!

Posted (edited)

Favourite film - The Railway Children

Favourite track of all time - Do Anything You Wanna Do by Eddie and the Hot Rods!

Edited by Wolfie

My faveourite day is Sunday and my least faves are Tuesday and Thursday x


My favourite colour is blue.


My favourite story book is Owl Babies.


My favourite nursery rhyme is Owl and the Pussy Cat.


My favourite animal are Cats.


I like traveling to Scotland, Greece and USA!


Can't think of anything else right now.





My favourite things

colour - pink

peolpe - Samantha and tyrell

singer - Elvis

place - Maryport in cumbria



My favourite things;


My children I adore

My husband because he loves me just as I am


Christmas - so I can have all my family at home together

A nice drop of Bailey's

The sound of children laughing

and last but not least my Mum who is always there for me even though I'm 43!!!


Favourite band-Greenday

Favourite film-To kill a mocking bird

Favourite book-To kill a mocking bird

Favourite drink-White wine

Favourite past time-Playing computer games




My favourite things:


COLOUR - silver

HOLIDAY - Christmas

FOOD - Curry

PLACE - Walton-on-the-Naze

PEOPLE - Family and girls I work with

DRINK - Lucozade and Baileys (not together I am not DelBoy)

TV PROG - Only fools and Horses and Eastenders

DOG - Cocker spaniel

WEB SITES - FSF and Facebook

NURSERY RHYME - Twinkle twinkle

AUTHOR - Lynley Dodd

BOOK - Ant and Bee and the Rainbow

FILM - Lost Boys

ACTOR - Jude Law

COMEDIAN - Russel Brand

SMELL - Freshly woken baby

VEGETABLE - Brocolli

FRUIT - Strawberry

ACTRESS - Billy Piper



I'm sure there are loads of things I have missed but will do more when I think of them!!


my family 3 children 7 grandchildren and grumpy hubby


purple and green

my yorkshire home town

my lovely group and staff

my sons group even if they are loud

my first cup of coffee before work


fruit and nut chocolate

frosty autumn mornings

fsf hooked im afraid

thats it for now



My favourite colour is purple

My favourite number is seven

My favourite animal is a giraffe

My favourite people my grandchildren - my 2 year old grandson rang me crying because preschool was closed and wanted to go

My favourite time is Sunday when my granddaughter is around and she wakes me up for girlie time - she is six and we share a cup of tea and biscuits!

My favourite pastime is researching my family tree , I have found many new relatives




Favourite Book - To Kill A Mockingbird

Favourite Movie - Arsenic and Old Lace

Favourite Actor - Cary Grant

Favourite Actress - Katharine Hepburn

Favourite Colour - Orange

Favourite Band - Linkin Park (even love the JayZ collabs)

Favourite Track - One - U2

Favourite Authors - Raymond E Fiest & Terry Brooks

Favourite Hobby - Reading



Favourite film - The Railway Children


Do you love the bit where she says "Daddy, my daddy"..........always makes me cry, well sob actually if truth be told.


Favourite stuff;



Tia Maria



Theatre, especially musicals


Tropical fish


Roast beef & yorkshire puddings

Forsty mornings

Tickle fights with my son

Snuggles with my daughter

Anytime with my Clive


Gosh the list could go on and on, will be back

My favourite time is Sunday when my granddaughter is around and she wakes me up for girlie time - she is six and we share a cup of tea and biscuits!

My favourite time is any day when I wake up and realise I don't have to get up for work! :o


My favourite colour is purple. My wedding had a purple theme and my bridesmaids wore amazing cadbury purple dresses which links to my favoutite chocolate! Cadbury dairy milk!

Do you love the bit where she says "Daddy, my daddy"..........always makes me cry, well sob actually if truth be told.


0h yes of course - the tears start rolling as soon as the scene starts, it's a standing joke in our house - I'm also sobbing by the time the words are actually spoken! :o


Favourite things include



Folk music


Roast Lamb


Film. Same Time Next Year (1978)

children laughing

time with my husband and son (and his girlfriend)


Wow - you guys are stars! My favourite online community is Fsf. Where else would you get such fab people. Although having said that, I too have recently become a Facebook addict - perhaps I ought to start a Facebook Anonymous thread. :o


My favourite animals are dogs, my favourite breed is Afghans but my favourite pet of all time is my beautiful springer spaniel dog, Jessie.


Oh my, I'd forgotten about The Railway Children I love it ..... such a good ending sob sob.

Guess what my favourite animals is... no prizes mind?

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