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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. You've put that very politely ......... So some people can get to pay no rates and get 10K I can quiet honestly see why people in that category should then use all funding for wages.
  2. Everyone is making chocolate cake today - one of our children has just sent me a picture of the ones he made today
  3. Sounds about right
  4. Not sure who qualifies to be honest, but I know we don't. We're only a small preschool with 6 staff.
  5. Have people been able to claim the 10k grant? Obviously that would make a big difference then.
  6. And who pays the rent?
  7. And that just made my head hurt!
  8. I actually cannot understand anything that's just been said there. .
  9. It's all getting beyond a joke. We have neither payroll services, or an accountant. It's just us winging it. I'm going for furloughing one staff member at 80%. If we've got it wrong and have to pay money back- as long as we've got they can have it back, if not we'll have gone under anyway! I've thought for years that many early years setting are not wanted by the Government anyway- and they'd rather have schools running everything. I think they might be getting their wish come true soon.
  10. It's just her competitive nature......
  11. Happy birthday to Mr Panders... Cake looks lovely... but what is on the top middle ?
  12. Well it wasn't the Sound of Music !.... I still haven't got over the lonely goatherd being missing from the show
  13. I think he went to Venice on holiday once?
  14. Look... I've already explained I'm not competitive person, ......,.... and don't always follow the clues!
  15. I don't think he was RAF anyway
  16. (I may have already said this ?) I was going to pay 80% when this very first started (we were on high alert early) I based this on the likelihood of us returning after half-term. About 20-25 % are fee paying- this actually surprised me as I would have said less. Once we are passed the half term mark it will start to effect our funds. My thinking is I have 5 staff, so I could do 20% each, or my one staff at 80% ... which actually works out less- but easier on paperwork! If we had more I would have carried on paying our rent and other services we use, but that option has gone now.
  17. Douglas Barder. (He was stationed down the road from where I live )
  18. This is completely doing my head in. I'm actually thinking I always work at least one over ratio. Therefore I member of staff is extra and technically not being paid out of funding -so I can just claim for that member one of staff. That would save doing a small percentage off each staff member? (which works out more or less the same)
  19. I love how these things bring out the completeness in people I must be the least competitive person in the world, and I love being in my own little world
  20. I need wine Actually I think there is a good 1956 wine? ...
  21. I can see the thinking, it's the mixed messages and short notice that's annoying. We're a not for profit anyway, even if we did end up with a slight profit it would have gone to a good cause anyway. For us it was more to ensure we would still have funds to open in September. Hopefully we will be ok, but this is the first year we've actually had a small(very) amount of reserves, but fingers crossed it will be enough. Luckily this September is the first time we've had higher than normal numbers starting- just hope they don't all change there minds, AND the worst of this is over by September and parents have the confidence to send their children in.
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