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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Can't do a crying emoji ....... I just want a plan
  2. We were already part way with the drop/off pick ups before closure - so sunny days part will work extend on this. As I've said before most of out parents actually loved the drop and run option surprisingly enough. I might go with some kind of statement about the children not being able to social distance themselves - but then the government keep saying 'they don't think' young children can pass it on. I'm not going to try and not think about it anymore until Thursday - and we know know the government like to drop ***** usually late on a Friday night - so I guess they'll at least give us an extra day's notice this week as its a bank holiday weekend! We'll probably all be expected to open first thing Monday morning
  3. I would like to have have our school leaver back. Although that creates it's own financial issue as none of those are fee payers!
  4. I'm thinking of putting something like sheep pens all around the room...... when the whistles blows all pens get cleaned down and the children more onto to the next pen!! Seriously , I haven't a clue how we will manage it- I image the minute the children see their old friends it will be a massive 'free-for-all-mega- fug-hug' anyway!
  5. Thank-you, I thought it might be that. What (if any) tier do you get classed in? Are you within school grounds?
  6. What's a three tier system ? Please x
  7. Swimming pool chemicals. Could we use those for water play? I haven't a clue what size/quantities they come in though!
  8. And with no sand, water or playdough how are we going to keep them happy
  9. Someone, mentioned the younger age group including preschool in one of the briefings this week- stating they are lower risk as they are brought in directly by parents many walking etc. The problem with older children being they are more independently mobile use public transport/school buses etc so harder to control movements/contacts.
  10. I've planted up a whole bunch of random seeds that came from my late dad's shed - plant-by dates vary from 1985 - 2019. I'm interested to see what happens.
  11. Sounds like a good idea. If the child's starting School could be used for uniform? We only have one I'm not sure what to do about it. No-one knows why the child gets it- and mum felt a bit insulted to be honest. We think it was claimed with his previous pre-school without consulting parents! (she left there as she wasn't happy with his care there). We have been using it for an extra lunch sessions, as the child wants for nothing, stable family life, (both parents) meeting and above goals etc. Not sure how this works if we're closed- but I guess I could argue that we may have to reopen anytime?
  12. I just want to thank the FSF team again for these wonderful resources - they have been a life saver for me
  13. Deliveroo doesn't do my area .... yes I went away and actually looked it up. I'm thinking putting a shout-out for kitkats on the village Facebook page is a bit off ? I was given a bar of dairy milk today though
  14. Well I should get a good quick drive , as I think the bridge crossing is quite quiet at the mo
  15. To be honest the constant cleaning throughout out the day worries me a little. One mentioned on facebook that the setting was beginning to smell like a swimming pool Surely that can't be good with little ones around?. Have a good week-end everyone, I have chocolate and wine, so I will enjoy I will not read anything early year related until Monday. (except on here of course ) xx
  16. ....and I really want a kit-kat now...
  17. That's fantastic. Put's my lemon drizzle and blueberry muffins to shame.
  18. And it is Friday... so watch out around 7ish tonight!
  19. Me too re; phone calls! We seem to do a mix of text, email and Facebook - and everyone seems happy with that.
  20. Same here, and I totally agree re funding.
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