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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Just seen you're in Hertfordshire - if I sneezed my covid germs (if I had any) could almost land in Hertfordshire
  2. I can't get any sound on zigzags video but it looks so sweet. It reminded me of once when were in America and a man got on a train with a small baby. He looked a bit distracted and not interested in the baby, promptly sat down and got out his iPod (long time ago) put the headphone on and started fiddling about. Typical I thought!..... however he then picked up baby and gently popped one earpiece in the baby and they spent the rest of the journey snuggled up and extracting beautifully . It reminded me not to be so judgmental one what I first see.
  3. Can't believe it's Friday again already. To be honest apart from the whole 'will you/won't you.. reopen/stay closed' stresses for the last few weeks, I'm actually settling rather well into this new routine. I'm now feeling a lot less stressed. We had a (social distanced) meeting with my daughter and granddaughter - we have had a lot of the baby's bits stored here from when they moved to a 'doer-upper'. They were hoping to get quite a lot done before needing the bits, well the building work didn't happen and poor baby is developing so fast she really needed some of the stuff we had here. (not to mention the clothes- we had most of the 3-6 myths, and she's 4mths today ) We dropped off stuff, had a quick chat from a distance, I really couldn't stay long as all I wanted to hug both of them , so made it short and sharp just encase I cracked and got upset. That was Wednesday, it's the first time I actually been 'out' since 20th March- and was surprised by the amount of traffic on road - seemed like a normal day! Although that even it was announced that there had been a jump int traffic! (I felt a bit bad them about my trip ) I was finally able to get the replacement food processor so have been playing with that a bit. Was told by LA we had to phone EVERY parent AT LEAST once a week.... mulled that one over and decided I would do what I needed to do, and not what they thought I needed to do! I'm get a bit sick of being told what to do with my own business, I know my needy and vulnerable families - and it's certainly not ALL of them only one, possibly two, the rest will have the constant informal communication that they all seem to enjoy and respond well to. Oh and I made some masks I didn't want any payment and she gave me a bottle of wine and some chocolate - that made me very happy
  4. Same here. I still interested what will happen is they force us to open and we can't re: the hall being used by emergency services. Who get top priority?...because I know who I think does! I asked my advisor this very question - which funnily enough she didn't answer! If fact she totally ignored it and just told me I had to keep in all of my parents weekly, with no mention of my issues.
  5. Me too. Just started second book.
  6. I'm trying to look on the positive side. I think this might be a worst case scenario - like during the war when they requenished reared....... when they took over larges house to help run the war effort.
  7. Yep.... that pretty much sums me up!
  8. 'We own you, and we WILL control you ' comes to mind
  9. That made me chuckle. My dear late mother-in-law had a stroke. She had all her faculties but was left with dysphasia - her answer to all question was 'thirty-one-tie' I got a bag of flour this week (I'm now waiting the for long awaited new food processor to come)
  10. Yes, like you say we all know our families and the ones we need to make the extra effort with.
  11. It's definitely the will we/won't we that I find the most draining too. We've heard from our LA today they expect us to keep in contact with parents 'at least' once a week. I can't decide whether or not to buy all my staff 'burner phones' so we can spread the load..... but then if we're back soon it's a waste of money . To be honest my parents all seem quite fine and happy, we encourage the use of our Facebook page which we add to most days, and we do get feedback from them. I feel that I'm nagging them if I keep phoning - we know our parents well, and know which like the phone calls etc.
  12. A Word 2016!!!!! I thought it was only last year
  13. We didn't bother washing all our toys, my thoughts well they were all going to have at least 72 hours non-use, and they'd probably need a wash when we came back anyway. I did bring all the soft items home though and have washed all of those. This has reminded me that my car is actually stacked up with clean dressing up etc, plus a big box of hand towels that I got at discount rate a couple of weeks ago. It feels weirder now the weather has changed. I kept thinking we were just in the summer holidays whilst it was warm and sunny.
  14. poldark downton abby Disclaimer I haven't a clue if they are bbc or not.
  15. It's on standby, and luckily not been used yet ... fingers crossed it won't be needed. The hall I was thinking we might have been able to use (subject to ofsted) has however now become a temporary bloody testing centre for the vulnerable so that do not need to visit the hospital.
  16. I'm thinking of venturing out to setting too. I sort of need some paperwork, not 100% essential but would make my life easier, but also I feel I need to check our breadsticks out We often get squirrels in our loft space, not usually a problem as we keep most foods in a plastic box- however the breadsticks normally are used daily, so have never created a problem. Under normal circumstance they would not be any left during holidays etc. I'm now thinking the halls been so quite the squirrel may have attacked them!!.
  17. Guess I'm the only lazy one that just buys the tins of ready made caramel..... can't be boiling up the tins of condensed milk
  18. I can't believe how happy I am .... I'm feeling like the preverbal pig in .......
  19. Yay! The food processor I wanted is back in stock! I can join the cake brigade (Well I do know I could have joined in making cakes by hand - but I wanted that processor... and hopefully my cabbage is still fine for the long missed coleslaw)
  20. I genuinely think that having the virus has made him more wary. I though he sounded a bit choked-up when he was talking about the importance of keeping lockdown for a bit longer. ( I heard the full speech on radio 4, not seen it on TV)
  21. Wow, such a lovely story. That really is a lockdown memory worth keeping. Did you do it via zoom? can you get the transcript ?
  22. Don't put channel 5 on then
  23. Haven't a clue, but I'm getting hungry now
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