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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. I don't really do Facebook as such. I'm on it, and I have five friends- 3 cousin spread far and wide, my elderly next door neighbour, and my daughter- after she got upset that I didn't include her... I did't until she was 100% committed to a relationship . I have nothing to show on my profile, and a distant shot photo on me aged around 2/3 ish! We were kind of forced to join when the LA more or less quit all support but recommended a few groups on Facebook! I do now find it a valuable resource. Obviously the village page is a must . We have a Facebook page for the setting- which the parents find hilarious as I'm so useless at adding bits etc. There a some really good early years support groups on there.
  2. I'm with silver birch for 4 x
  3. We started doing the drop off/chuck em out at the very start (re- one of the first deaths was in our locality) - this actually worked really well for us and the parents loved it! I think in Denmark some of the things in place are- Small classes- with social distancing in place (not sure how that works for us, but that said 'school' starts later in Denmark and maybe they're not talking the younger age? I haven't looked into that. The picture I saw had the desks all separated) staggered start times, to aid social distancing, and dropped of at door. Resources minimised and washed twice daily. hand washing hourly? (I might have made that one up!) Temperatures taken at regular intervals. Lots of outdoors - but in small groups rather than all out together.
  4. I think Essex is the next biggest . I know it was a one point, and we had a death in our local hospital very early on. Essex LOVES to rent out empty office blocks for housing overflows from London boroughs. They are disgusting places that no-one should be housed in , I'm sure this can't help the situation in Essex - the poor people are in one room, often with shared facilities.
  5. Just looked it up, and it seems they went into administration mid December So the closing sale down sale that's been going for three months was real.
  6. Have you seen the restrictions Denmark has in place? Only 10 children to a room - we'd be stuffed as we only have one big room- even if my other previous option went ahead it would be one MUCH smaller room.
  7. I'm jittery - our setting is being used for emergency rest area. Although I'm not sure this has actually been put into action yet. Not sure what will happen if we can re-open if they still need it though? There is another hall, very near that we could possibly use- but I would need to get ofsted approval first I have read somewhere that Ofsted are doing 'photo' reviews etc for registration visits, but not sure how quick they'd be able to approve anything.
  8. I kept getting those emails- I thought it was some kind of marketing ploy
  9. Yay I got them all right apart from the Compaq one - I thought it might have been the Q on the back of my car!
  10. I think I have all but number 2 - and I might possibly know that if I got up and looked at something I own
  11. I totally forgot toffee crisps existed - which is funny as I love them! Pleased to say it did well in this one 17/20 I had star bar as 16, but couldn't get 4 or 7.
  12. I just started these
  13. I have 16 for a star bar- but its about the only one on there I don't like, so very possibly wrong.
  14. I had 17 as the new shape caramel ?
  15. yes me too, thought I had 15- fudge finger, but on closer inspection it seem to have a lower layer
  16. I'm feeling the need to do essential shopping for research purposes! (just kidding I should add!)....... Although this does make me think. I just had to post a letter for work- is this 'going out for work reasons' or part of my daily exercise allowance?
  17. Good- because I've just printed a couple off- and posted to our neighbourhood quiz group
  18. Well I think I've got all apart from 4 and 7. Can't work out which one number 9 is! This is more my kind of quiz
  19. Well I know that's wrong ..... I've got to use those BID.... things haven't I
  20. I'm rubbish at these too!
  21. Don't feel bad, We all understand.
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