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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. https://dustandthings.com/products/covid-ppe-visors-pack-of-10?fbclid=IwAR1slU_qCwX09U_1-lAvwYKJ7afrKjU34XQ2GGvJeDEUjILsF8v09Pq2aXc And another thing- Schools will be able to claim a cleaning grant! Us lot have to scrabble around amazon/ebay etc!
  2. Face shields. I"ve got 10 for £10 from a not for profit organisation. This will be for emergencies only- and probably will just end up as a resources in what will become a new role-play area when this is all over I will try and find the link, or name of company.
  3. I told my staff yesterday we would have meeting next Monday at 10.30- they all replied back with ok. My problem is the first one to reply within minutes- is the one member of staff that I have to tell she can't work She is not going to be happy when I tell her. She meets at least three of the vulnerable criteria list + plus her husband has serious heart problems. She can't wait to get back . To be honest so far I have had very little response back from parents, 2 -straight away (not surprised) 4- maybe, but respect our choice either way. I have the feeling most of ours want to be told we're closed...... that way the decision has been taken away fro them.
  4. The powers above us are scrutinising documents with a fine tooth comb to find a reason for us not to open. Works both ways, they don't really want us to open as they are having enough trouble policing the park as it is, and we'd love a reason not to open
  5. Which is precisely we will possibly open the 8th or 15th at the very earliest.
  6. We're the same as you, one room. We have no proper outside area so we are starting very slowly two short mornings a week, transitions only. Also we will start on the 8th at the very earliest. I'm not getting into the whole will/will not open debacle a couple of days ahead. No RA written yet, waiting to see what LA or gov come up with first.
  7. Look, as I posted somewhere here....... I got a large bottle of Pimms in a sub for a small one today.... I'm not really a drinker ....but....
  8. Have a look in this thread, lots of sharing of ideas
  9. If I can open (still waiting for a reply from town clerk) we will start back possibly the second week. I'm not prepared for the last minute will they/won't they business! We will open for school leavers only, if it goes well we may then consider opening to others. sessions will 1.5-2 hours only. Two days a week. (possibly adding a third day depending) Will will finish mid July. so around 5 weeks max. I have a floor plan that will be sent to parents, as I'm pretty sure that think it's going to be just like before we closed, so they may be in for a shock. Basically we have 6. pig pens Zones, three will be in use at anyone time, 3 being cleaned before children swap around in their bubble groups. We only have a very tiny outside area that we know we can use and that will be included as a zone. One circuit, snack and home. Feel calmer now we have a plan. Its been discussed with deputy, and we have an socially distanced staff meeting Monday for full staff input. I will not think about it anymore.
  10. Ohwww edgy and out there... I like that.
  11. I'm sure I heard similar before
  12. what is the tradition method, and if it turns out that's what I'm doing what it the modern method please ?
  13. Sorry I haven't a clue or helpful answer other that claim the most you think you can, you can always pay it back £2 week over they next however many years if they say you've over claimed. I gave up even trying to claim for any. I've made a plan for opening, not sure the parents will like it- just sent it to my deputy. We will be doing short sessions only, in answer to my questionnaire they all ticked that box as an option. If it turns out well we can always extend. I'm not really a drinker. I enjoy the odd glass of wine etc. My husband has just come in and said 'what the heck is this that's just come" holding up a large bottle of Pimms! He was shocked that I'd actually purchased random alcohol - I told him I was getting tequila next as it's a nice word to keep saying. Note- I only ordered a small bottle - but the wonderful people a Tesco subbed it for a large bottle......... I guess they know I work in childcare
  14. I agree, our problem is - which is actually a sort of nice problem in an ironic way - all our feedback it that they have total trust us to do the right thing.
  15. Snap! I have sort of made the decision not to open - and if they take back any funding, we'll close in September and my life will be sorted! I then decided I would prioritise my school leavers, and offer perhaps one, possibly two days a week- but this would be a max two hour session. I have today 'played the game' and sent out a very politically correct unbiased questionnaire on our Facebook page -two answered yes they want to come back within minutes! That said- both of those parents also ticked the box say they would be happy with a shorter 'parents respite session', and due to our set up of no direct outside area, I think its long as staff are willing, this is the route we will be taking. The trouble is I believe parents think it will be nice for the children to socialise and see their friends again- without actually realising 'seeing friends' from a distance is just about all that will be happening!
  16. Yes, but it only effects 2 of ours, and we are not their main setting anyway.
  17. I would certainly go with this. If we do open it will will be mornings only, as doing doing a full day 6+ plus hours following current 'distancing' guidelines would be tantamount to child cruelty in our set up! One room, no outside area.
  18. Me too! Well, out Town Council are not happy about it- we're in a park, and the park is our outdoor space. According to them the park is becoming a 'free for all, out of hand mess' . I've not actually been to check, but was told it is very busy 100s of dogs all the time!. They are now considering our case- but have been told we would not be able to use the actual park area now for safety reasons. Note: we get on well with the park team- so I trust them.
  19. Moving on from my last post, I am now waiting for confirmation that we can open. The landlords have said yes (scouts) but have said we're mad to do so- and that's coming from a community paediatric nurse. Now waiting for the town park to confirm- as the park is actually our outside area, and they may not want 'businesses' running from the park,... or use of carpark. (obviously we can get over that bit- but not sure if parents will be happy leaving 4x4 at home on drive while they walk!) Added to this: Should there be another 'spike' our hall goes to priority use by emergency services- but I guess if a spike happened we'd go back into lockdown anyway, so I don't think this really a problem- but I guess I should make parents aware. On the plus side, if we do open at least we won't have to pack-away each day
  20. Is anyone actually taking the conscious decision not to open until September? I am having an outdoor SD meeting with staff Monday to discuss our options and to gauge feelings etc. I can fully understand the need for full year 'daycare' to need to start fully opening- but we are a pack-away term time with very few working parents. The couple parents that do work share their childcare with us, and their with 'fit, healthy younger grandparents'. Personally I think those children would be better looked after them in their own safe family bubble - but I'm no expert. I know this isn't allowed- but paid childcare is nannies/childminders form tomorrow. At the moment I am thinking of just offering a few sessions for children that would be leaving for school. We have a more or less 50/50 split for our two main feeder schools, so would spilt the children this way. When I see reliable scientific advice confirming children are not super spreaders I will change my view point. Why are children given flu vaccines when they rarely get flu?
  21. I came across this letter on Facebook. I have passed it on to my parents as I feel it comes it all more eloquently than I ever could.
  22. I did just post this on another thread, but I'll add it here too. Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings - GOV.U.pdf
  23. And another document! Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings - GOV.U.pdf
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