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louby loo

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Everything posted by louby loo

  1. Or a plastic paper pocket using glasses arms threaded through the holes. Actually I'm pretty sure with this method the children would think you were just being silly rather than using PPE
  2. No.... I worry when you don't post!
  3. I'm sitting trying to write my letter saying we will not be opening 1st June regardless. My brain can't seem to word it- I think its worn out I want to explain we may offer 1.5 hours sessions if things are going in the right direction. We have no outside area - well we have a very small 'take your skin off area' which with current guidelines 4/5 children could use at any one time. Sunnyday- did you send a letter to each family ?
  4. Personally, I would think the risk is low on an outside sandpit. Unless the child has sensory issues (and you would which children these are) sand is just about the one thing that they don't voluntarily put in the their mouths. So as long as they can- and do actually wash hands straight after playing.
  5. So...... that would be the ones our LA advisors have have asking us to get rid of ASAP then, the ones with no "play value'... (Well that's what mine told me!)
  6. I wish they would just admit that that is what they want/need. They keep on about education, education, education....... yet they site Denmark that actually starts formal education at an older age! Not to mention its a country that never really had a big issue with covic19 unlike us.
  7. snot bubbles !
  8. I'm now incredibly hungry, just tried to get my husband to go the the incredibly expensive local organic farm shop and buy cake - he said no
  9. Wow, I was out almost three hours walking and talking. It was good to have someone to talk to in real life about the situation rather than just myself and you lot . My deputy has come up with a good plan, and I'm going to let her run it if she wants - subject to insurance etc. Mind you we've only had a response from 8 children possibly wanting it and 5 def nots.
  10. My sentiments entirely ! I am now off for a walk and talk with deputy. On Monday all staff meeting 6 of us. I am not returning - if they wish to go ahead I will fully support their needs and will do the admin side. But I am not setting foot in setting once open to children. My own family comes first I'm afraid. I was worried that you have been so quite the last few days, I was worried you may have had problems ... glad is was just you keeping stum
  11. That's worrying
  12. Its things like this that a winding people up. I told my daughter she could pay me to look after the baby while she did our payroll
  13. The changes Updated guidance for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus outbreak The DfE has updated its previous guidance for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus outbreak. The main changes include: updated links to new and revised guidance a new section clarifying the position on welcoming all children back to early years settings from 1 June clarification on the responsibilities for settings and local authorities in relation to safeguarding (section 3) information regarding testing for essential workers (section 6.4) link to guidance on free early education entitlements added (section 5.1) information for parents on temporary changes to the 30 hours free early education entitlements (section 5.2) revised recommendations on the use of Personal Protective Equipment (section 6.2) further information on safeguarding requirements during this period (section 7.8) information on when can childminders can reopen to more children (section 10.5)
  14. Have they been like it all the time? or are they thinking - well I'm expected to look after other peoples children, so I'm going to see my friends.
  15. Step away from the computer !
  16. My SIL's father in law died yesterday, 97 but not covic related, anyway they have been visiting to check him every Thursday, and do go in and sit with him for an hour or so. They are both 70+ with their own issues so they don't leave their house any other time anyway. Luckily yesterday they were there yesterday when he fell out of bed, they had to call the paramedics who arrived very quickly and got him back into bed, but he then quickly went down hill and died shortly after. At least he had his family with him. Very hard to support family both young and old in these strange times. At least SIL's husband was an only child, and they themselves have no children, so the funeral would have been very quite anyway, no sure what the current allowance is - if 10 it should be ok for most of us to go.
  17. I'm pretty sure there is not much difference - some how I got to see it on the download page where they add notes of the updates. Ok so it may have been around 3am when I saw it but I do remember thinking it was only a very minor change.
  18. Glad you've had a good day I've been worried about you as you've been quiet. From next week my granddaughter is distant visiting Mon,Weds and Fridays. She said if I'm expecting to go to work then she's distant visiting I'm glad because I think this has had quite an effect on my daughters mental health, now she's actually made a plan. It must be so hard for new mums at the moment . My neighbours (other side to the elderly one) have just become grandparents. Their daughter had her baby on the 16th April- it was all pretty traumatic with no visitors, and total isolation for the new parents that they have made the decision to move back home, so the new mum can now have some support in the early weeks.
  19. We have a local sewing group doing this type of thing, but I find it a bit confusing to be honest. Our local hospital -which has had the one of the most deaths in our county believe- actually had to put out a request for people to stop making them things The group seem happy enough making scrubs and masks out of old sheets and duvets for local care homes etc. But the local carers by us seem to have the blue paper masks anyway. We see a lot of carers visiting my road. I'm one the 'young ones' and I'm pretty old! From an (ex) professional point of view, I know the basic non sterile scrubs could be made very quickly and easily in a factory. I have the feeling we could have a glut of these things unused in a few months time.
  20. If anyone here wants a basic pleated one I'm happy to make them one. The other 'Olson' type are easy to make but sometimes you need to adjust for a more personal fit- but I can make them if preferred.
  21. Keep practicing I have made a few, not masses as I'm not sure how much homemade are actually wanted by hospitals etc. Anyway, I've made a few and each one is an improvement of fit from the previous one. I have a selection of shapes/styles and have given to friends etc. One thing I will say is- we've (husband is my test dummy) worked out the best ties are actually cut strips of t-shirt fabric, softer than elastic.
  22. Well, almost forget it's Friday Only good things on this thread Today I tried the 'mocking' from the sewing bee last week. I was actually quite nice. (nothing on proper hand smocking but interesting to do). I managed to make a small dress with it. Planned a walk with friend tomorrow obviously we will SD, but it will be good to chat again. Have a good weekend everyone
  23. I would NOT be happy with checking texts etc whilst on the floor.
  24. Not an expert on this watches- but can they turn those function off, just leaving time and step counter? If they are so worried about steps could you buy them all a cheap step counter. .... I'm sure you must be able to link them up to add the steps to the main device at the end of day? I would not be happy with checking texts etc whilst on the floor.
  25. I was on some kind of zoom meeting last night with a solicitor chappie- and he said exactly that. It is guidance only, and it is the HSE we are answerable to in this scenario. They pointed out the HSE is expecting you to put safety of employee and uses above any other 'guidance' given, and you should be fully documenting any staff concerns. I did put the £1 face shields up earlier- but not sure if it actually posted x
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