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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Happy Birthday Zigzag. I actually love this cake I handed my husband a Betty Crocker packet mix and suggested he tried making it- you'd have think I'd offered him a time bomb. He chucked it down and said he need to do something in garden..... a day later and some trellis I've be asking for for 2 years suddenly appeared
  2. exactly !
  3. The top of the document is dated: 21 April 2020 It's this bit that slightly worries me after last week. I think it might mean we could lose funding but go back to needing to furloughing staff
  4. I just had an email to say it keeps crashing it took me quite a while to finally complete it.
  5. Oh I'm impressed with my self1 I check the link worked and it went straight to the funding section.
  6. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures?fbclid=IwAR3VVy4Hvz_lEq-fDSe7R8UppdgZZlQZeB-zoibsQui08dznlFNOQaHkgvE#funding If you scroll down it's under the heading "Funding" As I say a really hope it means to LA part of funding rather than the FEEE. I shouldn't really add this to the Friday Fun Thread.
  7. Sunnyday I know you're of a certain age like me. Not sure about you, but I'm beginning to take this personally ... 1st- they took our pensions, 2nd- they lay strict restrictions on the funding - they seem to have forgotten our fixed costs rents etc 3rd- On the 21st the department of education announces LA can redirect funding if they need to. With regards to point three, I think (I bl**dy hope!) they are actually refuring to the LAs own training pot of money. Quite honestly I'm about ready to walk away from all this, I've had enough mentally- worrying about children and staff for very little personal reward (well apart from happy staff and children)... maybe I'll just retire then, after all I am of a certain age - no wait! I can't -they too that option from me first!!!
  8. If it's the one I saw at weekend (well I think it was the weekend but not sure anymore, even the government think we don't deserve weekend - re Friday night bombshell) That evening Gove categorically stated this would not be happing. (but I guess that means nothing either really)
  9. No, but he does look it!
  10. angelo mayu (bad spelling!)
  11. Not sure, I just get a feeling it will happen quite quickly/suddenly . Personally much as I'd like to see the children/families again, I feel for our age group it should be September. Our set-ups are not like many of our European counterparts, most of those I'm sure are purpose built kindergarten buildings.
  12. At the moment none of mine a furloughed. I'm giving it a week or so and may sign up one staff member. I think we'll all be going back soon anyway. As I said on another post- I think the government are making it as hard as possible for us to stay closed for very long.
  13. Well if they look on a bank statement for my income in February it's going to be zero Fee's paid first two weeks in Jan, funding paid in jan and march..... maybe I'm missing at trick here, and I can claim loadsa money
  14. I think we may be going back sooner than we think I think the whole turnabout re JRS etc has been fuelled by the government making it harder for settings to stay closed.
  15. Not looked, I'm just think ahead. We all agreed the 80% at the beginning, so I'm sticking with. We could possibly do 100%, but if this goes on until September we could be in trouble. I have said we will look into making up to full pay once this is over and if we can afford it. In my mind I will only be doing it with those who completed ALL the online training and other bits and pieces asked of them.
  16. I wanted to say that, but needed to look up the spelling!
  17. I might end up furloughing our least paid member of staff. Just doing one rather than everyone for small amounts. I'm treating all staff the same as they are getting 80% paid. I did set a few tasks for them to do whilst still on full pay- and told them I expected all done before we returned, but it was up to them when they do it. The work set could easily be done within the the paid two weeks though!. I did also ask everyone to make a few suggestions for ideas/activities to add to our Facebook page- and I am disappointed that only one has responded -and send a couple of ideas a week ... strangely she is the only one that has younger children at home that need more help with schoolwork!
  18. We're playing for pints now ? I'll start taking it more seriously now then!
  19. I mean why would it? ... Why would they make anything simple for us?
  20. Thank you for adding that I had a quick look and input a few numbers and it worked. I then went in the garden for some much needed distraction and forgot to post straight away.
  21. True, but is a very big country and all the families always seem to have a few sheep and goats running around. That's my outside box thinking. And Wales and New Zealand had already gone, fogot about Australia - and I ruled Russia out as it has a lot of very cold places
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